Chapter 20 Intention [First Update]

"This woman has a watt head, didn't you tell me to tell the truth?" Seeing Veronica trying to strangle herself, Wuchen felt more innocent.

It might sound a little harsh, but it's the truth.

"Hum... idiot, I don't understand this, I know it! Look at you and say I'm useless!" Aike stared at Wuchen with his head held high, his face showing a smug arc, and said straight: "According to my analysis , this woman has a crush on you!"


Hearing this, Wuchen was stunned for a moment, but it wasn't because of his low EQ. When Veronica saw her before, she either fought or killed him, or yelled at him, or just looked at him with disgust.

Now that I suddenly fell in love with myself... Wuchen really didn't react, turning his face was faster than turning a book!

"How is it possible, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't talk nonsense!"

Veronica stood up excitedly, shook her head and waved her hand, and kept denying: "Even if all the men in the world die, I will not be able to fall in love with him!"

"This seems to have been said before, there is nothing else?" Wuchen pouted and spit out.

Veronica was silent, staring at Wuchen, her silver teeth clenched. According to her father's intention, it seemed that she intended to develop a relationship with Wuchen. The intention is self-evident.

As a princess, it's not impossible for Veronica to sacrifice herself for the future of the kingdom, but every time she looks at Wuchen's cheeks, she is inexplicably angry, and she can't help herself.

"If it's okay, you can step back." Wuchen waved his hand, indicating that Veronica can leave.

"Retreat?! Did you say that? You really forgot your identity."

Blue veins appeared on Veronica's forehead, she laughed angrily, and said, "Let me step down? Joke! Don't forget, this is the palace, my home!"

Veronica is crazy, this guy is too annoying, her father thinks well, but how to develop a relationship with this guy?Completely difficult for the strong.

"Of course I know it's your house..." Wuchen smiled slightly and reminded: "But you seem to have forgotten that you are still my servant now?"

After finishing speaking, Wuchen stared at Veronica's enchanting body with malicious eyes for a few times, and the corners of his mouth showed a few playful arcs, and the warning was very obvious.

"Don't mess around!"

Veronica shrank her body, and a coolness spread out, all shrunk into a ball, she knew that if the stalemate continued, Wuchen must have some crazy thoughts.

"Wait for me!"

Glancing at Wuchen brutally, Veronica could only leave in the end.

"It's you next..."

Wuchen's eyes fell on Aike again and asked, "Little devil... Where is your value?"

"A mere human, how can you talk to the great dragons!!! I can follow you, that is the blessing you have cultivated in eight lifetimes!"

Aike can't wait to rush over and bite Wuchen to death. This guy shouldn't be playing for real. Others have become dragon cultivators. Which one is not happy, but Wuchen is the only one who looks disgusted.

"I'm amazing!"

Aike put his hands on his hips and proudly announced: "With me, I can make you a higher level, make you stronger, and I can make a paladin armor that fits your figure."


Wuchen bowed his head and thought, Aike seems to have such ability. In the original book, Ashublake relied on the Paladin armor to help him through several difficulties.


"I don't lack everything, but I don't lack strength." Wuchen rolled his eyes and answered confidently.

These words are arrogant and arrogant in the eyes of others, but Wuchen, who just single-handedly eliminated the corpse dragon, is the most qualified to say this, and his strength is obvious to all.

"I can still..."

Aike was very puzzled, and his open mouth closed again. It seems that he has no special skills?

"By the way! Don't underestimate me, as a dragon, I still have other powerful skills!!!"

The beautiful big eyes lit up, looking at the leftover food on the table, Aike anxiously said, "I can help you eliminate the leftover food, shameful waste!"

In front of everyone's eyes, Aike swept away all the food on the table, not even the dust-free one.

"This is your new skill?" Wuchen stared at Aike angrily, this little girl playing with herself.

"Forget it, you can stay by my side if you want, but I have the conditions."

Looking at Aike's dead skin, it seemed impossible to drive her away, Wuchen had to say: "It's not impossible to be by my side, but there is a condition, you have to listen to me no matter what, and you will be responsible for cleaning normally. Hygiene."

After these words fell, Aike was suddenly unhappy. As a dragon family respected by the world, or a descendant of the Avalon princess, how could it be possible to clean up, that is not the work of the servants? !

"You can refuse, of course, and I won't leave you." Wuchen's voice was firm, there was no room for negotiation, and Aike's words disappeared instantly.

Wuchen has an absolute advantage, and she has no power to fight back.

"I promise you it will be!"

In desperation, Aike had to cry and agree temporarily with a small face. This is also impossible. Parr himself belongs to human beings. Wuchen will definitely let this little girl step on her head and show off her power.

"I hope you are a man of your word."

Wuchen looked at Aike deeply, not because he was suspicious by nature, but because this little girl never believed in her films, and her words sometimes seemed like farts!

Chapter 21 Mikawus [Second]

Time flies, seven days later.

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