The identical clones took action one after another and activated all the cameras that could still be used. The troubles within a few kilometers could not be concealed from Dr. Kinos' eyes.

"I found it, it's this guy!"

Soon the image of the dust-free invasion was turned out, and he appeared lazily in the underground tunnel with a piece of grass in his mouth.

The virtual flash just now disintegrated the earth, and the tunnel buried deep in the soil was also exposed, and dust-free drilled in.

"This is Wuchen. Since he took the initiative to bring him to the door, we don't need to spend any effort to find him, and immediately send guards to catch him!"

The clones of Dr. Kenos are quite excited. In the past few days, they have sent a lot of experimental materials to capture the dust-free, but every time it ends in failure.

Now this guy is taking the initiative, great!

"Can't you do something that Laozi knows?"

In the tunnel, Wuchen was also drunk when he looked at the behemoth that suddenly appeared in front of him. He couldn't describe what this black thing was.

The head of a tiger, the limbs of an elephant, the body of a lion... In addition, there are many animal characteristics, as if they were a new breed of more than a dozen animals.

To be able to create such a freak, Dr. Kinos did not humiliate the word genius!

"Humans, come with us, Dr. Genos needs you." The monster murmured.

"Need me? That guy is in a big disaster. It's fine if he doesn't run away at this time. He still wants to use me as experimental material? No matter how ridiculous it is, it must be enough." Wuchen sighed an idiot. Even his own life and death were put aside.

Or does Dr. Kinos feel that he has too many clones to kill without dust? !

"Stop talking nonsense and leave me quickly, or this uncle will..."

"Light speed kick!"


Before these four dissimilar monsters could finish speaking, they were destroyed by Wuchen's kick. They died very cleanly and thoroughly, leaving not even a trace of residue.

Wuchen continued to walk deep into the experimental base, and many monsters came to catch him along the way. The purpose was the same, and their fate was also the same. They were all eliminated by Wuchen's kick or punch.

Chapter 27 Asura Unicorn [First More]

"Is there no one who can stop this guy? A bunch of trash, this dust-free is about to invade the deepest part, and we will all be finished by then." Dr. Kinos' clones rushed up and down one by one. Channeling, because Wuchen is about to approach them.

It will be over by then, and the weirdos sent out are like cannon fodder, and have no effect at all.

"Add more manpower, this guy must be intercepted!"

So more and more weirdos flock to Wuchen.

"Bang bang bang..."

But this is useless at all. No matter how many weirdos come, they will be instantly killed by one punch, or chopped to pieces with one knife, and the crowd tactics will not change anything at all.

"It's probably here."

Going deep into the tunnel, Wuchen finally came to an iron gate. Through the perception of the domineering, he found that there was a lot of life in it.

"Light speed kick."


The iron gate was kicked out of a big hole by Wuchen, and Wuchen also entered it. The first thing that caught the eye was a large wave of identical clones, and there were many weirdos in charge of guarding.


The clones of Dr. Kenos, like ants on a hot pot, all shrunk into a ball, with a strong look of fear on their faces.

The hunter is now the prey.

"Then it the trouble that you guys are looking for me? It's too greedy for life and fear of death." Wuchen rubbed his head and said with disgust: "If they were killed one by one, so many people would After killing the year of the monkey and the month of the horse, let’s use a big move to destroy you all in one wave.”

"Don't get too carried away, you guy, we haven't lost yet!"

Hearing that Wuchen was so arrogant and arrogant, a clone immediately stood up to express his dissatisfaction, and roared with a ferocious face: "We still have the last trump card - Ashura Unicorn, let him out, it will definitely be OK. Kill this guy!"

"That's right, it's a big deal!"

"According to the level of monsters classified by the Hero Association, the Asura Unicorn definitely has the strength of a dragon-level monster, and can definitely defeat this guy. We can study him well at that time."

"Research ass, we will also be killed by Asura Unicorn."

"That's right, I don't agree. Even if Asura unicorns really beat him, we will all be slaughtered."

"I'm against it too!"

"What are you afraid of, there are many clones anyway."

"Release the Asura Unicorn immediately."


These clones of Dr. Kinos were talking a lot, everyone was chattering, expressing different opinions, everyone was arguing red, and even more directly fought, fighting each other like hooligans.

"Damn it...I haven't done it yet, so you guys are in a feud because of this kind of shit?" Wuchen was also stunned when he saw this. Damn, it's the biggest joke ever.

Aren't these people all clones of Dr. Kinos? In the end, they are all one person, and the result... They actually fought each other because of different opinions. It is estimated that the body of Dr. Kinos did not imagine that there would be such a thing. things happen.

How ridiculous is this? !

Even his own clone has problems, and he still wants to help all mankind evolve?dreaming too!

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