"Is it a refusal?"

Wuchen guessed the answer when he saw Chuixue's fury.

Wuchen asked Tornado to bring news to the Hero Association to cancel the wanted ten-tailed dragon-level monster. The other party called Fubuki just now, and it was estimated that he refused.

"Those guys are really impatient. Even my elder sister is not a match for Mr. Wuchen. What capital do they have to say no to Mrs. Wuchen?" Fubuki said angrily, this is a world where strength is supreme, the strong You can do whatever you want, but the Hero Association seems to be very unconvinced.

"Heh... In this world, some things cannot be solved by pure strength." Wuchen smiled casually.

He is very Buddhist. Regarding the ten-tailed dragon-level monster's wanted, he can cancel it if he can, and if it can't be canceled, it's easy.

"At most, when you see a hero in the future, just beat one up. If you're scared to beat them, that group of people will be obedient." Immediately afterwards, a cold arc appeared on Wuchen's face.


Immediately afterwards, Wuchen's words suddenly changed, and he stared at Fubuki and asked, "How is the training exercise I set up for you?"

"I've already started implementing it, but..."

A look of embarrassment appeared on Chuixue's little face, and complained, "Isn't Mr. Wuchen being too harsh, and he doesn't know how to pity Xiangxiyu at all, let a girl run [-] kilometers under load, and have [-] push-ups every day, and other messes. The extreme sports that add up to, I don't even have time to sleep and rest."

"And the most important thing is that these add up to too much torture, let alone ordinary humans. It is estimated that even an A-level hero can't handle such physical training."

"You seem to be a bit harsh when you say that." Wuchen rubbed his chin and thought.

"Is this still like?!"

Chuixue rolled her eyes angrily. After spending a few days together, she already understood Wuchen's temperament. Although this master has supreme strength, she is also defined as a dragon-level eccentric. In actual daily life, Wuchen, The temper is still quite approachable type.

After getting along for a while, Fubuki gradually became more courageous, and even occasionally joked with Wuchen.

"However, Chuixue, do you know how the strong come from? Talent is important, but it's still the same sentence - diligence can make up for the poor. The so-called strong are actually made by training themselves like crazy while others are enjoying their leisure time. ."

"If you want to become stronger, you must learn to endure hardship first." Wuchen said that he was serious about education, and he looked serious. At this time, he really looked like a master. "Only by constantly squeezing one's physical strength can you break through the limiter."

"I understand."

Fubuki nodded knowingly.


The astonishing explosion came from a certain direction, and Wuchen and Chuixue raised their heads immediately. This sudden explosion is no surprise, almost every day. When it is dense, there are ten times a day. .

Needless to say, it is estimated that where the strange people are making troubles, right?

"Blowing snow."

Wuchen's eyes fell on Chuixue, who immediately got up and said solemnly, "I understand Mr. Wuchen."

After speaking, Fubuki walked over and hugged Wuchen very calmly.

Obviously, this is not the first time, her small hands skillfully locked Wuchen, and then, the latter's whole body floated with golden light, and Wuchen disappeared into a beam of light in an instant.

For the past few days, Wuchen has been ordering Fubuki to fight all kinds of weirdos with high intensity.

Now this temporary beating object has come again.


In the deep pit where the big explosion happened before, there is a tall alien creature standing at this moment. His appearance is similar to that of a human being, and his body is covered with strong muscles. The only thing is quite strange. His complexion is blue-black.

And there are two antenna-like antennae on the forehead.

Looking at the huge range of the nearby explosion, you can guess that this weirdo is not weak. He is a vaccine man, claiming to be the will of the earth, and because he is dissatisfied with the destruction of the environment by mankind, he wants to destroy mankind.

Therefore, as soon as the vaccine came up, it caused a big explosion, and all the nearby humans were killed.

"Look at this filthy world and this filthy air, oh my god, I can't stand it!!! It's all because of those damn humans who made this lovely world such a mess It looks like they have absolutely no value in the world!"

The vaccine man took two deep breaths, savored it carefully, and then vomited uncontrollably, with a look of disgust and disgust on his face.


Suddenly there was a sharp movement in the sky, and the vaccine man couldn't help but look up, and a beam of light was approaching quickly.

The speed of movement is extremely fast, at least [-] meters at a glance.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

After about ten seconds, the beam of light fell to the ground, impartially, and landed near the vaccine man.

This comer is naturally dust-free and blowing snow.

"Flizzard, have you seen this guy? Just use him as your opponent, don't be afraid, this guy who looks like I'm very strong is actually just a rubbish who is strong from the outside and works hard."

Wuchen looked at the vaccine man and said softly, without any scruples about the latter's irritable look.

"Who the hell are you, a human with a stench all over his body, are you saying that you are a rubbish from the outside and the strong?!"

The vaccine man roared with eyes that could eat people, his voice seemed to be broken, and his voice sounded extremely hoarse.

Chapter 12 Negative Teaching Materials [First Update]

Vaccine's eye sockets are about to split, and the eyeballs are also congested and swept away without dust.

He harbors a natural repulsion towards humans. Originally, the appearance of Wuchen and Fuxue had already made him sick. Now, how about this human being humiliating him as a scumbag?

Furious, furious, very furious, a burst of anger exploded directly in the chest cavity, straight to the forehead, mocked by the most despised human beings, the vaccine man couldn't help but want to tear the dust off.

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