When the words came out, Jackie Chan said with a wry smile: "Okay, Dad..."

The old man on the side also nodded and said, "Father, this old bone really needs some energy to continue working!"

At this time, everyone had almost packed their things, and it was time to eat. A group of people were full of joy and quickly walked onto the street.

Slowly on the street.

And this time.

Just as everyone was about to move forward, they came to a rather secluded small street.

Only through this small street can you go to another street.

That's where you can eat.

At this time, everyone walked on the secluded small street with a bit of vigilance in their eyes.

Wuchen came to this city, and at the same time he also knew the laws of this city!

This journey naturally looks very safe, but it is actually very dangerous, especially at night, when there are a lot of rogues, mainly the homeless!

Not only that, it's not just unemployed people, more people are smuggled in, and there are many refugees!

What they love so much is robbing people at night, which is a bad thing in this city!

Everyone was walking on a small secluded street, and at this moment, an English voice with a strong African accent appeared behind him: "Hi, hello, I just need some money to spend here!"

After saying this, everyone turned their heads to look.

What I saw at once was a black man with curly hair dressed in a hip-hop style.

He had a friendly smile on his face, but he was holding a knife in his hand, a shiny knife!

The light of the knife reflected through the moonlight, and a cold smile appeared on his face.

And at this moment, Wuchen turned back coldly and said, "Oh? Really? But I don't like to lend money to others!"

His words came out of his mouth coldly, and at the same time there was a bit of inexplicable murderousness on his body. He hated these people, hated these bastards, and hated these guys who do nothing wrong!

At this time, the man smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will let you agree to lend me the money!"

When his words came out, he blew the whistle immediately, and at this moment, many thugs rushed out from all directions.

Those people are East Asians, Europeans, Africans, all kinds of races, all of them are wearing strange clothes, or they have a lot of metal elements on their bodies, or they are only wearing shorts that are similar to underwear. , and there are both genders, and a large group of people gathered at once.

Wuchen said coldly: "What do you want?"

Jackie Chan immediately took a deep breath and said, "I'm sorry, if you want to do this, we'll call the police!"

Jackie Chan is not a person who wants to cause trouble, or in his values, he never thought of doing things completely but leaving some room for them, and this group of people are all eating in the nearest street. , If you offend them all, it will be difficult for your own store to operate.

The curly-haired man in the lead said lightly: "I'm sorry, you can't do this, you need to take out all the money on your body, enough for me and my brothers and friends to eat something, we are all hungry. Yelling, hungry cooing people will devour everything like beasts!"

Wuchen didn't give them a chance, just rushed out and kicked suddenly!

This kick flew out with great force, and at the same time kicked the curly-haired man in the face.

When no one could react, the kick immediately hit the man, and the man's face was kicked crookedly, and with a bang, he was kicked out!

He was kicked out with a look of astonishment on his face. He couldn't understand what was going on. He stood up slowly in the trash can, supporting his face that was kicked crookedly. At this time, the gangsters were scared. Jumping, they all brought out terrified eyes.

Wuchen loosened his feet and said coldly: "Do you want to die? If you don't want to die, just get out of the way. You know, many people in our country like to practice kung fu, and I happen to be be one of them!"

When a group of people were stunned, I saw a girl with silver-dyed hair, hot shorts, white legs, and long boots under her feet, and immediately smashed her father with an iron rod. !

The girl had exaggerated makeup on her face, and her silver hair was tied in a ponytail, like a clown girl.

He took the iron rod and smashed it at Dad.

At this time, how could Jackie Chan turn over immediately, and kicked out suddenly, the iron rod was kicked crooked, and at the same time, the woman with makeup like a clown was frightened. After a dozen steps, he stared blankly at his hands and froze.

And the group of people who were shocked at this moment, how dare they come forward to grab something, all of them shouted quickly, and ran to other places at the same time, their eyes involuntarily revealed that A bit of horror, all of them can't believe and dare not be confident, these people have such strong power, because they themselves come from other places!

They must have come here only a day ago, and they were specially gathered.

The reason, of course, is because someone called them to come and make trouble.

And this time.

After the group of bastards left, Dad snorted, crossed his arms and said, "This group of damn bastards is really annoying to visit, let's go eat!"

After saying this, several people nodded, and at this time Xiaoyu's eyes were all staring!

A bit of desire could not help showing on his face, these two guys are very good in martial arts, if you can follow them to learn kung fu, it must be very good! ..

107, come to grab the spell [third more]

Involuntarily, Xiaoyu stared blankly at the bowl of chicken noodle soup in front of her, her mouth twitched twice, she complained loudly, "Why is it a Chinese restaurant again, and it's the Cantonese restaurant I often eat, why come to a Cantonese restaurant? ?"

After Jackie Chan heard these words, he said: "Xiaoyu, this is the Chinese restaurant we all like to eat, it's all our favorite food!"

Xiaoyu said angrily: "But, I'm from Hong Kong, and I've eaten enough Chinese food. I want to eat Western food, steak, and even Mexican tacos!"

As soon as he said this, Jackie Chan rolled his eyes and said, "Xiaoyu, don't make trouble. It would be nice to have chicken noodle soup here. What other tacos do you want!"

Xiaoyu was a little dissatisfied, but she still ate the noodles.

Xiaoyu eats as wildly as a boy.

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