"Bang, bang bang bang!!!"

The power of Chuixue's punch was not bad. The seemingly slender fist exploded with impressive power fluctuations, directly blasting Mosquito Girl into the sky again.


The stinger, which was sharp and as hard as steel, also snapped.


Mosquito Girl had to look at Fubuki with surprised eyes. Does this woman still have such physical skills?

Such a powerful power does not seem to be possessed by a woman at all, but it is displayed by a human being, which really startled Mosquito Girl.


And Fubuki snorted quite proudly, and followed Wuchen for a while, and went through all kinds of perverted hell training every day.

Although it is still a long way from breaking through the limiter, but in terms of physical fitness, there has indeed been a huge improvement, which is completely different from before.

"Have fun with her, Fubuki."

Wuchen didn't know where to pick up a piece of grass, and put it in his mouth bored in every possible way, his expression was quite frivolous, as if he already knew the result.

"Go to hell, human!!!"

The enraged Mosquito Girl turned and rushed towards Fubuki, and the two of them soon became a fierce battle. The attack was also coming and going, and they wanted to kill each other immediately.

"Boom bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang..."

It didn't take long for a series of fierce battles to kick off. The sound of explosions resounded non-stop. Driven by the shame of Mosquito Girl's injury, she directly used all her strength to fight, and Fubuki did her best.

In the past, if Fubuki met Mosquito Girl, she would definitely be blown up, and may even be instantly killed. After all, Mosquito Girl's strength is still good, and the previous Fubuki was only a B-rank first, which was not enough to watch at all.

But after following Wuchen for a while, in terms of supernatural powers, there are not many suggestions, but about physical skills, Wuchen gave key suggestions, and Fubuki also stepped up to exercise physical fitness, so it is now possible to suppress Mosquito Girl .

Fubuki's current burst of power is no worse than some weirdos.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The fierce battle is still going on. Although it is said that the two sides will win each other, and there are wounds on Fuxue's body, Mosquito Girl is even worse, breaking her left arm and blinding one eyeball. scars.

Overall, blowing snow has the upper hand.


There was another deafening explosion. I saw that Fuxue's attack worked again, Mosquito Girl was directly blown away, her body smashed into a twenty-story building, and she vomited a lot of blood in pain, and the building disintegrated. , Mosquito Girl was also buried under the rubble.

There was no movement for a long time.

"Ah Lie Lie... Is it finally impossible?"

Wuchen, who was watching the play in the corner, couldn't help but look over. Although she was pressing down on layers of ruins, she still clearly found that Mosquito Girl was on the verge of death through her domineering perception.

"It's almost over, Fubuki, that mosquito can't do anymore." Wuchen said while looking at Fubuki who was sweating profusely, at the same time he took out a bottle of water from his pocket and threw it to Fubuki.

"Grumpy gurgle..."

After unscrewing the bottle cap, Chuixue immediately began to devour, and the large bottle of water was drank in ten seconds. Her physical strength from the previous battle was also consumed a lot.

"Isn't this going to work? This mosquito girl is also a scumbag." Fubuki shook his fist and muttered, "I'm not serious in the true sense yet!"


Wuchen's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he asked with a smile: "It means... Do you still want to play with her? Fuxue."

"Yes, I've been exercising for the past few days, but I haven't found any suitable opponents, but this mosquito girl is not bad, but unfortunately she can't anymore." Fubuki felt a pity.

People's attitudes always change unknowingly. In the past, when he was a hero, Fubuki's goal was very simple - to eliminate monsters and complete the task.

But now, since following Wuchen... The so-called weirdo has completely become a sparring role, and his vision has changed.

"If you don't have enough fun, just punch that guy two more times." Wuchen said with a wicked smile.


Chuixue was stunned for a moment, and then said speechlessly: "Didn't Mr. Wuchen say, that mosquito girl is no longer alive."

"That's right, but if she has nourishment, she can still fight again." Wuchen smiled mysteriously, and pretended to be lofty: "I'll help her strengthen it a little bit, or else I might be hit by you again. You are disabled, wait for you to pay attention, Mosquito Girl's strength may become stronger."


Fubuki nodded heavily, still looking very confident, Wuchen also said that only through continuous oppression, continuous squeezing of his potential and self-transcendence, and through countless difficulties, can he break through the so-called limiter.


At this moment, the ruins that buried Mosquito Girl suddenly collapsed, and she flew out with injuries all over her body. Looking around, there was no good place on her body, and there were bloody wounds everywhere.

"You bastard, I must kill you!!!"

The mosquito girl roared again and again, her eyes were bloodshot, and she wanted to swallow the snow. It was a shame. It was too painful to be trampled and ravaged by a woman she looked down on before.

There's a reason for looking down on Fubuki, because Mosquito Girl recognized Fubuki's identity. Before she quit the Hero Association, there was a lot of uproar, and the whole world knew it.

After all, she's Tornado's younger sister, and she doesn't want to be noticed. Mosquito Girl also has a certain understanding and knows that Fubuki is the first hero of B-rank.

So I didn't take it to heart, but now I've been hung up and beaten by someone else, and my arm has also been torn off. I really lost my face!


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