
There was a slight wave of light in Wuchen's eyes, and he asked, "What if you eat it?"

"The price is your life!"

The metal knight said coldly. At the same time, there was indeed a change in Wuchen's body. The skin around the corner of his mouth began to slowly disintegrate, cracking a long and narrow opening.

Even the mighty teeth were stained with a transparent liquid.

"Hahaha... Now you know how good I am. I am a genius among geniuses, no matter what kind of unexpected factors are counted."

"Even if the missile does not explode, the powerful sulfuric acid and various venoms stored in it will cause a second fatal blow to the enemy."

"This is my end weapon!"

The metal knight introduced proudly, but the ten-tailed dust-free waving his tail very leisurely, did not take it to heart at all.

sulfuric acid?venom?It's like the extreme means of the vanquished's end. What kind of ridiculous attack is this, can't you be serious?

"So, this super genius... Excuse me, do you count the current situation?"

Granulation sprouts regrown on the mutilated spot on the mouth, and under the watchful eye of the metal knight, the seemingly hard-to-recover injury was easily repaired within a few seconds.


Seeing this, the Metal Knight couldn't help being stunned, and looked at the ten-tailed dust-free in surprise, "It seems that I underestimated you before, but I didn't expect such a powerful repair function."

"In that case..."

"I'm going to order your research material!!!"

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The metal knight's feet erupted with powerful power, turning into a dazzling streamer and rushing over.

As for Wuchen, he quickly responded, his mouth opened, chakra quickly spewed out of his body, and a small tailed beast jade condensed and formed in an instant.


After the Metal Knight entered the accurate range, Wuchen released the Tailed Beast Jade without hesitation.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The tailed beast jade that flew out instantly exploded on the metal knight, and its body rumbled before being swallowed up by the boundless explosion, and the whole body was immediately melted.

"A bug is still jumping around, shouldn't he really consider himself a character?" The dust-free huge body of the ten-tailed form disappeared, and he once again turned into a human appearance.

"No way, the S-rank hero, the Metal Knight was just killed?!"

The crowd watching the battle nearby rubbed their eyes one by one. They couldn't believe it. That ten-tailed monster defeated the Metal Knight like this?

This is incredible!

He can easily defeat S-rank heroes, such a powerful monster, how can the disaster level also reach the dragon level?

But to the relief of mankind, after defeating the Metal Knight, the ten-tailed super monster disappeared.

The matter of the Metal Knight's fiasco spread at the fastest speed. After ten minutes, the Hero Association received news.

For such a powerful monster, the Hero Association did not dare to be careless, and immediately dispatched the third-ranked Silver Fang and Atomic Samurai to search for the whereabouts of Juwei.

But unfortunately, when they arrived, it was already a few hours later, and Wuchen had long since disappeared.


In the early morning of the next day, the morning sun had just risen. In the vicinity of the Shiwei riot yesterday, Wuchen casually found an unmanned house and sat down. Because of the Shiwei incident, the people nearby were scared away.

"Gulu Gugu Road!"

When he was about to sleep until the third day of the sun, Wuchen's stomach grumbled, and he rubbed his eyes tiredly, "I'm a little hungry, it's good that someone brings takeout at this time."

With a sigh, Wuchen finally got up. In this place where there are so many weirdos like dogs, how could anyone go out to take out, unless the life is too long.

"Just go out and find something to eat."

After brushing her teeth, she washed her face with a little cold water, and then she went out to look for food.

After searching the nearby streets for more than ten times, Wuchen couldn't find any storefronts within the store. Because of yesterday's incident, all the people nearby ran away, and even if there was an occasional store, it was empty.

"At this time, there should not be a strange fish or animal, and let me bake it." Wuchen thought so as he walked.

"Hey... that guy over there!"

Suddenly someone called Wuchen, he turned his head slightly and saw a group of mysterious guys in black suits.

"Is something wrong?"

Looking at the people who were approaching quickly, Wuchen frowned. In this area where weirdos are active, they dared to move around casually. At first glance, these guys are not ordinary people, not to mention they are wearing the same uniform.

"Have you seen the whereabouts of the ten-tailed monster that appeared here yesterday?" the burly man at the head asked.


Wuchen responded casually, then turned his head and left.

"Stop, we're not finished yet!"

The popularity blocked Wuchen, and said fiercely: "We are the snow blowing team, give me a good answer, understand!?"

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