"It will be bragging." The heartbroken Elise wiped away tears from the corners of her eyes, seemingly amused by Wuchen's words, with a slight smile on her face.

"I want to ask you to kill me!" After a long silence, Elise made a surprising speech, and even Wuchen gave her a surprised look.

This kid is very enlightened!As soon as she died, the White Leviathan left naturally.

"If the hands of the classmates who get along with me every day and night are stained with my blood, they will definitely have trouble sleeping and eating for the rest of their lives, so I want you to kill me." Elise looked at Wuchen with pleading eyes, but the latter's expression was like a black pot So ugly.

Why is dust-free feeling unhappy?It's very simple, I'm afraid that my classmates will have trouble sleeping and eating for the rest of their lives, but isn't Lao Tzu not a human being?Or, does he just have the face of a big villain and is born to be a bad guy?Does it matter even if the hands are stained with blood?

"Can't you?" Looking at Wuchen's silent appearance, Elise asked nervously.

"Of course there is no discussion, thankless things, I never do it, do you think I'm stupid?" Wuchen sneered, the students who killed Elise must have hated themselves, right?Although he could turn a deaf ear, wouldn't it be a disadvantage to inexplicably invite hatred from others?

So without thinking about it, Wuchen refused directly.

"I can pay you." Elise suddenly approached Wuchen, looked around like a thief, and after confirming that there was no one around, she said cautiously, "In my bedroom, Putting the fat times that were replaced and not cleaned, the original taste, you should like it very much, right? That's a thank you gift for you."

"I fucking..."

When Wuchen heard the words, he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, but he only felt a surge of blood rushing into his mind, and he would faint from anger. Treat him like a pervert!

"Be sure to ask for your help!"

Elise bowed to Wuchen again to thank her, this was the only thing she could take out that might make Wuchen.

Chapter 8 Dragon Calamity [First Update]

The child bowed again and again, showing full sincerity, and even took out the fat times as a thank you gift. Although it was extremely embarrassing, I have to say that it was really difficult for Elise, which also showed that she had given enough sincerity.

It seems embarrassing to refuse, but let Wuchen accept her fat times.

"How about this..."

Wuchen stared at the nervous Elise and looked at it again, her eyes narrowed into crescents, and she said with a light smile, "That little girl in Mayika is the principal's maid, sometimes she doesn't have time to wait for me, and she's acting like her, and I'm still beside me. Without someone, how about you?"


Elise nodded without the slightest hesitation. Wuchen was very surprised to hear that, did the child agree too quickly?

"My request is not as simple as you think. To a certain extent, it is a contract of betrayal." Wuchen repeated again: "Although the conditions are a bit harsh, I don't think it is too much. There is nothing in this world that falls in vain. Pie, asking for help always comes with a price, right?"

These days, even monks ask for incense money, isn't it normal to ask for benefits?


Elise still did not hesitate at all, but she secretly smiled proudly in her heart.

Her request is very simple. In fact, it is to let Wuchen kill herself. Once Elise dies, the White Leviathan will leave, and the crisis will be lifted.

Elise herself is dead, how can she agree to the dust-free conditions?So she was very strange, this guy even offered such conditions, wouldn't it be a brain-dead? !


The White Leviathan sang all the way forward, and all kinds of powerful attacks could not attack him at all.

"It's useless, this guy's ability is [Universal Repulsion], what effect can your small attack do?" Wuchen watched silently. In the sky around Leviathan, there were a few petite lines. The figure is wandering.

There is no doubt that D is the only one who dares to fight the dragon. They are Mobu Shenzuki and Lisa Lisa Haywoka, as well as Ferrier Crest and Komiyazawa, plus Ellera Lu. Wait for five people.

Although they have an absolute advantage in numbers, the attacks of several people are useless at all, because the huge body of the White Leviathan is covered with a layer of transparent gas shield, no matter what kind of attack it can't break through, it will even be bounced off.

"Go together!"

Mobu Shenyue ordered loudly, and a series of intensive attacks came from all directions.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Another wave of powerful attacks fell on the White Leviathan, and the air hood on his skin was bombarded with explosions, and the fire was everywhere.

But the interior is still intact and useless at all.


Perhaps because he was tired of playing, the White Leviathan gradually got tired of it, and opened his mouth wide, revealing his pointed fangs, "Ouch..."

A shocking roar followed, and the powerful air wave was like a hundred-level gale, sweeping Midgar in an unstoppable manner.

"Boom boom... boom boom... boom boom..."

A large number of buildings collapsed again, and the seemingly prosperous Midgar College was almost completely in ruins.

"Bang bang bang..."

This storm was very powerful, and Shenyue and the others, who were entrenched around the White Leviathan, were also affected. They were directly blown away, and their bodies fell heavily on the ground in the distance. opened.

"Deep Moon!!!"

Mobu Yu, who was recovering from illness, looked at his sister who fell to the ground, her handsome cheeks were twisted, that was his sister, can you not feel bad? !

Looking at the White Leviathan with extreme hatred, and looking at the huge body, Tobu Yu was a little helpless.

In front of the dragon, what can humans change?

"At least I have to try once."

Mobuyu's eyes were beating with awe-inspiring light, and just as he was about to make his move, the sky suddenly darkened.

Looking up subconsciously, it turned out to be...

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