Wuchen lazily got dressed, and when they went out through the sliding door, the eyes of both the snow girl and the prostitute were a little red and swollen.

"You seem to be crying, what's so sad?" Wuchen asked deliberately pretending to be stupid.

"Young master was ambushed. I don't know who was burned to death by someone. Only one skeleton was left, and Heitianfang and Qingtianfang were also killed." Snow Girl's big eyes showed crystal tears, sad Jue cried: "The general general held an emergency meeting,"

"What? Lu Xiong is dead? Why did he die?! I have always regarded him as my best friend!" Wuchen was also heartbroken, like a concubine.

"Is it good for you when the young master is dead?" The prostitute Mao looked at Wuchen coldly, "When the young master dies, no one will compete with you for the position of the general."


Snow Maiden's beautiful eyes also focused on Wuchen's body, beating with a skeptical luster.

"It's not good for you to open your eyes and talk nonsense like this. I was sleeping in my room last night, and the two of you were guarding outside. Did you see me going out?" Wuchen replied calmly.

"This is..."

Xue Nv nodded lightly. Wu Chen was hungry last night, so she even got up and made a supper, and Xue Nv watched Wu Chen eat it. This incident should have nothing to do with him.

"Maybe it really has nothing to do with you." The suspicion in Mao's prostitute's eyes also disappeared, and Wuchen did not leave last night.

"How stupid."

Seeing this, Wuchen smiled without saying a word, secretly sighed innocently, the one who stayed here last night was just a hidden clone, and his body had long since slipped away.

A child is a child, it's so fucking easy to fool!

Chapter 14 Acting General [First Update]

After tidying up at random and washing his face by the way, Wuchen ran to the meeting in good spirits. After killing the roadblock of Nurai Luxiong, the future road suddenly became clear.

The position of the general general is also within easy reach.

After Wuchen arrived, everyone who was supposed to come had already arrived. He subconsciously peeked at the general. As expected, the old man's face turned red, although he seemed to be sitting there like an old monk, it seemed extremely calm. In fact, his muscles were twitching slightly.

The only grandson died so ignorantly, which also meant that the bloodline of the general was cut off. Can he not be angry?Not going berserk on the spot already shows that his patience is quite perfect!

"Everyone, sit down."

After waiting for everyone to appear, the General General spoke hoarsely, and all the monsters lowered their heads, for fear of triggering the General General's anger.

"I think everyone knows about Lu Xiong. According to several living witnesses, it was the original group of [Old Rat Group] who did it."

The commander-in-chief clenched his fists tightly, and the murderous aura in his eyes almost materialized.

"Then use all the strength of our Nuliang group to destroy them!" Some monsters said impassively immediately.

"It's useless. The stinky mice from the [Old Mouse Group] died inexplicably. I suspect they were killed by murder."

There was a hint of grief in Yatengu's tone, not only Nura Luxiong, but several of his sons, Qingtianfang and Heitianfang were all killed.

"Nice job, bull."

Wuchen gave the bull ghost beside him a satisfied look.

"Subordinates are terrified."

Niugui slightly bowed his head to Wuchen, and then said embarrassedly: "Although I destroyed most of the members of the [Old Rat Group], their eldest old rat still ran away, I have already sent someone to track it down, and once I find it, I will immediately Silence."

"Are there any fish that slip through the net?"

Wuchen frowned for a moment, and then stretched away, but he didn't care much, just a mouse, what kind of wind and waves can he turn out?

"Dust free..."

At this moment, the general's eyes suddenly turned to look over, and Wu Chen and Niu Gui, who were frowning, returned to normal in an instant.

"What do you think?" The general looked at Wuchen without moving, his sunken eyes glowing brightly, trying to see a clue.

"Of course I checked. After we find the murderer, we must skin him and dismantle his bones. Killing him in the most severe way can avenge Master Lu Xiong's revenge. By the way, tell the younger generation to provoke our Nuliang group. What's the price."

Wuchen said bitterly without blushing or panting, filled with righteous indignation, giving the impression that he was Lu Xiong's own brother.

"As expected of Mr. Wuchen."

This made Niu Gui secretly give a thumbs up, worthy of being the boss, this nonsense is more powerful than anyone else.

"Yes, after finding the black hand, we must make him smash his corpse into ten thousand pieces." Wuchen's remarks resonated with all the monsters, and everyone was shouting for revenge for Lu Xiong, simply thinking that this would definitely win the general. good feeling.

"That's it for today's meeting."

The general sighed and waved his hands tiredly. Luxiong Nura's death hit him hard, and he was powerless to speak.

"General Commander..."

Niu Gui suddenly interrupted and said solemnly: "Although Young Master Lu Xiong has just died, it is not suitable to talk about this topic, but for the stability of the Nuliang group, I still want to say... Is it certain that Wuchen will become a The next generation of generals? Now there is only one candidate for generals left."


After these words fell, countless pairs of eyes suddenly came over, and everyone yelled at the bullshit for being shameless. This is a typical robbery.

As for Wuchen, the old god was sitting still, his eyes were always closed, he looked lazy, and no one knew what he was thinking.


Hearing this, the general was silent, and he didn't know what to do. If it was before, he could still use the reason of two candidates for general to deal with the bull ghost, but now Nura Luxiong is dead, this excuse is also Followed up useless.

After examining Wuchen for a while, the general then gritted his teeth and said, "Since everyone is meaningless, starting from tomorrow, the position of Wuchen will be the deputy general!"

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