A cold smile appeared on Wuchen's face.

Just as the giant sword was about to slash his head, the violent light wave itself roared straight into the sky.

Blood-red steam burned out of Wuchen!

Immediately after the fierce Chakra, everyone present was paying attention!

Makarov was dealing with those demon soldiers, and said in surprise, "This guy..."

There was a cold murderous look on Wuchen's face. The giant sword that was chopped down failed, and it was shocked and flew out. Brian's hands were numb!

His face was full of surprise, his eyes were rounded, and he didn't feel confident, what happened to this guy?Why did it suddenly become like this? ! ..

083. Destroy Nirvana [Third]

Wuchen didn't intend to give him a chance, he snorted coldly, and suddenly slapped it on the floor again.

He shouted loudly, "Day Tiger!"

The words said that he had already opened the eighth door, and he once again sprayed a white spray from the palm of his hand!

The white spray word was sprayed out from his hand, and immediately formed a huge tiger image, which directly blew Brian's entire body and flew out.

Although Brian's body is strong, although he is very frantic, and although he has been supplemented by dark energy, at this time, the solemn body of the white tiger immediately screamed and roared, and he was directly blown up and flew out!

Wuchen snorted coldly, and immediately flew again and jumped out.

Immediately afterwards, I saw his feet kicked down suddenly in the air.

The force of the kick was extremely terrifying, and at the moment when his foot was kicked out, a huge incomparable airflow fell from the air.

Followed by.

Brian's face was kicked crookedly.

Not being kicked crooked by a dust-free foot.

Instead, it was directly kicked crooked by the huge airflow that was brought out!

Brian's whole body was bound in the airflow.

Wuchen let out a cold snort, followed by a series of tricks.

He suddenly widened his eyes.

Immediately step on the air again in the air, and even the space will tremble for it.

At this time, everyone was surprised.

Brian reluctantly stood up straight in the air, which immediately condensed dark energy in front of his body.

Wuchen roared loudly: "Xixiang!"

The words said that a punch directly hit the dark energy shield in an instant, and the sound of a rumbling explosion suddenly sounded.

The entire Nirvana magic exploded with a click.

Wuchen roared loudly, only to see that the huge nirvana magic burst and shattered at this time, and the 4-week magic soldiers were beaten by everyone and retreated!

People at this moment.

Already in ecstasy.

Brian cursed inwardly, but the intense pain made him unable to say anything for a while.

The dust-free fist hit his sternum, and the sound of clicking sounded. He involuntarily widened his eyes and looked at the fist in front of his chest, and then a mouthful of blood was spilled directly on the ground, and he clenched his fist. , but has been powerless.

at this time.

A distorted voice immediately appeared beside Wuchen.

Immediately after that, he turned around suddenly and kicked it out. There was a rumbling sound, and he kicked a flying object out. It was actually a pair of armor.

He was stunned for a moment, then turned to look over.

Then he kicked Brian away.

Brian was already about to be kicked to death, but he fainted immediately after being kicked away.

Immediately after

Wuchen finally saw the true master.

dark night!

At this time, he appeared coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes, and a strange concentrated dark energy all over his body, which made everyone dare not approach.

Makarov could not help but narrowed his eyes.

He can't deal with a few people anymore, but now he has to save energy to deal with the real righteous master, but this person seems to be very powerful.

Makarov was a little hesitant in his heart.

Wuchen didn't hesitate at all, he clenched his fists and said coldly: "This guy is quite powerful, but just leave it to me to deal with it!"

His words came out coldly.

Followed by.

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