The icy voice resounded through the sky, and Hei Tieyan subconsciously looked at the sky, and it happened that a figure fell down and landed beside him.

Taking a closer look, Hei Tieyan's eyes shrank immediately, "It's you?!"

"Yes, it's me."

Wuchen smiled like an old friend, the sun was shining brightly, but Hei Tieyan felt a bloodthirsty killing intent.

"What about the hostages?!"

At this time, what Hei Tieyan thought of was not fighting or escaping, but where is the chairman of the board.

As long as this woman is still in his hands, he can save his life!

"Oops... I'm really disappointing you."

Xijing Ningyin's voice of schadenfreude also came, and Hei Tieyan immediately looked back and saw that this little girl had already walked slowly with the chairman of the chairman.

"You dare to betray me!?"

Hei Tieyan controlled the anger in his heart, stared at Xijing Ningyin, and asked hoarsely, "Where is Chizuo, who also surrendered to you? Otherwise, how could you find this place."

"I didn't want to listen to your nonsense."

Wuchen looked at Hei Tieyan with a desperate face, and asked, "Is that the KOK alliance who ordered you to condemn us as terrorists?"

"Of course, I'm just a branch minister in Japan, and my power is not so big that I can cover the sky with one hand."

Hei Tieyan answered with a deadly heart, and then suddenly thought of something, his eyes glowed with a strong desire to survive, "Why don't you do this, as long as you surround me with your life, I can intercede for you, in fact, I'm still a little thin-faced. !"

"You? Are you joking?"

Wuchen couldn't help laughing out loud, does this old boy think others are stupid?Seeing that there is no hope of life, I plan to intercede for them. What about before?

"Looks like you don't have any last words."

Wuchen raised his right hand, and the flashing and condensed thumb landed on Hei Tieyan's forehead.

Hei Tieyan's expression changed, and he said quickly, "It won't do anyone any good if I die. Once I die, you will be punished by the crime. What can you use to compete with the KOK Alliance? They are very strong!"

"It doesn't matter. Soon, they will also be wiped out by me. You can go in peace."

An indifferent cold smile appeared on Wuchen's cheeks, and the ray of light popped out of his fingers.


Hei Tieyan's head was immediately cut with a hole, and his head was pierced. In the end, he closed his eyes in despair, and fell to the ground, without the slightest breath.

"Did you really kill?"

Both the chairman and Xijing Ningyin were a little surprised. In fact, they thought they could talk about it. After all, what Hei Tieyan said made sense. The KOK alliance is not only powerful, but also covers almost the entire world. Going against this super organization will have no good end. of.

Especially now, Wuchen not only destroyed Xiao Academy, but also killed the heavyweight Hei Tieyan. He was also a minister after all, so it must be a crime.

"Can't you keep it if you don't kill it? Can't you see it? This guy is a serious scumbag. Wherever the power is strong, he will fall to which side. People like Hei Tieyan can't be trusted, even if he really joins us, in the future You can also betray."

Wuchen sneered, he had seen many such insidious villains, and he didn't even want to fool him!

"Then what should we do in the future, hiding in Tibet?" The chairman and Xijing Ningyin both looked at Wuchen hesitantly, and there was really no room for manoeuvre right now.

"It's very simple, destroy that bullshit alliance, and then everyone can go together."

Wuchen showed a gloomy smile, pointed to the sky, and said nonchalantly: "I expect a few meteorites that have reached the scale of asteroids."

"How many?"

Hearing this, the two women were speechless, unable to laugh bitterly, and a few meteorites of that level came to the KOK Alliance headquarters and they all died.


That night, according to the news from the chairman and Xijing Ningyin, Wuchen went to the KOK Alliance headquarters to summon an unprecedented meteorite.

Human beings are too vulnerable in the face of that kind of power and have no resistance. The headquarters of the KOK Alliance was pushed to the ground by a wave of force, and no one was spared.

Not only that, the branches of some countries, like this guy Heo Tieyan, he is the minister of Japan, those countries that have branches of the KOK alliance, have been attacked by meteorites from outer space...

In just one night, this huge organization that spanned the entire planet collapsed and was razed to the ground by Wuchen with overwhelming force.

The organization of this behemoth suddenly collapsed, and the whole world was full of uproar. Many people thought they were dreaming, and even many people gave up the road of "slashers". It is more comfortable to be an ordinary person, or come again No one can stop a few meteorites that fall from the sky, and everyone will die by then!


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Grandson of the Slicker

Chapter 1 Nuliang Group Bull Ghost [Second]

The KOK alliance suddenly collapsed, and no one knows who is behind the scenes. Most humans think that it is a natural disaster, but a punishment from God...

After all, how could humans summon meteorites like asteroids.

After the collapse of the KOK alliance, the wanted orders of Wuchen and others naturally disappeared. He took a group of beautiful women to take a leisurely vacation by the seaside, and it was rare to enjoy the summer life.

In the cool blue water, Wuchen wears sun eyes, holds his head in both hands, and floats leisurely on the sea.

After a while, ripples swayed on the sea surface, and Wuchen couldn't help but look over, and a beautiful woman in a bikini swam gently.

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