After the voice was finished, a suffocating aura erupted from Wuchen's body, sweeping the audience like a hurricane. Everyone was silent, trembling all over, and the scene was silent.

"It's fine if you don't have any opinions, everyone, let's split up the action, and let the Niu Gui direct the war. This time, the monsters of the Shikoku [Eighty-Eight Ghost Night Walk] must be washed with blood, and tell them what the price is for offending the Nuliang group. "

Wuchen's face is not blushing and breathless, all the monsters have cursed him thousands of times in their hearts, even if they are dissatisfied, there is nothing they can do. After all, others have the biggest fists. In fact, everyone is willing to fight, but let the bull ghost command everyone, some Monsters are inevitably upset.

About half an hour later, the meeting ended. Although the meeting was extremely frustrating, when everyone left, everyone had a happy expression on their cheeks.

Because of the promise of Wuchen, once the "Eighty-Eight Ghost Night Walk" in Shikoku is destroyed, the territory obtained will be distributed to everyone, and everyone wants to take a bite of this huge cake.

"Greedy is indeed one of the original sins. No matter what kind of creature it is, be it a monster or a human being, it can't resist this temptation."

Looking at the backs of the monsters leaving, Wuchen muttered to himself.

"Xue Nu and Mao prostitutes, let's go out for a walk."

Wuchen stretched his waist, yawned indifferently on his cheeks, and stayed in a place where monsters like the Nuliang group gathered all day. He was really a little flustered, and the trivial matters of attacking Shikoku were left to the bull ghost.

Ten minutes later, Wuchen, Xue Nu, and the prostitute went out.


"Hey, did you make a mistake, an onmyoji stays at our door all day long, do you really think we are easy to bully?!"

As soon as I went out, I ran into Huakaiyuan Yuluo, and this little girl was obviously a bad person, holding a lot of shikigami in her hands.

The snow girl and the prostitute were directly ignored by her, and the girl's eyes focused on Wuchen, "Mere monsters, where are you going to eat people?!"

"You little girl is really ugly. Although some monsters do eat people, it doesn't mean that all monsters have that kind of bad taste."

"Besides, I have a habit of cleanliness. When I meet those cannibalistic monsters, I will feel disgusted and nauseated, and I will be kicked out by him without your hands."

In any case, Wuchen has positioned himself as a human being, even though his strength has far surpassed the level of human beings.

"Your Nuliang group has gathered a lot of big monsters, and they want to attack the Huakaiyuan family in Kyoto, and then they want to dominate the world?!"

Huakaiyuan Yuluo stared at Wuchen cautiously.

"This little girl's film is very imaginative." Wuchen rubbed his head with a headache, and said to the snow girl and the prostitute: "Let's go, don't worry about this kid."

After speaking, Wuchen took a step and passed by Yuluo in Huakaiyuan.

"The mere monsters dare to ignore me?!" Hua Kaiyuan Yuluo got angry after a moment, and followed up decisively.

"Is that the new general of the Nuliang Group?"

Immediately after Wuchen and others left, several figures appeared. They looked at the distant backs, and their faces were cold.

"Yuzhang, this general is too casual. He traveled with two guards, and now he is being targeted by an onmyoji. Why don't we take the opportunity to ambush him!"

The big black bird's eyes with dense feathers glowed coldly. He was one of the seven people who accompanied him. He was called Canine Phoenix, and he was actually just a big bird that could breathe fire.

A flash of doubt flashed in the eyes of the young man called Yuzhang, he always felt a little strange, after thinking for a while, he hesitated: "Don't worry for now, I always feel that this is a trap, this guy may be deliberately swaggering on the street. , the purpose is to lead us to ambush him."

"When did you get so scared?"

Another young man in the same uniform as Yuzhang looked at him dissatisfiedly. This guy always sticks his tongue out of his mouth, like a dog monster. This person is called Inu God, and he is considered a powerful group in the "Seven Together". .

"Idiot, the end of blindness is self-destruction. The other party is the new general of the Nuliang Group. I heard from Nuliang Shuipao that the one called Wuchen is an out-and-out strength group. To perish, act according to the plan, whoever dares to disobey the order, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Yuzhang scolded coldly, and glanced at everyone with warning eyes.


Chapter 25 The one who will die is here [Second]

Wuchen took the snow girl and the prostitute, and a "bodyguard" Huakaiyuan Yuluo around like a headless fly.

The most tragic thing is that at the end of the turn, I still lost my way. Since I came to this world, Wuchen has not come out to walk, so I don't know the way back.

"Don't come out and wander around if you don't recognize the way. It's so chaotic these days. You've been sold and you're helping people count money."

Huakaiyuan Yuluo was angry and dust-free, and the spit stars were flying all over the sky, and she naturally lost her way.

"I thought I could find a fish that slipped through the net." Wuchen touched his old face embarrassedly, quite embarrassed.

In fact, at the beginning, he suddenly said it around, just wondering if he could meet a few idiots who assassinated him, but now it seems that he has failed, and he is still lost.

The simple snow girl and the prostitute are both locals, and they also know the way home.

"Hahaha... It turns out that I got lost, and such an idiot is still the general? The Nuliang group is really at the end of the mountain."

At this moment, a harsh laughter suddenly came, and the eyes of Wuchen and others suddenly looked over.

This is the dog god.

Originally, he was only responsible for secretly monitoring Wuchen, but when he saw that this guy was lost, he immediately ignored Yuzhang's orders, and the itching dog god couldn't help but jumped out, thinking that it would not take much time to solve such a thing as Wuchen. Just kill it.

"Who the hell is stupid?"

Wuchen looked at the dog god with a playful gaze. As a traveler, he naturally recognized the identity of the dog god at first sight. This kid is Yuzhang's loyal lackey, loyal.

But in the end, it was extremely miserable, and was killed by the trusted boss himself.

"You all quit, I'll play with a mad dog." Wuchen glanced at the snow girl and the prostitute, their brows slightly wrinkled.

"Master Wuchen, you are the body of ten thousand gold, the future of the Nuliang group, this guy will be handed over to me and the prostitute."

Snow Girl resolutely stood in front of Wuchen, and so did the prostitutes.

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