"Compared to this, I'm surprised. With such qualities as you, how did you get the position of chairman? Could it be through the back door?" Wuchen was also drunk, looking at the chairman who was casually smoking cigarettes, with a frivolous demeanor. , coupled with the rude tone at that time, sometimes more like a female ruffian.

"The chairman is like this. What kind of students can you teach? The world is getting worse these days."

Wuchen walked to the arena talking to himself, raised his eyes, and looked at Kirihara Shizaki, who was still doing all kinds of handsome POSS to the audience. Could this kid ignore himself?

"Oh...you still dare to come?"

Kirihara Jingshi turned his head to look at Wuchen, his expression arrogant, and his tone was contemptuous with a tone of superiority: "You are called Wuchen, right? I remember that it is the same as that rubbish Kurotsu Ikki, and he is also an F-rank knight, right? That kid? If you die, the nickname [Falling Knight] is yours, hahahaha..."

Tong Yuanjing laughed uncontrollably, and countless audiences also sneered at Wuchen with the overwhelming laughter.

Wuchen glanced roughly, looked at the countless contemptuous eyes, and shook his head secretly, "After all, it's a bunch of rabble."

What does the so-called rank represent?Let's not talk about dust-free, let's take Kurotsu Ikki as an example. Although he is an F-rank knight, he can defeat A1-rank Stella. This shows how funny the rating system is.

"Why, don't you even have the courage to talk to me?"

Seeing Wuchen ignoring him, Tongyuan Jingshi became even more complacent, with a mocking arc on his cheeks, and sneered: "I think you F-rank knights are the most uncomfortable, you kneel down and call Grandpa three times and I will forgive you. You, otherwise this kind of competition is very easy to die!"


Wuchen remained silent and looked at him silently, with no waves and no ripples in his eyes.

"Hahaha... Look at this useless waste, I don't dare to speak." Tong Yuan Jingshi covered his stomach and laughed wildly, "I think he is not even better than Kuro Iron Ikki, anyway, that guy dares..."

"Game start!"

Before Kirihara Shizuki could continue talking nonsense, the mechanical voice resounded throughout the audience.

Tong Yuanjing lost his eyes and instantly froze, his eyes turned to Wuchen, and he said sadly: "Don't call me grandpa, I will..."


A crisp slap resounded throughout the audience, and immediately saw Tong Yuan Jing lose his body and fly upside down, falling more than ten meters away, and his face was rubbed.

"How did he do that?"

The noisy scene instantly became silent, and everyone looked at Wuchen in amazement.

Just now he appeared in front of Kirihara Shizaki like a ghost, and no one saw Wuchen move at all.

"Oh shit!"

Tong Yuan Jing stood up in embarrassment, covered his bloated right face, and grinned in pain. He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, which contained a few white teeth.

"Chairman, this bastard is cheating! I didn't even see him, this guy came running like a ghost, he must have used some stealth props, I suggest that he be immediately disqualified from the competition!" Kirihara Jingshi watched the game from the rostrum The tutors reported dust-free.

"Is this kid a brain-dead released from a mental hospital? How can I have such a stupid and ignorant student."

The chairman was extremely angry, it wasn't that Wuchen used the props, but his speed was too fast, so he couldn't see clearly with the naked eye, so Kirihara Jingshi simply thought that Wuchen was invisible.

"Hurry up and admit it!" Tong Yuan Jingshi warned loudly: "If you confess, you will be lenient, but you will be strict, and you will not be expelled from the academy if you take the initiative to confess."


Wuchen observed Tongyuan Jing and lost a few eyes, this guy's IQ really refreshed his cognition.

"Do you know why I don't want to pay attention to people like you? Because it's too out of character." Wuchen turned Tongyuan Jing's frustrated forehead black, "After all, bullying the mentally handicapped will be scolded by others in the spine."

"you wanna die!"

The enraged Kirihara Shizushi immediately released his inherent spiritual outfit. Holding the longbow, he pulled the bowstring as wide as possible, and then let it go with a grim expression on his face.


The sharp sound of breaking the air came from afar, and the golden arrows flew straight towards Wuchen's forehead.

"This kid is very dark, and he wants my life as soon as he comes up." The cold light in Wuchen's eyes stirred, looking at the arrow that was shot, he sneered, and raised his right hand lightly.


Seeing the moment when the arrow was about to pierce Wuchen's head, he suddenly stopped, just an inch away from the eyebrows.

"It's making a movie!"


"It feels as bizarre as a dream!"


One after another exclamation resounded throughout the audience. At this moment, Wuchen was stared at by countless pairs of eyes, and the arrow was actually caught by two white and tender fingers!

Chapter 25 I've had enough [Second]

Looking at the golden arrow between Wuchen's index finger and middle finger, the audience was all surprised, and their unbelievable eyes were all turned to him.

"Don't get too carried away!!!"

Tongyuan Jingshi's face flashed a conspiracy-successful smile, and said proudly: "This uncle is a genius, and he has made various preparations."

These remarks immediately attracted the attention of many viewers. Under everyone's anticipation and curiosity, Kirihara Shizuki snapped his fingers.

"Boom boom boom..."

The golden arrow caught by Wuchen exploded on the spot, and the fiery flame engulfed his whole body, like a ticking time bomb was detonated.

"Hahaha... This uncle once expected this to happen, so I changed my arrows. Once I can't shoot the enemy, it will explode like it is now."

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