Black Folido was so angry, his hideous cheeks jumped.

"You are also very scheming."

Wuchen's eyes suddenly fell on the Leviathan of White, and he said straight: "I'll kill you, there's nothing in this world that can stop you."

Wuchen suddenly remembered the words of the academy-no matter what kind of dragon it is, it has the ambition to rule the world, and regards the same kind as a thorn in the eyes and a thorn in the flesh.

The Black Dragon wants to kill the White Leviathan, and He Chou, the White Leviathan, doesn't want to use Wuchen's hands to kill the Black Dragon. In this way, nothing can stop him from occupying the whole world.

"Don't dare!"

Bai Zhi Leviathan is not stupid, naturally he can hear the sound of the dust-free overtones, and quickly deny and admit his mistake, if the big guy sees the clue, he will definitely kill himself.

"Unfortunately, there is no place for you to stand in this world." Wuchen looked at the White Leviathan and said bluntly: "I have given the dominance of this world to the Grey Dragon, so I can do it myself in the future."

Hearing this, White Leviathan's huge body stiffened slightly, and the air froze for a moment.

The Grey Dragon is an independent and special existence. Although it is a dragon, it lives in the form of a human, just like Loki does not admit that it is a dragon at all.

"Everything before was a misunderstanding!"

Black Folido spoke awkwardly, Longyan stared at Wuchen, with an apologetic tone, and said faintly: "I have no plans to be your enemy!"

"Really, I'm sorry." Wuchen said coldly, "I plan to be your enemy."

Before Qi Li asked Wuchen to kill the black Fuliduo, it would be fine if he didn't meet him. Now this guy is right in front of him. How could Wuchen watch the black Fuliduo leave without a door.

Let this guy go, and it's not easy to communicate with Qi Li.

"Shame on your face, you don't know what to do!"

Black Fu Liduo's eyes were spitting fire and her eyes were splitting. She felt that she had given enough face to the dust, and she was called "you", but this guy still didn't let him go, why bother?

Black Friedo and Wuchen have no grudges.

"The big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken!"

The Black Furi roared again and again, exuding a chilling breath and the madness of perishing together.

But this guy never dared to do it, so it could be seen that she was just babbling wildly.

"Are you afraid of death?"

Wuchen sneered and said with contempt: "Since you don't move, then I will come..."

"Whoosh whoosh!!!"

As soon as the voice fell, Wuchen turned into a beam of light and spewed out, and disappeared from the eyes of the black Fu Liduo in an instant.

"This freak, how can humans have this kind of power, so fast!" Furi of Black's eyes jumped wildly, blinking non-stop, and the dust-free speed was so fast that she couldn't see it clearly with the naked eye.

"Idiot, I'm behind you!"

The teasing ridicule came from behind, and Frito the Black's big eyes were opened to the maximum extent, and they were about to fall out of their sockets.

At the very front of his line of sight, a dust-free person appeared.

"That's just a shadow clone used to confuse you."

The moment Wuchen's words fell, only to hear a few "bang bang bang" falling, the Wuchen in the eyes of the black Fu Lido turned into a piece of wood...

"Light speed kick!"

The pure golden glittering big feet fell like the top of Mount Tai, and the position was not biased, and it just fell on the head of the black Friedo.


Black Friedo sprayed a large mouthful of blood on the spot, and under this tremendous force, his body was blasted vertically into the ocean.


Huge waves broke out on the sea, and a large amount of sea water collapsed in all directions.

"As expected of Mr. Wuchen, even if the opponent is the black dragon, it is not a level opponent at all."

The students of Midgar College who came by boat from afar were amazed, and they all grinned when they saw Frito the Black who was kicked into the sea.

The most obvious of these is Qi Li, her eyes are all in a line, even though it was Furido the Black who created her, but because some tasks failed, this guy abandoned her and was extremely ruthless.

"It shouldn't be so fragile, I still want to play more, but that kick didn't scare me to death."

Looking at the calm sea, there was a dead silence, and Wuchen thought to himself: "It shouldn't really hang, the skin should not be so crisp..."

After a few minutes, Frito the Black, who was kicked into the deep sea, still did not move at all, as if he had hung up.

"Still pretending to be dead?!"

Seeing and hearing the domineering release, the sea area within a radius of dozens of kilometers was brought into the perception of Wuchen.

"found it!"

The lightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and the dust-free eyes looked into the distance, with the light of the soul floating in them, "I don't know what to do, don't you feel sad that I didn't cut you into pieces?!"

"Whoosh whoosh!!!!"

Without further ado, Wuchen turned into a ray of light again and swooped out, leaving a straight golden line in the sky.

"That guy looks crazy."

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