As if something flammable was ignited, the unprecedented explosion made the whole building tremble violently.

"what's the situation?!"

Smiling hurriedly opened the door, a burst of choking black smoke swept in, and he quickly covered his eyes.

"It turns out that your kid is hiding here. I've been looking for you for a long time."

Wuchen's lazy and frivolous voice came from the smoke. Looking around, black wolf smoke was burning around him. A large number of terrorists were buried by his "light speed kick", and even the corpses were scorched.

"You bastard!"

Smile was furious on the spot, looked at Wuchen who was smiling, and shouted angrily: "Damn bastard, I still have a lot of hostages on hand, do you want them all to die?!"

"None of my business?"

Wuchen responded very simply, he is not a bitch like Kurotie Ikki.

"My sister is still in his hands, don't be fooled!" Ikki Kurotsu reminded anxiously and loudly.

"Is that the same sentence, it's none of my business?" Wuchen glanced at Hei Tie Yihui indifferently, no one wanted to threaten him, looked straight at him with a smile, and said lightly: "Give you a chance, tell me, Who sent you here?"

The injustice has the debt and the owner, and Wuchen knew in his heart that the smile in front of him was a cannon fodder pushed to the front, and someone behind the scenes was manipulating him.

Chapter 16 The Clown Sitting in the Well and Watching the Sky [Chapter Three]

"do not come!"

Smiling and terrified, he stepped back, but was ignored by Wuchen, and he approached slowly with a calm pace.

Don't allow yourself to come here, it's just a fart!

"I'll kill him when I come back."

Smile had an idea, and ran behind Ikki Kuro Tetsu, holding a dagger at his neck.

"You stupid idiot, I'm still saying that, you threaten me with someone else's life? It's none of my business, I'm not a policeman."

Wuchen sneered, this guy has a sick head, right?


"You can do anything, just meddle in your own business and count me as the loser!"

With a wicked smile on Wuchen's face, who is the hostage at this moment?Ikki Kurotetsu, although it's a pity that he didn't kill him himself, but if you die, you should die.

"No dust, save Ikki!"

On the contrary, Stella urged pitifully, with a pleading tone: "After all, we are all from the same academy, and we must take care of each other."


Wuchen immediately cast his eyes and said indifferently: "When you're bored, I can accompany you to play the game of children playing house, just to pass the time, I'm bored anyway, but I'm sorry, now the game Time is over, so please shut up."


As soon as the voice fell, the thumb of Wuchen's right hand flashed golden light, aiming at the smiling head.

The latter was startled, his face was ashen, and he asked with a gloomy look: "Can you really ignore the life and death of the hostage?"

"Are you an idiot? I haven't figured out the situation yet. I heard gunshots coming from outside?"

Wuchen looked at the smile with a sneer, he still remembered that the chick named Dongtang Daohua was also here.

It is estimated that the group of terrorists outside were settled by her.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Suddenly, the light beam in Wuchen's hand cut through the sky and swept away towards the smiling head.

"Hahahaha... Who is the idiot, the uncle is actually waiting for this moment!"

Seeing this scene, Smile's gloomy face was swept away, and he kicked Hei Tie Ikki with one kick, revealing a morbid smile on his face.

"The Ring of Judgment!"

The ring on Smile's left hand shone, and bursts of dazzling red light swept out, and a quaint book appeared on his hand.

Immediately afterwards, a magical scene happened. The light beam from Wuchen was actually absorbed by the book.

Seeing this, there were faint ripples in Wuchen's eyes, and then he returned to calm.

"Back to you!"

With a grim smile, the other hand slammed towards Wuchen.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The light beam that disappeared before hits again from the ring worn on Smile's right hand.


The dust-free abdomen was hit immediately, and a small hole was cut out.

"Hahaha... Idiot, you deserve it, this is why you underestimate this uncle..." The crazy smile on his cheeks suddenly solidified, and he was surprised to find that the wound that had been pierced before had been repaired.

"What kind of ability is this?" Smile opened his mouth wide and looked at Wuchen in amazement.

"The elementalization of the glittering fruit."

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