
As if he had heard the most boring joke, the Kurashiki Tibetans pouted with disdain, and sarcastically said, "This is a one-sided crush, it's not a challenge, it's me who abused you!"

"The tone is not small." Wuchen moved his fingers and provocatively said: "Zagyu, let the horse come over."

"you wanna die!"

The Kurashiki Tibetans directly liberated their inherent spiritual equipment, and a long knife that looked like a bone came horizontally.

Chapter 29 Rolling [Second]

The serrations were covered with barbs, not to mention the consequences of being chopped, even if it was scratched lightly, the skin would definitely be bleeding.

And the Kurashiki Tibetans attacked with all their might in anger, full of deep malice, this shot down, it is estimated that Wuchen's head will be blown up on the spot!


The serrated sword that fell in the air stopped in mid-air, and Kurashiki Tibetan's arm also trembled. He couldn't help but look up, and his face became suspicious on the spot.

Just an inch away from Wuchen's head, his serrated sword was caught by his bare hands.

"This guy..."

Kurashiki Tibetan's face twitched, and he wiped his eyes subconsciously. It wasn't a dream!

"What's so unbelievable for you?" Staring at the surprised expression of the Kurashiki Tibetans, Wuchen said with contempt, "I can beat a hundred pieces of trash like you."

"is it?"

The Kurashiki Tibetan was not angry either, his eyes suddenly shot a sinister and cunning color, "Orochimaru, treat him well for me."

When mentioning the word "reception", the Kurashiki Tibetans deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the word.


The moment the voice just fell, the serrated broadsword held by Wuchen trembled, giving people the feeling that it was alive, and its body twisted.

Immediately afterwards, the big sword held by Wuchen changed drastically, the sturdy blade turned into a soft sword in an instant, and the blade wrapped around Wuchen's right arm like a snake.

"It's kind of interesting, it's a bit like juggling." There were ripples in Wuchen's eyes, and he didn't care much.

"Interesting? You can dress up."

Kurashiki Tibetans sneered again and again. In his opinion, Wuchen is a forced smile, because his inherent spiritual armor has dense barbs, like sharp fangs, which can easily tear the skin, and one hand is entangled. Must be bloody.


Wuchen grinned and sneered, "You really get carried away."

The voice fell, and Wuchen's bound right arm increased its strength.


The serrated broadsword was suddenly torn apart, and was shattered alive by the dust-free, and a large amount of residue was peeled off.


The Kurashiki Tibetan was startled, and then he only felt his lungs tumbling, and an unstoppable spurt of blood spurted out.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?!"

The younger brothers of the Kurashiki Tibetans looked at him in disbelief, looking at him with a pale face. It was the first time that someone had been beaten and vomited blood.

The most bizarre thing is that Wuchen doesn't seem to do anything.

"The so-called inherent spiritual equipment is actually the embodiment of the soul, and the weapon is also a part of the soul. I smashed his weapon, which is equivalent to wounding the soul of this kid." As deep as the Dead Sea.

"It's really fun."

The Kurashiki Tibetans wiped away the remaining blood stains on the corners of their mouths, with a look of excitement on their faces, and laughed frantically: "No one has ever beaten me like this, it's interesting!"

The voice fell, and I saw that Kurashiki Tibetan's broken inherent spiritual suit was restored to its original state, and the front end was sharply extended, biting like a poisonous snake.

"Young people today don't even know how to comprehend lessons."

Seeing this, a ray of light appeared in Wuchen's hand, and Tiancong Yunjian instantly condensed, seeing that the flying sawtooth sword was a slash.


The process was as simple as chopping vegetables. The golden edge penetrated the bone sword and cut it off easily. Then, with a bang, the broken sword fell to the ground again.

The Kurashiki Tibetan naturally spit out a mouthful of blood, his cheeks were bloodless, and his body was already shaky, as if it had been hollowed out, unable to stand.


The souls were hit hard one after another, and the Kurashiki Tibetan man was like a terminally ill patient, unable to fall to the ground.

"Tibetan boss!!!"

The younger brothers of the Kurashiki Tibetans panicked one by one, and they all fled in a panic like birds with a bow.

"Stop for me, who allowed you to escape?"

Wuchen's cold voice resounded in the ears of several people, and these people suddenly trembled with fright, and hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed to Wuchen, begging for a detour: "This boss, everything before that has nothing to do with us."

"Take him and get out of here." Pointing to the half-dead Kurashiki Tibetans, Wuchen snorted coldly in annoyance, these scumbags are just grass.

Several people looked at each other, and without saying a word, took the Kurashiki Tibetans to escape.

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