"That's right, Honoka-san is too naive. If you continue to approach Yuu Mobu, you might be brainwashed." Elise clutched her small chest with a look of fear on her face.

She was completely afraid of the name Motobu Yu.

"What is this all about?"

Seeing this, Wuchen couldn't help but feel a little emotional. In the original book, Elise liked Yuu Mobu very much, but because of her arrival, everything developed in the opposite way.

"Master Wuchen, I think I should dismantle them immediately!" Elise said with her fists raised, "You can't let Honoka-san be deceived by Tobu Yuu."

"Dismantling? Why do you feel like you're beating a mandarin duck with a stick?" Wuchen scratched his head, quite speechless, this little girl really doesn't know how to use words.

"Also, you are so worried." Wuchen suddenly smiled mysteriously, and said gloatingly: "Who is lying to whom, it is too early to say."

Wuchen, who is a traveler, knows that the purpose of that Tachikawa Honoka is Tia, and it is probably for this purpose that he approached Mobu Yu, and it is estimated that the one used is also Mobu Yu.


On an empty playground in the academy, Tachikawa Honoka, Motobe Yu, and Tia sat together. Because Motobe Yu was hostile to the whole school, Tachikawa Honoka spent a little bit of thought to win things. Buyou's trust.

This kid urgently needs a confidant to complain and complain, and Tachikawa Honoka is the best choice.

"It's all that abominable dust-free!"

Yu Mobu, who was sitting well, suddenly ran wild, as if out of hatred, he pulled out all the green grass on the grass in front of him, complaining: "If that guy hadn't stopped me, Elise's big trouble would have been solved."

"But now that the crisis is over, there seems to be no need to worry, right?"

Tachikawa Honoka smiled at Mobu Yingying, her soft tone seemed very intellectual and polite.

But if you look closely, you will find that the corner of her eyes has been staring at Tia, she is half-hearted, on the surface, she is talking to Yu Mobu, but in fact, all her heart is focused on Tia.


On the other hand, Tia looked at Yu Mobu worriedly, and asked worriedly: "Tia is also a dragon, will Yu hate Tia?"

"will not."

When Mobu Yu heard the words, he shook his head for the first time. In this school, Tia is the only person who can communicate with her. How could it hurt her?

As for what Tia said that she was a dragon herself, Yuu Tobu almost laughed at this sentence, joking, how could a good person be a dragon?Go cheating!At least there is no sign of dragon pattern mutation on Tia now, so Tobu Yuu hardly cares about it.

"It just sounds nice."

Hearing this, Tachikawa Hono spent the first time pouting, but the movement was very small, neither Mobu Yu nor Tia saw it.

"Nifl sent you to join Midgar's mission, isn't it to produce dragon-marked mutants, once Tia really mutates, no one can stop her, and you will be the first to kill her. "

Tachikawa Honoka was secretly contemptuous in her heart, but she remained calm on the surface.

She hates hypocritical people like Yuu Mobu. She just said it. Elise's dragon pattern mutation has already explained everything. If things really evolve to an unstoppable level, this guy will definitely kill him. Lose Tia forever.

This is the task that Nifur gave Yuu Mobu.

"Aiya... You really don't have much ability, but you are not bad at fooling people. No wonder there is the word "you" in your name. It is estimated that your parents saw that you were a big fool when you were young!"

At this moment, an unusually harsh voice came, and the three of them were startled, and then all looked up, only to see Wuchen and Elise walking slowly with a smile on their faces.

It's just that this little girl, Elise, seems to be still afraid of Yuu Mobu, and has been hiding behind Wuchen.

"I have nothing to say to you!"

Motobu Yu looked at Wuchen in annoyance, and he didn't have the slightest liking for this guy.

"It's a coincidence, I don't have anything to say to you."

Wuchen glanced at Mobu Yu in an understatement. He also didn't like this guy at all. In addition to the peach blossoms, the evil protagonist party also has a protagonist's halo at critical moments. What does it usually do?

"Is this the guy who kowtowed to Wuchen? The frightened White Leviathan?"

Tachikawa Suinao fixed her eyes on Wuchen. She had also heard about Wuchen's shocking deeds, and it was spread all over the world in the past few days.

"I came to find you."

Wuchen did not hide his purpose, and his eyes fell directly on Tachikawa Honoka.

Chapter 16 is such a mess [first more]

The handsome face outlines a charming arc, just a slight smile, coupled with a unique temperament, makes it difficult to extricate yourself.

"Looking for me?!"

A hint of surprise appeared on Tachikawa's delicate face, and it was the first time he met Wuchen. This guy smiled like a flower, giving the impression that he knew him.

"Do we know each other?"

Tachikawa Honoka also asked with a polite smile, making people feel like a spring breeze, warm and very comfortable.

"It's needless to say, of course I don't know."

Wuchen replied very simply, everyone was speechless for a moment, you darn, why do you laugh so happily if you don't know you?

"I didn't know it before, but now I know it." Wuchen added indifferently, even if Tachikawa Honoka, who had never shown mountains and dew before, twitched at the corner of her mouth when she heard the words.

"Honoka doesn't like people like you."

It seems that he is afraid that Wuchen is not good for Tachikawa Honoka, and Motobu Yu is like a shield, standing in front of this little girl, staring at Wuchen without fear.

Inside Midgar, he didn't believe this guy would mess up.

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