It just feels like this is more difficult than a big battle before.

"Oops... that's not good, Mordred, it's too blunt, and why do you add the word "adult"? You are not my subordinate, only my subordinates will call you an adult, you are my daughter like this Call me too rusty."

Wuchen seems to be deliberately embarrassing Mordred, with a face of resentment and considerable dissatisfaction.

"Come on, be obedient, and call me Daddy." Wuchen's eyes narrowed into crescent moons, with a wicked smile on his face.

"Dad, Daddy?! What a shameful name is that!" Mordred looked at Wuchen angrily, very mad.

Don't say it, just think about it, and the goose bumps all over Mordred's body are uncontrollable.

"You are still like a child!"

Artoria was also dumbfounded, she knew that Wuchen was deliberately teasing Mordred.

"Can't I change it to another name, such as father, or the popular name of father in this modern era..." Mordred pondered, and this kind of name was much more comfortable.

"No no no... I just like you to call me Daddy, it sounds very kind." Wuchen said without giving in at all.

"Kind ass, you are deliberately embarrassing me!"

Mordred was so angry that he was speechless, took a few deep breaths, and then said in a desperate tone: "You resurrected me, and let me meet the king and father, and resolved the misunderstanding between us. . . .This is the greatest gift to me, whatever it is you should be called, so, so..."

"Dad, Daddy!"

Finally, Mordred called out.

After the words fell, Mordred immediately lowered her head and closed her eyes. Her whole body softened and she took a deep breath. The two simple words seemed to have exhausted all her strength.

"Why does it still feel a little stiff?"

Wuchen rubbed her head and looked up at Mordred. She also worked hard, and some things need to be taken slowly.

"Forget it, I'll be exercising in the future, I'll get used to it gradually."

Wuchen didn't entangle any more, and then his eyes shot to Zig.

"Mordred, destroyed this kid for me."


Mordred nodded heavily, and the weapon on his waist was pulled out at once, his sharp edge pointed at Zig, and said coldly: "I was very upset to see your kid before, now let me cut off your head with my own hands. ."

Even with the aura of the protagonist, Zig, who is severely disabled due to injuries, has no capital to fight Mordred at all. This is an unequal battle.

Chapter 58 Resurrection Semiramis [First More]

Three days later.

The Holy Grail War is over, and there is no doubt that the final victor is Wuchen.

Not to mention himself, even the combat power under his banner is not comparable to Zig.

So that kid Sieg lost the battle. I heard that he died very badly. It seems that he was cut off by Mordred...

"Outer Dao Reincarnation Born!"

Wuchen performed reincarnation again, and this time it was the Assyrian empress who was resurrected, that is, the red assassin.

Her real name is Semiramis.

A very elegant name.

According to the previous agreement, Semiramis cooperated with Wuchen to kill Zig and his gang, and the latter would resurrect Semiramis after the end.


In front of Wuchen, a group of chaotic rays of light condensed. This was the appearance of a humanoid. His line of sight penetrated the hazy white fog on the outer layer, and what caught his eye was Semiramis.

It's just her soul.

As for the body... This one also needs to be created slowly without dust.

Time passed by, about half an hour later, Semiramis was finally resurrected in full meaning. She had been dead for thousands of years, and the original body had already rotted.

The new body is made of celestial cells without dust.

"This new body doesn't seem right."

After the resurrection, Semiramis moved his body a bit, and always felt something was wrong. He stared at Wuchen and asked, "How does the concubine feel that this body is much stronger than before?"

"Of's made of a part of my body." Wuchen said proudly and proudly: "It contains my immortal power, and your vitality will become very powerful in the future!"

"Anything like this?"

Semiramis smiled happily upon hearing this, with a bright smile on his face that would bring disaster to the country and the people.


Semiramis knew very well that there was no pie left in vain in this world, and the fox questioned: "Could it be that you are interested in me, that you have given me such a great benefit?"

"What are you thinking? When I do things, I always do what I say! Since I promised to resurrect you before, I will naturally fulfill it." s career line.

Damn... what a shit, it's too big!

"He also said that he has no covetous heart for his concubine. Sure enough, men are all the same, and there is no difference."

The dust-free sight, Semiramis naturally noticed, she pouted her lips in disdain, but her tender and pretty face still had a smile, and she didn't look angry at all.

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