Wuchen shook his head with a wry smile and said, "You look too high on the two of us, right? We are just lovers of historical relics, just helping to collect cultural relics, not biologists, nor historians! "

After hearing this, Dr. Matthews looked up helplessly.

Say, "Really found nothing?"

Wuchen nodded with a wry smile and said, "I really didn't find anything. If we find it, we will definitely tell me 40. Only a doctor is a professional, and we are just fighting. Now I want a doctor, you Go back to rest first, otherwise, we will have nothing to do when we leave tomorrow..."

After hearing this, Dr. Matthews said with a disappointed look on his face: "Okay!"

After saying that, he turned and left.

Wuchen closed the door helplessly.

At this time, Jackie Chan said with a wry smile: "This old doctor is really very energetic, but we haven't found the spell now, what should we do? Now, it's a big problem!"

When Wuchen heard this, he said with a distressed face: "It's troublesome now, I don't know who took it, and I don't know what to do!"

There was a bit of helplessness in his words, who took it away?Is it the little snake that has always been present in the plot!

But it shouldn't be, he himself came earlier than Xiao She, how could he get it first?This unscientific!

When Wuchen thought so.

Jackie Chan said with a wry smile: "Now we want to go back, go back to San Francisco, or continue to stay here, now we can't find it, it seems that there will be trouble staying here, and those gang leaders seem to have discovered us. Will I be in trouble if I live here?"

Wuchen said to himself: "What's so scary about the gangsters, it's the people of the Holy Master that are scary!"

he thought so

He sighed and said, "What's so scary about that group of people, the scary thing is that it's your group of people last night. Those guys are not as simple as ordinary humans. They have the Black Shadow Legion and the power of the Holy Lord!"

As soon as he said this, Jackie Chan was taken aback and said quickly, "Yes, then what should I do? What if they come to the door?"

Wuchen sighed and said: "The only way now is to find a way to kill them, or we find other spells first, and then go back to San Francisco, because we can't find their exact location now, if we are entangled with them here If we get up, it will delay our search for other spells, and the only way is to get rid of them first!"

Jackie Chan said with a wry smile: "But they are like dog skin plaster, they will definitely stick very tightly..."

Wuchen sighed and said, "Forget it, I'll go down to eat first, are you hungry?"

Jackie Chan shook his head, full of worries, which made him feel hungry. He smiled bitterly and said, "I'm not hungry, but you can bring me a bowl of noodles!"

Wuchen nodded and said, "Okay!"

After his words came out, he slowly walked downstairs, and soon he went downstairs.

Walking on the street and searching for the night scene in Mexico City is really beautiful, and there are also many foreigners walking on the street, which is a beautiful scenery line.

Wuchen walked slowly, and soon, he frowned, because he felt that there seemed to be someone around him, but he didn't see it at all, why is this happening?

With this thought in his heart, he slowly walked towards a noodle restaurant.

After ordering a bowl of noodles, I ate it sparsely.

Even when he was eating noodles, he felt as if someone beside him was watching him, and he felt very uncomfortable.

He sighed, and immediately closed his eyes slowly, and then opened his eyes slightly, all of them turned white.

This is the white eye he uses specially!

As soon as the white eyes appeared, they immediately found things that could not be seen around. Although there were no ghosts in this world, they could see invisible things!

For example, not far from his left hand, the little snake that has used the snake charm to become invisible!

Wuchen looked at the little snake in front of him with a smile on his face.

The little snake was wearing a tight suit at this time, and at the same time, the snake charm was obviously obtained in the pyramid before.

Wuchen snorted, and after eating the noodles, stood up and gave the money and walked out.

Not as he expected.


The little snake was the one who followed him. Why was this woman so interested in him?There was a bit of guesswork on his face, but he didn't say anything and left.

Slowly he came to a hutong and plunged into it.

The little snake also followed in doubt, at this moment.

Wuchen said coldly: "Oh, the little beauty dares to follow me, this is interesting, but I really want to ask why you follow me? Why? I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation. Oh!" ..

120, come to the door [fifth more]

As soon as the little snake heard this, he turned around abruptly and found that the alley was blocked by a dirt wall.

At this time, Wuchen slowly put his hand down, he was making a seal just now.

He said coldly: "Why do you dare to come to me after stealing the spell? I'm really curious about your courage!"

After hearing this, the little snake snorted and said, "Can't you? Can't I find you!"

As soon as he said that, he rushed forward.

He rushed forward, and his body became invisible again in an instant.

The corners of Wuchen's mouth couldn't help but outline a smile. If this woman uses this trick on others, she really can't help herself. It's a pity that her eyes can see her invisible!

A faint smile appeared on his face.

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