Wuchen looked at the female dragon angrily. Hearing this, he seemed to despise his old age?He immediately said: "I just came to ask the way, what is this place?"

"You do not know?"

Mother Dragon's beautiful big eyes widened slightly, obviously very strange, and then said: "This is Abion Forest, all children who reach the age of seven must come here to accept the baptism of [Infant Ritual] within a month. Dragon cultivator, it's too late for you to come here at this age."

"You've said a lot, and I can't understand a word!" Wuchen's face was speechless, "Actually, I'm just here to ask for directions, but I always feel that you have misunderstood something!"

"Don't worry about it..."

There was a lot of hesitation on Mother Dragon's face, and then she gritted her teeth and said, "You are a rare genius, it doesn't matter if it's too late."

"Of course, I must be a genius, there is no doubt about that." Wuchen looked arrogant, although he still didn't understand what this guy was talking about or what he was thinking.

"So you are now willing to become a dragon cultivator?" The dragon mother looked at Wuchen expectantly, and her beautiful eyes shone with strange light.

Even though she met Wuchen for the first time, there was always an inexplicable voice in her heart telling her that the man in front of her was definitely better than this little boy, and could be called the future of the Dragon Clan!

So if you gamble on the little boy, it is better to try it on Wuchen.

"Dragon breeder?"

Wuchen touched his chin. As a thousand-year-old antique, his comprehension is naturally not bad, "Listen to what you mean, is it going to take me to give birth to a dragon???"

Dust-free goosebumps are up!Even if a man gives birth to a child, why is it still a dragon? !

"Sorry, I refuse!" Without thinking, Wuchen decisively refused.

"You still refuse?!"

Mother Long's dignified and virtuous face twitched, she threw out an olive branch, this guy is not grateful for Dade, even if he refuses, no matter how ridiculous it is, let's stop!

Which human being to become a dragon cultivator is not happy, it means that the future has an infinite future, only this guy still looks disdainful!No reason! ! !

"Let me explain to you what a dragon cultivator is!"

Taking a deep breath, Mother Dragon pressed her irritable mood and explained it carefully.

Chapter 2 Ash Blake and Sylvia [Third]

Mother Dragon patiently explained to Wuchen. He listened for a long time and understood what it meant. In general, he used Wuchen's body to hatch the so-called Parker. Parker is also a dragon. Become the so-called dragon knight.

In this world, dragon knights are quite noble professions, such as in the kingdom at the moment - the Knights of Loreamon.

As long as you become a dragon knight, there are many benefits, and you will become an aristocrat indirectly. You can be regarded as a big figure in this country.

"It sounds good." Wuchen nodded, his eyes were still swept, and his mouth was not in his heart.

"You agreed?!" Mother Long was overjoyed.

"Sorry, I'm still not interested!"

"You!" Mother Long almost wanted to vomit blood. It turned out that she was talking nonsense for a long time, and it was of no use to Wuchen.

"I'm sorry, neither nobles nor knights are what I need." Wuchen's voice became louder and he said very confidently: "In terms of my ability, even if it is not a dragon knight, I can still get everything I want. You have to give me a reason that I can't refuse."


Mother Long paused slightly, lowered her head to think for a moment, and then said: "Even if you don't need help, at least you need a means of transportation, right? This point... Our dragon family is still very good! Run fast!"

When the dragon mother said these words, her face turned green, didn't the arrogant dragon family turn into a horse now?

In the eyes of others, the hatching of Parr is like a treasure, but Wuchen is no good here, even if you don't eat this set, it is extremely disdainful!

"That's true, it sounds like some truth." Wuchen nodded, a little moved, and getting a mount is considered to be a native of the country.

"And the Pal I gave you is different from other dragons. It can also be transformed into a human... In daily life, you can be responsible for your food, clothing, and daily life. Even if you don't need our dragons to help you when you are fighting, at least one laundry is missing. A servant of rice? Do you know all these things? Certainly not!" The dragon mother followed the temptation, but after saying this, she wanted to slap herself.

How the great dragons became servants! ?

"Okay, I have to say, what you said makes some sense." After thinking about it for a while, Wuchen readily agreed, "Hurry up and perform the baptism of the [Infant Ritual]."

"That's good!"

Hearing this, Mother Dragon breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly walked in front of Wuchen, her palm fell on Wuchen's chest, and an emerald-colored energy burst out.

Under the control of the Dragon Mother, all these leaked powers poured into the dust-free body.

"The power of another world? It's interesting." Wuchen felt the changes in his body carefully. This power was warm and quite pure.

After entering his body, all these diffused forces flowed into his abdomen. Rao, the knowledgeable Wuchen, was also slightly surprised at the moment. When those forces condensed, they formed an egg-sized sphere with a radiant radiance on the surface. .

There were also faint signs of life.


A few hours later, Wuchen left the forest, but when he left, he took a blond child with him.

It was the little girl who fainted in the woods just now, with a cheek like a porcelain doll.

"Take me to the capital of the Knights of Loreamon, I am the princess there, I can pay you!" the little girl pleaded with Wuchen.

Her name seems to be Sylvia Loreamon, the fourth princess of the country.

The kid with the broken arm just now seems to be called Ash Blake, and Wuchen also understands what world he has landed into - the dragon knight of Xingqi.

"I really have a relationship with the protagonist." Wuchen sighed with emotion.

"Is he going to be okay?" Sylvia looked at Wuchen worriedly, her beautiful eyes were misty, Ash Blake seemed to be very important to her, and the little boy was in tears.

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