"Is this the skill called [Protagonist Halo] that Mr. Wuchen said? It's really amazing. I didn't expect Lu Xiong to hide such a trick. I used to underestimate him."

Niu Gui was talking to himself, and Wu Chen immediately rolled his eyes at him and said, "Although the protagonist's aura is powerful, it is not invincible. If you perceive it carefully, you can also detect subtle movements, and feel it with your heart."


Niu Gui's eyes brightened slightly, then he closed his eyes and quietly perceived the surrounding situation.

At this moment, an astonishing murderous aura came from behind.

"Master Wuchen, that kid is behind!"

After speaking, Niu Gui quickly moved sideways.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The sharp edge that came from behind swept down, but there was no need for Niugui to retreat, because Nura Luxiong was running towards Wuchen.


Just like the ending just now, the falling Taidao stopped above Wuchen's head and was easily grabbed by one of his hands.

"Did you actually see through the [Clear Mirror Zhishui]?!" Nuliang Lu Xiong's hostile expression couldn't help but linger.

"What are you surprised about?"

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Nurai Luxiong, and Wuchen said with contempt, "This trick called [Clear Mirror Stopping Water] is good, but do you really think you can defeat me by relying on this? And ah..."

"Although you can't see your body with the naked eye, when you want to kill me, the huge murderous aura you unleashed has already betrayed you, understand? Kid, you are still too far behind, remember to hide your murderous aura when you kill me, idiot!"

The light floated in Wuchen's hand, and he was swept out with the Tiancong Cloud Sword.


Nura Luxiong's chest suddenly had a bloody wound, as long as an arm, and the depth was extremely frightening, and he could even see the stomach inside his body.

"Wow wow wow..."

Nura Luxiong spat out blood again, his face was extremely pale, this knife Wuchen showed no mercy, and almost cut him in half.

However, the vitality of monsters is amazing. Even if he suffered such a heavy injury, Nura Luxiong still maintained his consciousness and stared at Wuchen.

"Do you still want to kill me now?" Wuchen rubbed his head with a headache, "What a problem child."

"Master Wuchen, let me finish him!"

Niu Gui looked at Lu Xiong Nura with a cold look, holding a cold sword in his hand.

"Bull ghost, taking refuge in such a person will only speed up the destruction of the Nuliang group." Nuliang Luxiong looked at the cow ghost and persuaded: "It's not too late to turn back now."

"Nulian, you have no right to say this, the Nuliang group handed over to you who deny the blood of monsters will accelerate the destruction!"

Niu Gui raised his dagger high and aimed it at Lu Xiong Nura's head.

"The mirror stops the water!"

At the critical moment, Nura Luxiong activated the mirror stop water again, and his body suddenly disappeared again.

"The effect of the protagonist's halo is too powerful, can you still activate the [Derive Mirror Water Stop] after suffering such a serious injury?"

Wuchen frowned, and then saw the domineering release, and immediately captured the whereabouts of Nura Luxiong.

Looking up to the left, Nura Luxiong was squatting there gasping for breath, blood spurting wildly from the wound.


At this moment, two panicked roars suddenly came, and then I saw two dark nights falling from the sky.

"It turned out to be you. I wonder why I didn't see you two followers."

Two people came into view, one of them was a sturdy man, and the other was a handsome monk.

These two are Nuliang Luxiong's personal bodyguards - Heitianfang and Qingtianfang.

"You traitor!!!"

Qingtianfang's eyes were burning with angry flames, wishing to melt Wuchen and Niugui.

"Oh, don't be so fierce, look at you, your eyes are about to fall out, how scary."

Facing Qingtianfang who wanted to kill, Wuchen was still full of jokes.

"I don't know what to do, get out of here."

Niu Gui walked towards Qingtianfang with a knife, and even a mere pawn dared to come out to die, which was simply over his own strength.

"Heitianfang, you take the young master and leave quickly, they both leave it to me..."


Before the words fell, Qingtianfang's right leg was swept away by the golden beam, and a fist-sized hole was clearly visible.


Qingtianfang lost his sense of balance instantly and knelt down on one knee, his expression full of pain.

"Little devil, you have to stop talking big, just stop Niu Gui alone, you want to stop even my pace?!"

Wuchen sneered, this kid looks too high on himself.

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