Shirley poured some shower gel in her hand, and then smeared on her dust-free back with her little hand, moving slowly and gently, "I have entertained guests who entered the palace before, and you are the first to be treated like this by the king."

"It's probably because of saving Lord Sylvia." Shirley said while helping Wuchen clean her body: "Princess Sylvia is His Majesty's favorite child."

"Just this?"

There was a hint of suspicion in Wuchen's eyes, obviously not believing.

This old man seems to be a little disrespectful, but he is actually a shrewd person. He entrusted the operation of the country to his excellent subordinates, and he lived a very leisurely and nourishing life. .

"Maybe there are other reasons."

Shirley's little hand fell from the dust-free back to her arm, and expressed her opinion, "The Kingdom of Loreamon is in the grip of two great empires, and when encountering a talented person, the king will draw him in as a way to save the country. trump card."

"That is to say, is your king planning to win me over?" Wuchen touched his chin, and after thinking about it carefully, it is not impossible. The situation of the Knights of Loreamon is indeed not very good, especially geographically in the two major cities. The empire is surrounded, so anyone with a strong force in the country is recruited.

It was at this time, with a faceless face, he scolded angrily: "Just take a shower, what are you touching!"


Xue Li was stunned for a moment, then looked down subconsciously, and his hands actually held the most important place for dust-free.

"My God - I'm so sorry!"

Shirley let out a loud cry, and was so frightened that she quickly let go. She wanted to chop off her hands. She was so embarrassed that she forgot what she was doing when she chatted with Wuchen!

"This woman is really neurotic!" Wuchen was speechless, and immediately waved his hand and said, "Okay, I'll handle the rest by myself, you can go back and rest."

Just after Wuchen's words fell, Xue Li made another amazing move.

Chapter 7 There are no doors! 【Fifth more】

Where she had just released it, the little girl suddenly grabbed it again, and Wuchen made a clever move.

"What do you want to do?!" Wuchen asked with a twitching face, perhaps because she was too nervous, and the little girl's strength was a bit strong, "It hurts... Damn it, do you want me to cut off my descendants?!"

"I, I, I... I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!!!"

Xue Li's mouth was trembling, and she couldn't speak in a good way, "His Majesty the King asked me to serve you with all my heart, this, this, this kind of trivial matter, leave it to me!"

After finishing speaking, Shirley began to squeeze some shower gel again, smear it on it and gently slide it down.


Wuchen was stunned. It was the first time he and Xue Li met, and the other party was able to do such a thing. Could it be...

"I was fascinated by Lao Tzu?" Wuchen suddenly raised his head and raised his chest, thinking very narcissistically in his heart.

"Ah—don't move!"

Shirley let out an embarrassed cry, it didn't matter if Wuchen moved, she almost didn't catch it, because it was slippery after applying a little shower gel.

"Really, if you can't adapt to it, you will refuse, and no one is forcing you to do this kind of thing." Wuchen naturally found Xue Li's dilemma. Her skills were so unfamiliar that it even made Wuchen feel a little pain. Let's help others take a bath once, sometimes the strength is not well controlled.


This painful and happy scene lasted about ten minutes. After she was done, Xue Li took Wuchen to the bedroom to rest. Before leaving, she prepared a dazzling night snack.

in the King's Chamber.

"Old guy, why didn't you drive that guy away, you kept him overnight, did you get water in your head?!" Veronica was so angry at King Edward on the throne that she was about to vomit blood.

This arrogant tone did not seem to speak to his father at all, but King Edward stroked his beard lightly, and seemed used to Veronica like this.

The reason why it is so hot is that she also heard about Wuchen staying here for the night. Veronica can't wait to kill Wuchen immediately, but after thinking about the gap between them, her unrealistic thoughts are also dispelled. .

If you rashly challenge Wuchen, the scene just now may be staged again. When she thinks of Wuchen humiliating herself, Veronica shivers all over and gets goosebumps.

It's good now, this bastard who bullied himself even lived in his own home, which was totally out of the question!

"You seem to have a big opinion on Wuchen, Veronica." King Edward looked suspiciously at Veronica with a blue face, and asked curiously, "Did you know each other before?"


Veronica was stunned, and then glanced at him disdainfully, "Who knows that kind of guy! I see him... No, I feel bad when I hear his name!"

"But listening to your tone, it seems that I want to kill him immediately, is there a grudge?" King Edward frowned tightly, the so-called acquaintance of the daughter Moruofu, no one knows Veronica better than him.

"Those who offended me are dead." Veronica gave a cold voice, and then her tone softened, "I'm just worried that the dust-free is not good for Sylvia."

Speaking of Sylvia, Veronica will be infinitely tender and doting.

"That's true."

Hearing Veronica's explanation, King Edward's doubts were relieved, yes, everyone who dared to provoke her eldest daughter became a corpse!If you were an enemy, you would already be dead!

In fact, what King Edward didn't know was that Wuchen was not Veronica's enemy, but her nemesis!

"Although I don't know what Wuchen came from, but ah, whether he will murder Sylvia, I can be sure of this - absolutely not." King Edward's tone was very serious and very sure.

"Why?" Veronica was stunned for a while, her father knew Wuchen today, where did the confidence come from so sure.

"Think about it, if he wants to persecute Sylvia, is it necessary to bring it back? There is no need, and there is no need to kill her. Just throw it into an old forest in the mountains to fend for itself." King Edward analyzed: "So it may not exist that Wuchen will persecute Sylvia."

"Leaving him here is actually because he valued his strength." King Edward's eyes were gleaming: "The two great empires on the border of the kingdom both have wolf ambitions for us, and the benefits of having a strong deterrent by force are self-evident... I heard the child Sylvia say that the dust-free is so powerful that he can fly in the sky without even needing a dragon, and the most important point..."

King Edward sighed, looked at Veronica and said excitedly: "This is also what Sylvia told me, Wuchen and the dragon mother seem to be very familiar, and even the dragon mother still asks Wuchen, I plan to Let him be a lobbyist for you!"

Veronica has the qualifications to breed dragons, but sadly, when she was baptized, the mother of dragons disliked this little girl with too fierce eyes, so she felt that she was not suitable to be a dragon breeder.

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