Said: "I didn't..." ..

100, Xiaoyu [third more]


Time passed slowly.

Wuchen also worked in the store, and gradually for a week, it happened that Jackie Chan had already traveled to Bavaria within this week.

And the news is sent back, it is already coming back.

Wuchen has also adapted to the life here, and because of his strong learning ability, he has even learned a lot of English!

But his long hair is still tied in a high ponytail like a girl.

Although the clothes on his body have been changed into an ordinary suit.

But it still looks like a girl, or neutral

But it's purely from his face

At this moment.

It's already night time.

Wuchen and Daddy are about to close.

Just now.

Jackie Chan walked back slowly from outside the store with a helpless expression on his face.

There was a bitter look in his eyes.

He holds a large round yellow shield in his hand.

He walked slowly into the store.

Dad's face immediately showed a smile and said, "Jackie Chan, are you back?!"

Jackie Chan was stunned.

With a moved look on his face, he was about to step forward.

Dad walked directly in front of him, widened his eyes and crossed his hips and said, "Where's Dad's gift?!"

Jackie Chan was stunned, and quickly said: "This."

He directly handed over the yellow round shield in his hand.

The old man frowned in dissatisfaction immediately and said, "Bring me some strange things again, wait this is..."

When his words came out, he looked at the yellow round shield seriously, looked at it for a long time and said, "Is this the cultural relic?"

Jackie Chan nodded and smiled bitterly: "I almost lost my life! It was very dangerous to get it back..."

Wuchen smiled lightly and said, "Let me see..."

He stepped forward, and Dad handed the shield over.

Wuchen looked at the shield, and at the same time saw the spell inlaid in the center of the shield.

With a smile on his face, he said, "Interesting..."

He spoke his words and touched the shield.

At this moment, the old man's eyes lit up, and he said quickly, "Do you know what this is?"

Wuchen shook his head and nodded and said, "I heard about it before, it's an interesting thing, but when it's still certain, I must read the book."

He knew what it was, but he didn't say it at this time, or it was too suspicious to say it directly now, and he needed to find a book as a cover for himself.

At this time, the old man suddenly became curious, or he was particularly interested in these antiques, otherwise he would not open this shop.

Dad said loudly, "Then let's go!"

Soon the two of them walked directly to the back of the antique shop.

Wuchen flipped through the book next to the book. He read books very quickly, because he has a strong learning ability, so reading books at this time is not a problem.

He looked at those texts, and gradually understood from the books, this is a spell that can make objects and people stay in the air directly!

This is a very powerful spell!

Or it is a decree!

At the same time there is magic in it!

As long as the human will activates it, such a spell can be made to emit power, however.

If the commands of those spells are broken, there will only be magic left behind.

Sora leaving behind a magical body is useless.

There is a smile on his face, it seems that these Fuzhou decrees...


The more I think about it, the more interesting it becomes.

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