"Uh...uh...uh, what am I doing here?"

Booma was disturbed by the inexplicable emotions in his body, and completely forgot what he was doing at Little Sun Wukong's house.

After a while, she suddenly realized that she saw the bright spots of the Dragon Ball radar on her hand.

"Are you the parent of that stinky boy?"

She looked at Wuchen at the door and asked, although she is not so hostile to each other like little Sun Wukong now, she still can't change the title of stinky boy for a while.


"I'm just like you, just a passerby here."

Wuchen leaned against the chair by the door and said lightly.


Hearing the answer, Booma decisively stopped looking at Wuchen and stepped into the house.

Then, staring at the four planets placed in the center of the wall, he quickly walked over.

"Wa hahaha!!!"

"The Four Planets are indeed here!"

Boomer grabbed the Four Planets and played with it excitedly.

"Hey, the guy riding the iron!"

"Put down my grandfather's relics!"

When the little Sun Wukong saw this, he immediately shot an arrow and took back the four planets from Buma.

"Well, is it your grandfather's relic?"

Boomer said with a sly smile.

"How about we make a deal?" ..

008, leave [second more]

Baozi Mountain, thatched hut.

Little Sun Wukong clenched the fist-sized four planets in his arms, and looked at Booma on the side.

The little goodwill he had just had was all vanished because the other party did not ask him to take his grandfather's relics from the four planets.

When the little Sun Wukong heard Bulma's words, he asked vigilantly:

"What's a deal? Can I eat it?"


Bouma's head had a black line, and he was speechless for a while.

Then, when I saw the little Sun Wukong's naive little man, I was relieved in a blink of an eye.

She thought that the little Sun Wukong was not yet old enough to go to school.

And she has long heard that children in remote areas go to school late, and He Wuchen is in the deep mountains and forests where few people can even be seen.

So, she had to be patient and explained:

"It's a deal... you can't eat it."

"But I am a beautiful girl, I can exchange delicious food for the four planets in your hand."

"That's the deal, understand, little one?"

"Are you a beautiful girl? In other words, are you a woman?"

Little Sun Wukong's wonderful brain circuit once again turned the topic to another weird direction.

"My grandfather told me not to mess with women."

"Women are the scariest things..."

"But you don't look like you at all. I feel like I can knock you down with one punch."

"So, I don't believe that you are a woman!"



Hearing the words of the little Sun Wukong, Bulma was stunned for a moment, and then walked to the front of the little Sun Wukong in anger.

With a bang, he threw a heavy punch and hit the little Sun Wukong on the head.

Smashed out a big bag like a small ball.

Little Sun Wukong cried out in pain.

In fact, in the entire Dragon Ball world, there is only one woman, Bulma, who has beaten Sun Wukong.

Even Sun Wukong's later wife didn't beat him.

The other Sharufrizabuu can be said to be two people, let alone women.

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