"Absolutely not!"

Tia stubbornly shook her head and urged Wuchen: "You go quickly..."

"None of my business."

Hearing this, Wuchen pretended to have nothing to do with himself, and simply closed his eyes, which really has nothing to do with him, "I'm not the founder of a shantang, and I'm not a benevolent Buddhist, God loves the world. That's bullshit, the pie doesn't fall for nothing, and I never do anything that's not good."


Wuchen's eyes flashed, and he said, "As far as I know, that Mobu You is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and he will definitely find a way to save people. That kid is very tossed..."

"Yes!" After Wuchen said so, Tia patted her forehead and smiled excitedly: "After all, Yu is the only male D in this world, there must be something different."

"Hehehe..." Wuchen smiled but didn't speak, and muttered in his heart: "Different? The only thing that makes the protagonist party different from ordinary people is the protagonist's halo, right?"

"Boom boom boom!!!"

A huge roar resounded between the heavens and the earth, the earth also trembled, the emerald light spread infinitely, and the entire time and space was instantly within the emerald green ocean, which was beautiful.


Tia exclaimed, her lips opened and closed, and she said in surprise, "I knew Yuu was the best, but I didn't expect to bring such a surprise!"


This time, Wuchen didn't make a sound. It was eerily calm. Looking around, the unprecedented emerald barrel was aimed at Hekatong Kris, and the energy of destruction permeated the muzzle, intending to penetrate him at any time.

"It's so-so, it's okay." Wuchen nodded, although the evaluation was average, but it was the first time to compliment Mobu You, which was rare and valuable.

"This is so-so? Are you jealous?!" Tia pouted and said with admiration: "After all, Yu is the only D in the world."

Wuchen still did not say a word, and speaking ill of Yu Mobu to a girl who had become a nympho was just asking for boredom.

Another point is that, as a mortal human being, Tobe Yuu is good enough to have such a powerful power.

"But even so, is it really enough to see?" The corners of Wuchen's mouth raised an imperceptible arc. At this moment, Yuu Mobu indeed has the power to change everything, but his opponent is a dragon after all.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The light condensed at the front end of the cannon is obviously taking shape, and an incomparably huge light group is roaring, dazzling like the sun, illuminating the entire Midgar College.

"Who is that?!"

"I didn't read it wrong, it turned out to be that guy Motobu Yu."

"Male D? I thought it was a lie before, but now it seems really strong."


An exclamation spread throughout Midgar College, because the thick cannon barrel was too dazzling and radiant, like a weapon from the ancient times. If it was bombarded by that thing, it was estimated that a mountain would be wiped out in an instant.

In times of crisis, people always hope that there will be a savior who will jump out to save the world, and this person is undoubtedly Yotsuba Mobu.

All the students looked at him eagerly, hoping that he would make a gorgeous reversal.

And Motobu Yu seemed to feel everyone's heart, gritted his teeth, and finally squeezed a bright smile on his face. The previous shame disappeared at this moment, and he finally raised his eyebrows.

"Kill me!!!!"

Mobu Shenyue's painful voice came again, and she looked closely, her face was sweating, her expression was distorted because of pain, obviously she couldn't bear the burning pain, it was better to die.

"Bastard!" Seeing this, Mobu Yu's face was flushed, and he waved his big hand forward, "Break this guy to pieces, open... bang!"

Before the two words could be fired, Heka swept down with Kris' huge arms, impartially, and hit the emerald-colored cannon barrel. A deep pit was blasted out, and the huge barrel disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"This... what's the situation?!"

The scene was deadly depressing, this subversive scene refreshed everyone's cognition, and it didn't have time to perform, and even failed before a shot was fired?Is it funny? ! ! !

"how is this possible!"

Tia's expression was sluggish, her eyes were blank, and she muttered: "Yu will never fail like this! Absolutely not, absolutely not..."

"He has already lost, that kind of big move is not used casually, and the price is very high, not to mention it has already failed..." Wuchen sighed, and said in a rather regretful tone: "Actually, I knew the Ministry of Things from the beginning. If you want to fail, the power of summoning that kind of thing is good. If you control it well, you can really kill him, but this kid picked the wrong place, because the target is too big, and the distance is far enough. Appearing under the eyes of Chris, that guy is not an idiot, anything threatening will naturally be strangled in the cradle."

It's like a ticking time bomb, who would watch it explode?Of course, the danger must be removed in advance.

Chapter 24 The Human Feelings [First Update]

Heka and Kreis are flesh-and-blood and intelligent creatures, how could he just watch Mobu Yu open his cannon, so when he realized the threat, his cold eyes were already aimed at Mobu Yu.

"What should I do!!!"

Staring at Mobu Shenyue, who was being held by Heka and Kreis, Mobu Yu was distraught and anxious for a while.

This is his only sister.

"Young man, don't worry..."

At that time, Wuchen's elegant voice came slowly, and it was okay if he didn't listen. At the moment when he heard this, Mobu Yu suddenly felt an angry fire burning in his heart.

In his heart, Wuchen is naked ridicule and schadenfreude.

"You guy, isn't it your duty to protect Midgar College?! Are you still here to tell me the truth?! Don't be in a hurry? It's not your sister, you mustn't be in a hurry!" It's blood red.

"Young people have a big temper..."

Wuchen was not angry at all. He just smiled at Mobu Yu, who was full of spit stars, and said lightly: "Didn't I come to give you a solution? Tia... Come here."

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