"He can't threaten you again, it doesn't matter even if he is resurrected, right?" Assassin Red Fang said unwillingly.

"So what, does this still need a reason, I just don't like him!"

Wuchen said extremely savagely, whether he was a threat or not, he was just uncomfortable.

Chapter 52 Take you to see a wider world [First]


The red party is assassin's anger/chest trembling, she has never seen such a person, isn't it a win-win cooperation?

"Or because of what happened before?" Red Fang assassin frowned and asked, "If so, I'll apologize for him first."

Not long after the Holy Grail War began, Shiro Amakusa found fault with Wuchen as his enemy, causing him a lot of trouble. Later, Wuchen killed him, and now Wuchen wants to resurrect him?There are no doors.

"If an apology is useful, why do you need the law? Do you still need me to teach you this kind of superficial truth? Red square assassin!"

Wuchen sneered again and again, slapped you and apologized?fart!

"Can't you have the demeanor of a strong man? Why do you need to be as knowledgeable as an ant?!" Assassin said angrily.

"I have always had clear grievances and grievances. Whoever wants to kill me... I will kill his entire family!" said Wuchen brutally, he is such a person.


Red Fang Assassin was at a loss for words, this guy is simply stubborn, soft means are not good, he can only use hard, the compromise and dissuasion on the pretty face are all restrained, she threatened: "Tearing the face will not benefit you either. , I have to admit that you are very strong, but 1v5, how much chance do you have?"

"Ha ha!"

Wuchen smiled lightly, and said indifferently: "This one will not bother you, all in all, come one and I will kill one, two and I will kill a pair, if you come here... I will kill it together. "

"Do you have to be willing to die like this?!" Assassin Hong Fang stomped his feet, and his pretty face turned red.

"It's not that I have to do this, but your conditions are too harsh. That kid is my enemy. It's impossible to resurrect him, and..."

Wuchen changed the topic and analyzed: "Amakusa Shiro Shizhen... What kind of thing this kid is, I know much better than you, even if I resurrect him, that kid is still my enemy..."

"With such a character, if you were me, would you be resurrected and create another enemy for yourself?"

Wuchen's remarks directly impacted the red Fang Assassin's mind, and the woman's face changed and changed.

That's right, if she is dust-free, nine out of ten, she will refuse this condition.

"Why don't you change it, for example..."

Wuchen looked at the red party assassin and suggested, "If I resurrect you, I can think about it, how about it?"


Red Fang Assassin gave a wry smile, and immediately said disinterestedly: "To be honest, there is nothing in this world that is worth my nostalgia, only Amakusa Shiro Tokisada... To me, he is like a man in the desert. The holy water of my heart ignites new hope in my dead heart."

"I bother..."

Hearing this exaggerated metaphor, Wuchen spit out angrily. Damn, what about the holy water in the desert? Is this a show of affection and dog food? !

"Don't you know, that kid is actually using you all the time, he just wants to create an ideal world, as for you... just his pawn, after all, he is also the empress from thousands of years ago. Ah, don't you have any brains at all?"

Wuchen reprimanded that he didn't know what ecstasy Amakusa Shiro Shizhen used for this woman. Even if everyone died, the dust was also cut off, but the red assassin still turned towards Amakusa Shiro Shizhen.

The ability to pick up girls is simply unprecedented.


Assassin's eyes swayed, and her heart swayed for a while. She didn't deny it, so she said calmly: "I do know that he has been using me, but ah... I enjoy that feeling."


Wuchen scoffed at this, and beckoned to the red party assassin, "Follow me in the future, I will let you experience what real pleasure is!"


Red Fang Assassin looked weird. She looked at Wuchen and looked at Wuchen. For her whole life, apart from Shiro Tokisada Amakusa, she was probably most interested in Wuchen.

The strength above the gods, and the origin, made the red Fang Assassin deeply curious and wanted to find out everything about Wuchen.

"How? Even if you don't promise me, that kid Zig will be dead, and you'll be finished by then, so it's better to take me to sneak attack on them, so that I can give you a way to survive."

"As for the resurrection of Shiro Amakusa, you should forget it. In return, I will resurrect you and take you to a wider universe!"

"No matter what, you won't lose money!"

Wuchen's tone is magical, like a magic stick that seduces the red party assassin.

"It seems that I have no choice."

The red party assassin thought about it, and finally nodded helplessly.In fact, for her, this is already a very good ending.

"In this case, take me to annihilate the Zig gang, and then say goodbye to this world!"

Wuchen took a deep breath and urged loudly, for fear that the woman would go back on her words.

"Don't you need to bring your subordinates? That Joan of Arc and Atalanta are both good fighting powers." Assassin of the red side knew the strength of the two, and could help contain the two heroic spirits.

"I've said it all, come one to kill one, two to kill one pair, all come and kill them together. What do you expect from them? Men can't expect women, especially when fighting."

"Not to mention... those children have been playing for a day, let them rest."

There was a soft color on Wuchen's face, and his tone was also very light, which surprised Assassin Red Fang, this guy was unexpectedly gentle.

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