Mei Jiao Niang said calmly.

Hearing that Mei Jiao Niang deliberately exposed his shortcomings, Wu Chen was a little annoyed, and then looked at the former and said suddenly:

"By the way, didn't you swallow a tin box from me?"

"Oh, did the master mean this infinite energy?"

Hearing Wuchen's question, Mei Jiao Niang acted as an interpreter, and then solidified the iron box in her body into a solid body again and appeared in the palm of her hand.

"Master, this is useful to me."

After she finished speaking, she swallowed the iron box into her mouth again.

"No?" Wuchen was surprised when she saw her finish so quickly.


Mei Jiao Niang said calmly, as if looking at Wu Chen's blushing face, she couldn't bear it, and continued to add:

"Actually, if you listened carefully to my words just now, you should know that I said that this infinite energy source is the power of the origin of this world."

"Swallow it, and I can master this Dragon Ball world for the master."

"This is the optimal solution that system analysis is analyzed after the possibility of the [-] -dollar possibility. This can also be reduced, and the system will take the owner to break the consumption of this Dragon Ball world."

"After all, the current consumption of the system is linked to the master's chakra."

"At the same time, please rest assured, Master, when the system completely digests the power of the origin of this world, Master can return to this world again, and the most important thing is that you can continue the relationship with the girls who are not in love with Master. now..."

"Okay..." Wuchen heard her words and knew that this system was the one who knew him best, so he didn't say anything more.

"If you want to leave this Dragon Ball world, let's start now!"

"Okay, master!"

When Mei Jiao Niang heard Wu Chen's order, she nodded respectfully.

Then, he stood up and stood up straight like a nun of Qian Cheng, worshipping heaven and earth.

After a while, a circle of flashing balls came out of the top of her head, and then instantly illuminated the entire radius of a hundred miles.

Wuchen was stunned when he saw this scene, but he soon realized that what the system did was still the same as before, only he could see it.

Then, Wuchen didn't know that at the moment when the light ball above the system's head completely lit up, various changes appeared in different corners of the Dragon Ball world.

Southern Interracial.An extinct volcano erupted suddenly, and all the local people fell to the ground and bowed, as a sign of the recovery of the gods, so as to ask for the blessing of the gods.

Western Kingdom.A tightly wrapped corpse suddenly glowed brightly. It was the Pope of Japan and the West who called all his subordinates to worship the Shudong tapir.


After about a quarter of an hour, the system stopped, and a black hole appeared in front of her and Wuchen.

She murmured in her mouth: "The existence of the master should always leave some thoughts to this world. Whether it is false or a journey depends on your respective creations..." ..


001. When I first arrived at the Fairy Tail, I encountered Jeff [First Update]

The wind is blowing, the clouds are turbulent.

In the world of Aslant, in the kingdom of Fiore in Igashur.

on the east coast.

I saw a man falling from the sky.

The man was wearing a white robe with long black hair hanging behind his head.

Holding a scepter in one hand, it fell to the ground.

Looking around coldly, with a slight hint of disdain in his eyes, he said lightly, "A new world? It's really interesting!"

As he spoke, his eyes widened immediately.

At the same time, the energy of the whole body radiates to the surroundings to explore!

Right now.

At this moment, only a weak voice could be heard behind him: "No...don't come near me..."

Men, that is, the dust-free who just came to this world.

Turning his head and looking over, he saw a black-haired, white-clothed young man holding a book in his arms with a painful look on his face, with a little reluctance in his eyes.

Wuchen frowned slightly.

Of course he recognized it.


I didn't expect it to be him!

Wuchen immediately became interested.

He said, "Are you Jeff?"

Just after saying this, the man was stunned immediately, holding his head with a painful expression and shouting: "It's not me, it's not me..."

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