"There's no need to block at this level!" Wuchen closed his eyes and let the whistling light devour himself.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

After the light beam touched Wuchen, it suddenly exploded, the violent force crushed everything, the void trembled, everything was destroyed, and the place where Wuchen was, was blasted into a shocking deep pit, as if it was hit by a meteorite. .

"Hahaha...it's over!"

Noticing that the dust-free aura had disappeared, the green dragon was ecstatic, opened his mouth and said to himself, "Dominating this world is just around the corner, I see who else..."

The voice at the corner of his mouth stopped abruptly, the face of the green dragon changed dramatically, he was suddenly alert, and he was being targeted by a huge force.


Green Dragon did not dare to be careless, a heart was raised in his throat, his power spread like a radar, and he would not let go of the movement around, even the slightest disturbance.

"in the sky!"

After a while, the green dragon's head suddenly lifted and looked towards the vast void.

"The response is quite fast."

The dust-free face standing in the vast sky outlined an arc, and then his right hand snapped his fingers lightly, "It's my turn..."

"The faintly revealed coat of arms..."

Wuchen began to chant, and the ancient and ominous words kept coming out of his mouth. Although he didn't understand it, it didn't mean anything, but ah, the green dragon's heart was about to jump out of his body.

Even though he didn't know what Wuchen was going to do, he could feel that he was being targeted by some kind of force that terrified the world.

"Ninety of the broken way..."

"Black coffin!!!"

Before the green dragon could react, the ground was torn apart, and substantial black energy fluctuations swept around him, rising into the sky, enclosing him in a pitch-dark environment.

"It's you who should enjoy yourself."

Wuchen whispered and looked intently, in front of him, there was a huge black coffin dozens of meters high.

This scene, many students of Midgar College have seen clearly.

"What is that... a coffin dozens of meters high? It's scary!"

"There is such an ominous thing in the world!"

"My God!!! Who angered the gods in such a big coffin and caused divine condemnation?!"


A burst of exclamation resounded from the mouths of the students, this unprecedented coffin really refreshed everyone's cognition.

"Isn't this the direction...? Could it be that guy did it?"

On the contrary, the dean stood by the window thoughtfully, looking at the black coffin in the distance, and the outline of Wuchen couldn't help but jump out of his mind.

In today's world, who else can do it except this guy?

"Do you think this kind of thing can beat me?!!!"

With a cold expression on his face, the green dragon surrounded by the black coffin had an icy expression on his face. When he was about to explode, a dangerous edge attacked in the darkness.


Sensing that it was a sharp strike from the left, his body shifted slightly, and the corner of the green dragon's mouth showed a contemptuous smile.

Do you want to plot against yourself even with such a low-level trick?joke!


In the darkness, a dazzling cold light swept past the green dragon, which was easily avoided by this guy. It was the attack he sensed just now.

"Humph... I underestimate this uncle too." The smile on the green dragon's face became more intense, and he hummed: "I am different from those garbage dragons, those idiots are useless to give me the qualifications to carry my shoes, they only for me..."

"Whoosh whoosh ... whoosh whoosh ... whoosh whoosh ..."

However, at this moment, the sound of the dense blade struck again, and the green dragon's pupils instantly enlarged. He was about to dodge, but was horrified to discover...

The sound of cutting... unexpectedly came from all directions, and the entire dark space seemed to be in the realm of swords, lights, swords and shadows.

"Can't you die?"

Outside, Wuchen helped Wuchen Shenyue up, the little girl opened her blank eyes, looked at Wuchen's face and smiled bitterly, "I hope I die soon."

"That's not good, you have already sold it to me!" Wuchen shook his head in denial, and immediately used medical ninjutsu to restore the physical strength of Shenyue.

"Your brother is finished." Wuchen said softly, I thought this little girl would be extremely angry, but she was surprisingly calm.

"Is that the green dragon?" Motobu Shenyue clearly heard the conversation between the two when she was in a coma just now.

"Now that I know it, I don't need to explain it." Wuchen stopped talking.

Looking at the black coffin in front of him, Mobu Shenyue's eyes gradually turned cold, and he asked for help: "Help me kill him!"

"Yes, yes, but the price is a bit high."

Wuchen said slowly: "The green dragon is different from other dragons. This guy's body is actually a walking world tree. It is the central consciousness collection of all plants in the world. It is almost impossible to kill him."

"I'm not reconciled!" Mobu Shenyue clenched his fists.

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