She understands this little sister quite well, attaches great importance to her current profession, and hastily withdrew from the Hero Association, which is really unbelievable.


Chuixue looked at Wuchen out of the corner of his eye, very embarrassed, and didn't know how to answer Tornado's question.

"If you don't say anything, leave it to me."

Wuchen got up and walked in front of Fuxue, took her call, and said softly, "My name is Wuchen, and I'm also the current owner of Fuxue. It's my order for her to leave the Hero Association."

"Lord, Master?!"

Chuixue's face was flushed, and she nervously grabbed the corner of her clothes. She wanted to find a seam to get in. This name is too shameful. It was still in front of her sister.

"Who are you guy?!"

The opposite tornado asked angrily: "My sister doesn't need any master, you hurry up and get away from her, otherwise, I will beat you all over!"

"Hehehe... I don't have a big body, but this tone is very arrogant." Wuchen turned a deaf ear to the threat of the tornado, he smiled, and informed the tornado of the current location.

"If you want to trouble me, come here."

Chapter 6 Weird Association and the arrival of the tornado [Second]

"Remember to wear thicker clothes when you come. If you continue to wear a slit gown, your ass/butt may be swollen."

After the voice fell, Wuchen hung up the phone, and the tornado on the other side was still dumbfounded, and it took a long time to recover from dementia.

"This ignorant guy actually hung up my phone?!!!"

In a rage, the tornado left at the fastest speed, and ran away following the spotless place.

"Is it really appropriate to provoke my sister like this... In the Hero Association, except for the explosions that have never appeared, she can be regarded as the ultimate weapon." Fubuki smiled bitterly. She thought Wuchen would persuade her with good words, but it turned out... .

Dust-free is to beat the ass/stock of the swollen tornado!

"You don't need to worry about this. In the future, you only need to be responsible for my daily life." After saying that, he lay lazily on the tatami, and lay down and rested leisurely.


At the same time, the matter of the ten tails became more and more serious. After a period of fermentation, it gradually spread to all parts of the world, able to kill the S-class hero metal knight in seconds, and chewed his missiles as chewing gum.

This is no longer a simple dragon-level monster.

Not only the Hero Association, but also the Weird Association was disturbed.

At [-] meters underground in a certain city, the Weird Association also held an emergency meeting.

"The new ten tails seem to have good combat power. You can pull him to our side to deal with the Hero Association together."

Da Jiongyan, who was in charge of presiding over the meeting, said in a loud voice, and the words spread all over the ears of every weirdo.

This guy is extremely strange, not to mention the ugly figure, there is only one eyeball on his face, and his head is covered with tentacle-like limbs.

Don't look at Da Jiongyan's unremarkable appearance, but within the Weird Association, his status is still high, and he even occupies such an important position as the general staff.

"That guy seems to have some strength. If you don't give him some hardship, it is estimated that he will not join us obediently."

In the middle of the dark conference room, the boss of the Weird Association, who is covered in snakes, is sitting very domineeringly in the center. The snake group seems to be a monster composed of countless giant pythons.

"It's really not a simple thing to be able to easily kill a hero like Metal Knight. Let's take out some slightly more powerful characters to tame each other."


"And Elder Centipede..."

"You two go together, it's best if that guy joins us, if you refuse... knock him down and bring him back!"


On the Wuchen side, after a few hours, the tornado finally appeared, but the way of appearing was a bit exaggerated.

The dust-free residence has been destroyed by her. This little girl doesn't look petite and frail, but her style is extremely sturdy. Looking around, there is a coffin floating above her head.


With a wave of his hand, the metal coffin fell heavily to the ground, causing a lot of dust and smoke.

"Go in obediently, and my mother will leave you a whole corpse!" Tornado looked down at Wuchen condescendingly, she folded her hands on her chest, and commanded very arrogantly.

And Wuchen couldn't help but look up, staring at the tornado floating in the sky, after watching for a moment, he couldn't help shaking his head, "Is it black... Didn't I say it all, don't wear a slit gown, it will affect my battle. Yes, why can't you hear it, you have to force me to swell your ass/butt?"


The tornado was confused and couldn't figure out what Wuchen was talking about.

"This guy...!!!" Chuixue was sweating profusely, and he couldn't help but admire Wuchen's courage. At this time, is this guy still in the mood to peep at the color of the tornado?

Uh... Actually, this is not peeping or peeping, after all, it is because the tornado is flying in the sky, and he is wearing clothes with slits, dust-free on the ground, looking up a little, the scenery between the two/legs is really at a glance No surplus.

But Tornado didn't know what Wuchen was talking about. In this respect, she was simple, like a blank piece of paper, how could she understand Wuchen's hidden meaning, but just stared at him with fire-breathing eyes, "How dare you kidnap my sister. , your courage is not small."

"And Fubuki, come here now!"

The voice of the tornado rebuked with an unquestionable tone, making it hard to resist.

"Do not..."

However, Fubuki hid behind Wuchen, looked up at the tornado in the sky, and said with a complicated expression: "I want to try again in a different way, and take a road that I have never tried before, this is my own. choose!"

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