"That is to say, your blood effect is no different from that of aphrodisiac?" The chairman's face became extremely ugly, and she felt goosebumps when she thought that she would be seen by Wuchen when she made a spring.

"That's it." Wuchen explained with a smile.

"I really want to give you to those perverted scientists to study, blood actually has that kind of effect..." The chairman gave a blank look at Wuchen, and then fell silent again.

"Then it's definitely not going to work here. If it's okay to be seen by other people, just follow what you said before. Come to my room at night and don't be found out." Wuchen thought that this woman would give up her blood. , but whoever was in charge did not waver, his eyes were still extremely firm, eager to get his own blood.

"Then I'll go back first."

Wuchen turned around and left, and when he just came out of the chairman's office, the phone ticked, and he was the opponent of tomorrow's game.

"Tsk tsk... It's really a narrow road for the enemy, that woman is probably eager to fight me." After a few laughs, Wuchen turned off the phone, and the opponent who will face tomorrow is the student union's Dongtang Daohua.

Chapter 31 There is a cheap but not a bastard [fourth more]

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was night, the night was dark, and the refreshing evening breeze came from afar. In this hot summer, when the cool breeze passed by, it was refreshing.

In the chairman's house, there was the sound of water splashing in the bathroom. After working all day, the chairman was exhausted, and he even skipped dinner time. It was really exhausting.

About ten minutes later, the chairman, who had finished bathing, was wearing a simple bath towel. As soon as she came out of the bathroom, she saw Wuchen sitting on the sofa.

"when did you come?"

The chairman's face was a little unnatural. It wasn't because Wuchen sneaked in when she was taking a shower. She didn't care about the trivial things that ordinary people care about. It was Wuchen's method that surprised the chairman, and she didn't even notice it at all.

In other words, this guy wants to kill himself, I am afraid it is a matter of one thought.

"I just came." Wuchen responded lazily, and then, for fear of the chairman's misunderstanding, he said: "Don't worry, I'm not interested in peeping at your two pounds of meat."

It's okay not to say these words, the moment the director's pretty face blurted out, a haze immediately hung on his face.

"It's very rude to say that a woman!" Mei Mu stared at Wuchen, and the chairman cursed with extreme dissatisfaction: "Congratulations, you can't find a girlfriend in your life."

"Don't talk nonsense, come over if there is no problem, don't waste my time."

Wuchen yawned sleepily, stared at the chairman and urged: "I have to go to meet the little girl in the East Hall Daohua tomorrow, and you don't want me to be late again."


The chairman's pretty face hesitated for a moment, and then he bit his teeth and walked over decisively.

"Your courage is commendable." Seeing this, Wuchen smiled and couldn't help but look at him with admiration.

The chairman walked to Wuchen, then lay on his legs, exposing his white neck to Wuchen's eyes.

Although the chairman was very calm, Wuchen could clearly feel that her heartbeat was very fast, almost jumping out of her body, and her skin was tense.

It is not difficult to see that the chairman is actually very uneasy, but this is normal. After all, he will become a monster like a vampire from now on, so it is natural to feel uneasy.

"It's too late to regret it now." Wuchen stroked the chairman's hair and said softly: "And in the future, I will say goodbye to this world completely. Can you give up everything you once had?"


The chairman just responded with one word, his voice was loud and powerful.

"Then I'll be welcome, puff..." Wuchen showed his fangs, easily biting the blood vessels in the chairman's neck, and sucking blood in his throat.

In fact, Wuchen can completely drink his blood to the chairman, but this chick refused, so he can only absorb her blood.

"Quick, quick..."

The chairman spoke in an unusually weak voice, as if she was a patient who had just recovered from a serious illness. When she looked closely, her face was flushed and blood was dripping.

A strangeness that had never happened before spread all over the body. The chairman thought it was very painful. After all, it was blood-sucking, but the result was just the opposite. groaned.

However, as a woman, she must have her own restraint. The guy in front of him is still his own student. The chairman of the board can't allow him to make such a shameful cry, so he has been holding back.

"Tsk tsk, strong perseverance."

After a long time, Wuchen released the chairman's neck, and the wound on the neck was immediately repaired.

"You can get out of the way." Looking at the chairman who was still lying on his lap, without moving, Wuchen teased: "It's wrong to take advantage of this."

"Stinky boy, you think I don't want to move, I just don't have the extra strength."

The chairman's tone was whining, and she wanted to reprimand Wuchen, but the never-before-seen throbbing in her body made her confused and she didn't have the strength to speak.

"It's really troublesome, I'll take you in and have a rest."

Regardless of whether the chairman refused or agreed, Wuchen directly picked up her delicate body and walked to the bedroom, because the chairman was only wearing a thin bath towel, and his body was in close contact with Wuchen, and he suddenly became distracted.

In particular, the hot air exhaled from the nostrils of the chairman of the board of directors blew onto Wuchen's face, which was even more warm. He didn't have much desire at first, but after being stimulated like this, sparks appeared in his heart.

"Cough cough... I'll leave if it's okay."

Before leaving, Wuchen did not forget to take a peek at the chairman's tall and sexy body. The moment he turned around, a pair of white jade hands hugged him from behind.


Wuchen turned her head to look slightly, and it was the chairman's red, hot cheeks, and an extraordinary sense of oppression emanated from her.

"It doesn't seem right."

There was a dignified expression on Wuchen's cheeks. He used to give blood to others to drink. This was the first time he had sucked blood. The performance of the chairman was surprising.


Chapter 32 Your Fiance is a Poor Diaosi【First More】

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