"Hmph, so you'd better not underestimate me." Hua Kaiyuan Yuluo raised his head proudly, and looked at Wuchen with ecstatic expression, his beautiful eyes were full of arrogance.

This time, Wuchen did not deny it, because she did have the arrogant capital, and she walked in front of some old-fashioned Onmyoji at a young age, and she really had outstanding ability.

It didn't take long for Wuchen and Huakaiyuan Yuluo to come to the gate of the Nuliang Group. Huakaiyuan Long Er and Mo Mei Liu were surrounded by a large group of monsters.

"Master Wuchen."

The moment Wuchen appeared, all the monsters were very respectful, and their tone was like a god.

"Yu Luo, I haven't seen you for a while, did you actually get mixed up with monsters?!" Long Er saw Yu Luo walking side by side with Wuchen, his face suddenly covered with a dark cloud.

"Yes, your sister has taken refuge with me, what are you going to do?"

Wuchen looked at Long Er with a smile. After hearing this, the kid immediately had killing intent on his face, and took out the bamboo tube without hesitation.

Seeing this, Huakaiyuan Yuluo couldn't help sinking in her heart. As Long Er's younger sister, she naturally understood what it was. The liquid in the bamboo tube was a perfect shikigami.

"Brother, don't you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Wuchen put up a finger and blocked Huakaiyuan Yuluo's lips, and said lazily: "This kid is coming to my place to make trouble, I'm afraid I won't let him suffer. Respect me."

"It's just you?!"

Long Er looked at Wuchen with bad eyes, and when he saw Yuluo's silence, the deep coldness in his eyes became more obvious, and his sister seemed to be very heartfelt.

"The only person who can deceive Yuluo is me. You monster should obediently disappear." Without saying a word, Long Er reached the liquid in the bamboo tube.


When the liquid fell to the ground, it turned into a huge silver wolf, staring at Wuchen.

"Come here, beast." Wuchen looked contemptuous.

Long Er glared angrily, waved his hand, and roared in a low voice: "Hungry wolf, no need to be merciful, teach me how to talk to this monster!"

Wuchen's lofty tone made Long Er extremely unhappy. From the moment this guy appeared, he looked like the boss of the sky and my second child, which made Long Er, who hated monsters so much, grit his teeth, just a mere monster.


The silver hungry wolf roared a few times, and then his limbs exploded with powerful strength, jumped directly into the air, and then swooped down from the sky, savagely rushing towards Wuchen.

The fangs exposed from the mouth were as thick as fingers.

"Why are you still standing stupidly? Hurry up and protect Mr. Wuchen!"

The monsters of the Nuliang group rushed over, blocking Wuchen like a human wall.

"Let me step back, it's just a shikigami, what's all the fuss about?" Wuchen pushed the crowd away, looking at the silver hungry wolf falling from the void, the contempt in his eyes flashed away.

When the cold fangs were about to approach Wuchen, his eyes glared lightly, and an invisible force burst out, "Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

"Bang bang bang..."


The falling silver wolf let out a few humanized screams. This power is absolute. His mighty and huge body was immediately crushed and turned into water stains again.

"This guy is very strong, he's not the kind of guy who is strong from the outside and works hard at the same time."

Long Er was slightly startled, and was surprised. He had enough confidence in his shikigami. Although the words were condensed by water stains, the defense was actually quite amazing, but it was instantly disintegrated by Wuchen, and he didn't even move. , just blinking his eyes very casually.

"Are you cowardly?"

Looking at Long Er, who was slow to move, Wuchen showed contempt.

"Why don't you do this, how about I let you have both feet and hands?"

"Master Wuchen!"

After these words fell, all the monsters were extremely worried, and their feet and hands were no longer needed, so what were they fighting for?

"You bastard..."

However, Long Er did not feel lucky, the corners of his mouth twitched wildly, this is naked contempt, look down on it!

He hates monsters the most, and what Wuchen does is more uncomfortable than killing him.


Chapter 39 Tastes Good [Second More]


The resentment on his face suddenly vanished, and Long Er sneered: "If you think this is the end, then you look down on my flower garden Long Er too!"

Under the gazes of everyone, the water stains formed by the hungry wolf who had been defeated by Wuchen actually condensed again, and recovered as before, as miraculous as if he had come back to life, the hungry wolf stared at him with hatred.

"Oops... This beast is quite durable."

Seeing this, Wuchen's eyes flashed a slight smile, staring at Long Er, and jokingly said: "I'll be honest, this is somewhat similar to you."

Hearing this, Long Er looked angry and roared, "Hungry wolf, tear this sharp-toothed guy to pieces."


Immediately afterwards, the majestic monster rushed forward again, and its movements were as agile as before, but nothing fundamentally changed.

"It's full of flaws, what's the use of this?"

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