"It's so uncomfortable, I'm almost suffocating!"


The students were talking a lot, everyone was very uncomfortable, and many people were kneeling on the ground, their bodies shivering.

Because in the void, there is a violent power lingering, exuding the breath of destroying everything.

And the most terrible thing is that this power is like a god who is aloof. For ordinary humans, it is as exaggerated as carrying a few mountains on his back.

"Leave a souvenir on your stomach first."

Wuchen looked grim, staring at the belly of the black Friedo with malicious intent. Although it was as hard as a gang, it was okay to be bombarded by cannons, but for him, wanting to pierce it was just a trivial matter.

"Boom boom boom..."

The spiritual pressure released by Wuchen all converged, and the power that lingered in the void also disappeared, but the depression in everyone's heart did not disappear, because I don't know when it started, a blue energy sphere has already condensed in Wuchen's right hand.

Looking around, the students of Midgar College still had sweat on their foreheads, and their temples were wet with crystal sweat.

Everyone looked at the sphere eagerly, and their eyes moved with the frequency of virtual flashes, for fear that Wuchen could not control it and fall.

Because that flickering light contains the power to destroy the world, if you don't pay attention if you fall into the sea, it will be...

"Just feel it!"

With a sensible smile, Wuchen's fingers popped out that world-annihilating light, "Wang Xu's flash!"

The moment Void came out of his hands, he almost got close to Furido the Black.

"Boom boom boom!"

Xu Flash was like a pair of sharp long hairs, and the moment it came into contact with Furido the Black, with a click, the black and shiny dragon scales in front of her had been pierced.


The reddish-brown blood spurted out, and the eyes of Falcon Falcon of the Black instantly dimmed.


She screamed in pain, her huge body like a short-line kite falling from the sky.

"not good!"

The students of Midgar College avoided and retreated one after another, because the place where Frito the Black fell was the same cruise ship they were on.

"This guy is half dead, and he has to cause trouble for others." Wuchen muttered, and when he was about to shoot, he only heard a "bang" and the huge body of the black Friedo disappeared in an instant. .

This scene is really weird and unexpected.


Everyone was dumbfounded, including Wuchen, who frowned.


The dust-free knowledge spread domineeringly, searching the nearby sea like a radar.

After dozens of breaths, his brows not only did not stretch, but wrinkled even more deeply.

"That guy... escaped?" Wuchen muttered to himself, surprised to find that there was no whereabouts of Furido the Black in the nearby sea area within a few dozen kilometers.

"This is absolutely impossible. If there was such a fast escape speed, that guy would have escaped long ago."

Wuchen shook his head, but since the Black Furido didn't run away, where did he go...?

"Could it be that..."

His eyes drooped suddenly, and he looked down at the cruise ship below, with a strange light beating in Wuchen's eyes, "Is this guy trying to play hide and seek with me?"

If you guessed correctly, Frito the Black probably got into this group of students by some strange means.

"Interesting... I'll see how you play!"

After having an idea in his mind, Wuchen's body fell on the deck, and the headmaster took the initiative to come up.

Before waiting for the dean to speak, Wuchen took the initiative to say: "The black Friedo guy has been severely injured. I guess he mixed into the students by some unknown and strange means, please call me."

"She's not dead yet?!"

The headmaster's eyes widened involuntarily, and it seemed that he was very surprised by the vitality of the Black Friedo.

"Now all students gather, count the personnel!"

The academy did not dare to waste time, and immediately began to call her. If Furido of the Black got in and escaped, it would be difficult to kill her next time.

After about a few minutes, all the students gathered, but before they could call their names, something shocking happened.

Two students caught everyone's attention, and even Wuchen and the academy were shocked.

"Two Qi Li?!"

Everyone took a deep breath, including Wuchen, because the two girls who came into view were exactly the same Qi Li, and even had the same temperament.

"How is it possible, there is absolutely no way that there are two identical people in the world."

"Yes, even twins can't be so similar!"

"Then the question is, one of them is Qi Li, so who is the other?!"

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