
A small whirlwind rose from the palm of Wuchen’s palm, and then the corners of his mouth twitched, looking at Reina’s big glowing eyes with evil charm:

"Mere witch, come to warn me too?"

"Since you dare to talk big, then I won't let you go!"

"As for the Lord of the Demon World, Asura, what kind of thing is he? I will meet him sooner or later!"


A whirlwind blew.

Reina, who rushed to the side.

"To deal with a witch like you, just use your own devil's moves!"

Wuchen said with a smile on the corner of his mouth:

"However, compared to that idiot, let me show you how to use this talent!"



Boom boom boom...

Just as Wuchen's voice fell, five hurricanes suddenly appeared beside Reina.

Unprepared, Reina didn't have time to dodge, and was lifted into the sky by five hurricanes.

Then, when five hurricanes blew Reina into the air, the wind suddenly softened.

Like a gentle lover gently stroking each other's body.


At this moment, the whirlwind that had previously been released from Wuchen's hands had stopped in place and remained motionless.

At this time, it suddenly exploded.

Reina slashed into the air violently.

"Ah!" The red-haired and handsome Lena was held back by five hurricanes, unable to control her hands.

She could only watch helplessly as the whirlwind brushed her body.

Afterwards, I felt a chill all over my body.

At this time, the bright moon has just risen, casting a clear moonlight.

There seems to be a piece of white jade in the shape of a human, flying in the air, shining brightly.

Blending with the moonlight is enchanting.

"Tsk tsk tsk...it's really beautiful..."

When Wuchen saw the picture in front of him, he couldn't help but be amazed.

Then, he suddenly shouted at heaven and earth:

"From then on, I named this place 'Five Winds Mountain.'"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Reina with a bewitching look in his eyes, and said in a low voice:

"And you are 'Beautiful Wufeng Mountain'..."


Lena didn't know where to cover her, so she simply didn't cover her at all, looking at Wuchen coquettishly.

I wanted to scold him, but I didn't know what to say.


As soon as Wuchen's voice fell, a stone tablet descended from the sky, with the three characters 'Wufengshan' engraved on it.

At the same time.

The five hurricanes in the air suddenly stopped.


The dust-free figure is elegant and flies into the sky.

Catch the beautiful one in the sky.

Putting his head on the other party's beautiful and flawless face, he said in a low voice:

"The beautiful scenery of the good time can't be trampled..."


In an instant, the two disappeared.

Then, he appeared in a cave.

As expected of a witch, after being shy for a while, she completely let go.

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