It probably took nearly ten minutes for the snow girl to explain the whole thing clearly. After hearing the cause and the result, the parents, Kana's eyes, turned gloomy.

"Sorry to interrupt, I'm leaving."

Parent Kanai left in despair, Wuchen also opened his eyes and smiled gently: "Looking at your sad face, it seems that you are in some trouble, why don't you tell me, I'm Lu Xiong's best friend? When he died, I promised to take care of his friend."

"good friend?!"

Xue Nu and Mao prostitutes rolled their eyes when they heard the words. They didn't remember the relationship between Wuchen and Nuliang Luxiong being good friends.


Parent Kana's pretty face instantly showed an excited smile, and then she said awkwardly: "Is it inappropriate? It's too abrupt."

She and Wuchen are completely strangers.

"I'm bored anyway, so let's hear it."

Wuchen waved his hand and said with a nonchalant expression on his face. Anyway, he was too busy to panic. If he knew it was boring, he would not have killed Lu Xiong, the slave, so quickly. After that toy was gone, it became more and more boring.

"It's like this. Recently, I have been having nightmares. Every day in my dreams, I encounter a monster running out of the mirror. I used to think it was a simple nightmare, but, but yesterday..."

Speaking of which, the parent Kana's face was full of fear, as if something extremely terrifying had happened.

"Could it be that the monster ran out yesterday?" Wuchen asked lazily.


Parent Kana nodded, wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said aggrievedly: "That monster not only harassed me, but also harassed my family. My parents were scared and hospitalized. Please help me."

"I see."

Wuchen suddenly realized that in the original book, there is indeed such a thing, I remember it was a monster running out of a magic mirror.

Chapter 19 Come and drink tea with me! 【Second Update】

"Where's that monster?" Wuchen looked at his parent Kanai and asked.

"Are you willing to help me solve it?" The girl's face showed excitement, and then she said extremely distressed: "I don't know, but every time I go to bed, he will show up, want, or, me, I... "

Looking at the stammering girl, her cheeks were flushed at this moment, and it seemed that there was something difficult to explain, and her whole body was also awkward.

"If you have something to say, just say it." Wuchen said very generously.

"How about I sleep with you tonight, or how about you go to my house to sleep? That way, I might be able to see that mirror monster." After speaking, the parent, Kana blushed, bowed his head, a girl from a family, and asked this This request is really difficult for her.

"I hope you can understand. I was forced to do nothing. That monster kept harassing me, and even threatened my parents, causing them to be hospitalized. I can't forgive this." Parent Kanai looked up firmly. Dust-free, her eyes glowed with scorching colors, even if she knew that she was dancing with the devil, she was willing to give it a go.

"Your courage is commendable. You clearly know that we are all monsters, and you dare to say such a condition. Are you not afraid of bringing wolves into the room? No... Now that you are in the wolf's den, we are all monsters."

The voice fell, and Wuchen revealed ten black tails, swinging strangely like a python, making people shiver uncontrollably.

"I know, but I have no choice." Parent Kana gave a wry smile and explained: "The reason why I believe you is because I was rescued once by classmate Nura when I was young. Since then, I feel that there are really monsters in the world, but there are also good and bad ones, just like humans, there are bad people and there are good people, and there are good monsters and bad monsters.”

"In other words, do you think of us as good monsters? Since you think so, I'll be a good monster again... Just stay with me tonight. If the mirror monster really appears, I will kill him. ." The cold light in Wuchen's eyes flashed away.

"Thank you for your generosity!"

Hearing this, Kana, the parent, bowed and thanked Wuchen again and again, and she didn't need others to say polite words. Looking at the bedroom next to the cherry tree, she walked over by herself.

Entering the room, the girl looked around like a curious baby, and even calmly picked up the cakes in the room and ate them. They were all made by Snow Maiden and tasted great.

"Are all human beings so daring now? Don't be afraid when you arrive at the monster's house, and eat whatever you want. Isn't she afraid that it's a cake made by human brains?"

Wuchen was a little puzzled and complained. He carefully observed his parent, Kana, with a natural and casual expression, without any fear.

"Didn't she just say that she treats us as good monsters, this little human girl is really eccentric." The prostitute Mao blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at her parent Kanai with interest.

"I hope it won't be too boring tonight."

Wuchen lay on the jade legs of the prostitute again. It's still early, so let's sleep for a while.


"It's been so long, why haven't you come out yet?"

In front of the gate of the Nuliang Group, the petite girl was pacing up and down with an anxious look on her face. She was Huakaiyuan Yuluo.

After knowing the identity of Nurai and Luxiong, she has been quietly observing the Nuliang group. During this monitoring process, she happened to see the parent, Kanai, and she entered the Nuliang group directly and grandly, and Huakaiyuan Yuluo had no chance to stop her. , Because this is near the Nuliang group, if you stand up at this time, the monsters in the Nuliang group will understand that someone is watching, and she will be implicated, so at that time, I watched the parent Kana enter the Nuliang group.

"It's getting dark, let's sneak in and have a look."

Huakaiyuan Yuluo secretly decided that now the Nuliang group is heavily guarded, and slipping in is courting death.

The wait was extremely long, and before it was dark, almost at dusk, Huakaiyuan Yuluo slipped into the Nuliang Group and went door to door to search for the whereabouts of the parent, Kanai.

"Could it be that those crazy monsters ate it?"

After searching for more than an hour and a half, Huakaiyuan Yuluo gradually became impatient. Most of the rooms were searched by her, and no one was there.

"That's the only one left..."

Looking at the closed sliding door next to the cherry blossom tree, Huakaiyuan Yuluo was in a trance, where she was very familiar, and it was here that she met Wuchen last time.

But what makes Huakaiyuan Yuluo unacceptable is that this man who is always gentle and sometimes looks like a scholar turns out to be a monster, and is most likely a senior cadre of the Nuliang Group.

"Go and see..."

She approached quietly with light steps, as slight as a dragonfly, and it was difficult to be found.

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