Huakaiyuan Yuluo looked at Wuchen with incomparable resentment, this guy doesn't have the demeanor of a strong man, who would be as brazen as him?

"I really don't understand what you're talking about. I've been sleeping all the time before, and now my back is sore." Wuchen still looked at Huakaiyuan Yuluo without blushing or panting, extremely calm.

"Okay, you're amazing, I can't say enough about you..."

Hua Kaiyuan Yuluo shut up wisely, she didn't say that she was clean, but she was not as shameless as this guy.

"It's good if you understand." Wuchen smiled and asked: "Little girl, I'm in a good mood now, let's talk straight."

"I hope you will deal with Yu Yihu with our Huakaiyuan family." Huakaiyuan Yuluo said quickly, and then looked at Wuchen rather apprehensively, she was really afraid that this guy would refuse.

Mimikimaru is ruined, and the Huakaiyuan family can only unite all the forces, otherwise there will be only one fate in the end-the whole army will be wiped out!

The power of the feather-clad fox is not something that Huakaiyuan can resist.


Without even thinking about it, this time Wuchen readily agreed.

"You, are you sure?"

Huakaiyuan Yuluo Xiaoyi opened her mouth slightly, and looked at Wuchen in amazement. It was puzzling that she agreed so quickly, she couldn't help but look at Wuchen suspiciously, "You guy... Is there some kind of conspiracy against the Huakaiyuan family?"

"Then it's fine if you refuse." Wuchen said very casually: "I don't care anyway."

"That's not what I meant." Hua Kaiyuan Yuluo quickly explained: "I was surprised that you agreed too fast. After all, Yu Yihu is very strong. Your choice may be no different from sending death."

A normal person, taking Niu Gui as an example, has a solemn expression on his face when he mentions the feather-clothed fox.

"That old man has some truth in what he said. Anyway, that feathered fox won't let me go. In that case, I can only take the initiative to attack, and sooner or later there will be a war."

The old god Wuchen answered, listening to Huakaiyuan Yuluo, who was confused, who was that old man?

In fact, he said it when he hunted the general, Yu Yihu would never bypass him easily, even if the two sides had never met and there was no hatred to speak of, but since Wuchen became the general of the Nuliang group, It was destined that the feathered fox would not bypass him.

"Okay, you can go back, I will rush to Kyoto in a few days." Wuchen rubbed his temples, he was really tired from the previous battle.

"Don't be exhausted on a woman's belly!" Biting her snow-white silver teeth, Huakaiyuan Yuluo fluttered her sleeves angrily and left.

"I'm strong, little girl." Seeing the figure of Huakaiyuan Yuluo leaving, Wuchen pouted.

"But then again, that damn Yuzhang is not at all funny." The sinister face of Yuzhang appeared in Wuchen's mind, he bowed his head and thought for a while before leaving.

After half an hour, most of the monsters in the Nuliang group were sent out by Wuchen. They searched the whole city for the whereabouts of Yuzhang, and even many of his shadow clones followed him. It is estimated that Yuzhang can be found in a short time. Chapter's whereabouts.

Time passed quickly, the night was silent, and the next morning arrived in a blink of an eye.

The next day Wuchen had just crawled out of the quilt when Xue Nu and Mao prostitutes came to him in a panic.

"Master Wuchen, there is a monster from Kyoto who wants to meet you."

The snow girl spoke amazingly, and the drowsiness in Wuchen's eyes disappeared instantly. A monster from Kyoto?I'm sorry he doesn't know him.

If you have to find someone you know, it is Huakaiyuan Yuluo.

"What's it called." Wuchen was rarely interested, a monster from Kyoto?It is estimated that they are the younger brothers of Yu Yihu.

"I heard it's called Guitong Maru!"

The snow girl and the prostitute looked at each other, and there was a flash of worry in their eyes, because the momentum on the other side was too strong, and they were both out of breath.

"I don't know that guy. It seems that Yu Yihu ordered him to come. It's interesting." A smile appeared on Wuchen's cheeks, and he got dressed under the service of the two of them.

"Go and bring him to meet me."

Chapter 42 is that the uncle looks down on her [second more]

In the hall used to receive guests, large and small monsters of the Nuliang group came, and there were all kinds of strange monsters, giving people the illusion of entering a prehistoric animal.

Wuchen's face was full of confusion. He didn't inform the group of people to make such a big show. He looked at Xue Nu and Mao prostitutes. He didn't have to think about it to know that they did it.

It was probably because he was afraid that Guitong Wan would be bad for him, and Wuchen just rolled his eyes for the two of them. Although it was superfluous, the prostitutes and the snow girl were also thinking of their own safety, and the starting point was a good one.

"Your Excellency is the new general of the Nuliang Group?"

A stern gaze suddenly swept over, and Wuchen also turned his head and glanced over. The person who came into view was a very strong and dignified man. He was wearing a traditional kimono, and his eyes were very energetic, full of seriousness and peace. The sense of solemnity, the mountain-like aura gives people the feeling of being quite stable and trustworthy.

"It looks really strong on the surface. No wonder the prostitutes and the snow girl are so flamboyant and call all the monsters."

Wuchen nodded secretly, and then asked calmly, "Guitongwan, right, just say something straight."

"Master Yuyihu heard your name, and was deeply admired, so he ordered me to come and invite you to cooperate." Guitongmaru said truthfully, and his words stirred up a thousand waves, and all the monsters were talking about it, and it looked quite for surprise.

Including dust-free is also very surprising.

"What's the benefit of cooperating with that woman?" Wuchen tapped on the table with his fingers bored, his expression was so calm that people couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"That woman?"

Guitong Maru's eyelids twitched, his expression gloomy, and he seemed extremely dissatisfied with the name Wuchen.

However, although Guitong Wan was dissatisfied, he could not offend Wuchen because of such a trivial matter, and said truthfully: "At that time, everyone will divide the world equally."

Kitomaru's remarks are very seductive, and the monsters of the Nuliang group all gleamed when they heard the words.

Humans die for wealth and birds die for food, whether it's humans or monsters.

"Master Wuchen, let's cooperate with Yu Yihu, the other party is also a powerful monster, cooperation and win-win!"

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