"I was really ridiculous back then. If Lord Wuchen wanted to kill me, I guess he could do it with a single breath, and he wouldn't even leave the slag behind." Chui Xue couldn't help shaking his head, he used to think that his elder sister Tornado was invincible , but then look at the dust-free...

Sure enough, a mountain is higher than a mountain.

"What are you dazed about?"

Just when Chuixue was thinking about it, Wuchen had already fallen to her side, and she reminded quite seriously: "The next time you encounter a battle of this level, just leave early, don't join in the fun, if it's not under my control. ...I guess you've been crushed by the aftermath."

Several times... Wuchen helped Fubuki to block Saitama's aftermath.

"How can you do it? If no one can witness the overwhelming strength of Lord Wuchen, it would be a pity to praise your greatness!" Chuixue said righteously.

"Who needs you to spread the praises." Wuchen scolded angrily, "The brat who hasn't grown up hair, still think about how to survive in this harsh world, don't play with those fancy things."

"Well... such a trivial matter, I believe that Mr. Wuchen will help me solve it, hehe..." The corners of Chuixue's mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile that he thought was charming.

"That's not necessarily true. Maybe I'll take a nap one day, and you might be killed by some weird person. I won't be boring to help you get revenge."

"One more thing... Did you make a mistake? I recruited you to serve me in my daily life, but now it's better that I've become your bodyguard?" Thinking of this, Wuchen couldn't help it Rolled his eyes.

The roles are always changing unknowingly.

"It's a lot of work for those who are capable. I'm afraid it will be more hard work in the future, Lord Wuchen." Chuixue blinked, and said innocently and innocently: "I think this is the best way, we all have our own areas of expertise, male protagonist. Outside the hostess, inside, men and women are not tired of working together!"


Under the ground, which was almost smashed into slag, there was another violent commotion, and then the surrounding ground shook.

It seems that some terrifying creature has resurrected, and the movement under the ground is getting stronger and closer.

"That guy...isn't he dead yet?" He quickly grabbed the dust-free Fubuki and exclaimed.

Like the attack of Wuchen just now, once it falls on the earth, I am afraid this planet will collapse, but this guy Saitama...

"It's Saitama, his vitality is indeed a bit strong."

Wuchen heard the words and agreed with it, and after a careful perception, he squeaked softly, "But it's probably not a good feeling to endure such an attack. Even if you don't die, it's definitely a skin."

"Whoosh whoosh!!"

A black afterimage jumped out from the ground, and with a bang, it landed more than [-] meters to the left of Wuchen.

"That blow just now... it was really powerful, it hurt me a lot, cough, cough..."

At this moment, Saitama was extremely miserable, not to mention the bloodshed, the cloak was completely torn, only half of it was left, and the clothes all over his body were also full of holes.

Of course, this is not the most infiltrating one. On his abdomen, the wound that occupies almost half of his stomach is extremely conspicuous. When you look at it, it is all rotten flesh, as if someone had used a sharp tool to scrape a layer of flesh alive, and it was bloody. blockbuster.

In addition, Saitama's organs were also severely impacted, and he coughed up blood.

"Is it just painful?"

Wuchen looked at Saitama meaningfully, and his left eye's reincarnation eye carefully observed Saitama, "The scene in your body is unobstructed under my eyelids, and I haven't experienced the feeling of a broken rib for a long time. Bar?"

"Speaking of which, after being hit by such a crit, it was only a broken rib and some skin injuries. Your defense and vitality are too stubborn, even stronger than the so-called eccentric."

Wuchen praised him without hesitation, even if Saitama is strong in bursts, the level of defense and resistance is also strong.

"Being each other, I'm not as good as you." Saitama also took a deep look at Wuchen. Just now, this guy has endured his continuous serious punches, and he didn't get knocked out. Let's not talk about it, just left a dense The fist mark, and it recovered in a few seconds.

Saitama is also the first time to see such a perverted creature.

"Go on!"

Taking a deep breath, Saitama looked at Wuchen with a torch-like gaze, his fighting intent still undiminished.

"Do you still have the strength?!"

Fubuki couldn't help feeling numb at the sight of Saitama's blood boiling. This bald bastard had all his ribs broken, and if it was replaced by others, he would have been crippled long ago.

But looking at Saitama's appearance... it seems to be equivalent to skin trauma.

"It's not interesting to fight anymore, keep punching hard...that should be your limit." Wuchen felt boring, and the crit he took just now can be said to be Saitama's strongest move.

"That's not necessarily true."

A high-spirited smile suddenly appeared on Saitama's face, and he clenched his fist confidently, "A serious punch...it's just serious, my full-strength punch...but it hasn't come out yet!"

Hearing this, Wuchen's eyes lit up, "It sounds like you haven't shown your full strength."

"But it's a coincidence, I just moved my muscles a little bit just now."

Saitama: "..."

"If that's the case... do you want to continue!?"

Saitama's line of sight pierced through, almost penetrating the dust-free.

"Next time, before I leave this world, let's fight you again."

After thinking about it for a while, Wuchen gave up. It wasn't that he was cowardly, but the next time he fought with Saitama, the world would probably collapse.

That will be the last battle before leaving, and if we fight now, the planet will definitely blow up.

"You don't want this world to end early, do you?" Wuchen shrugged and asked.

Hearing the words, Saitama's eyes widened, looking at the eroded earth, riddled with holes, full of huge craters, looking up at the sky that had been shattered many times, and finally chose the silent one. leave.


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