"Sure enough, you're a pervert!" Stella's eyes were burning with anger when she looked at Wuchen.


Suddenly, all the hot tea that Wuchen had just drank spurted out, and an army of [-] grass and mud horses flew past in his heart, and he couldn't help but raise his middle finger to the chairman.

Shouldn't this woman deliberately trick her? !

Originally, Stella was hostile to herself, and the chairman was so arrogant, even showing an ambiguous look and a dust-free frown, so it was no wonder that this little girl was furious.

"I'm going to challenge you!"

Stella pointed to Wuchen and looked down at him condescendingly, "The winner will occupy this dormitory, and the loser will go out to sleep in the corridor later."

"Forget it, I am a kind person, I can't bear to see you sleeping in the corridor." Wuchen waved his hand and lay lazily on the sofa, the implication being that he refused.

"Do you think you can beat me?" Stella's tone carried a hint of arrogance, and she declared triumphantly: "In this freshman exam, my grades came second!"


Wuchen frowned. In the original book, this chick seems to be the first, why is she now the second?Could it be that there are freshmen who are more powerful than her who have joined Pojun Academy?

"Why, are you afraid?" Seeing Wuchen's silence, Stella immediately showed disdain. She hated this kind of incompetent man the most, and said annoyed: "The guy who bullies the soft and fears the hard."


Hearing this, Wuchen still glanced at Stella lightly, unmoved, unable to fight against a mentally ill person.

"Stella, you may not know it yet, this guy is number one in the freshman competition."

Pointing to the lazy dust-free, Stella was stunned by the words of the chairman, this soft egg is actually the first of the freshmen?There must be something wrong with the test data system!

When Wuchen glanced at the chairman, what does this woman mean?

Chapter 6 Rock Paper Scissors [First Update]

"I just defeated an F-rank knight, and you are too proud of me, Mr. Chairman." Wuchen still lay lazily on the sofa, his eyes looking at the ceiling, bored in a daze.

"I understand the strength of that black iron guy, there is no doubt that you can defeat him." The chairman suddenly snuffed out the cigarette butt, his face became serious, and then said to Stella, who wanted to get angry: "You go out first, I There are words and no dust to say."

"Boy, wait for me, our business is not over!" Stella gave Wuchen a vicious glance, and then left angrily.

"What do you mean?"

After Stella left, without waiting for the chairman to speak first, Wuchen said indifferently, "You seem to want to deliberately provoke a fight between me and that woman."


The chairman admitted frankly, then sat opposite Wuchen and smiled: "I want to see the full strength of my lovely freshman, can't I?"

Hearing this, Wuchen looked at the chairman for a moment, and said indifferently: "Woman, don't get too carried away, freeing the Pandora cartridges will be a monster that devours you!"

"Whoops...that's scary."

The chairman still kept a calm smile on his face, and said slowly: "To be honest, I am really curious about your strength. During the battle with Kurotie Ikki, your frivolous expression can be seen even 1%. The strength was not exerted.”

"So you're going to provoke me and Stella? That woman with big breasts and no brains is really simple, and it's too easy to be used."

Wuchen couldn't help shaking his head gently, and then said plainly: "However, do you think Stella can test my full strength? To be honest, this idea is really naive."

"Don't say that, at least she is an A-rank knight, and her strength is also very strong. If she performs well, she can also shine in the [Seven-Star Sword Dance Festival]." The chairman is very optimistic about Stella.

"She is indeed a first-class genius. I heard that she is only 15 years old. She is already an A-rank knight, and her potential is unlimited."

Wuchen also sighed for a while, but didn't care much.

"But compared to this, I still want to ask the reason why you are looking for me." Wuchen looked at the chairman and said calmly: "Based on your answer, I can judge whether you are an enemy or not."

"Is this still a judgment? Of course not the enemy, I am the chairman of this school, how can I be the enemy of my own students!"

The chairman increased his tone and seriously emphasized his position.

"Looking at your frivolous appearance, it is estimated that you will not participate in the [Seven-Star Sword Dance Festival]?" The chairman was a little disappointed, and she still had a lot of confidence in Wuchen. Beyond the potential of everyone in the Po Military Academy.

If Wuchen participates in the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival, it is likely to help Pojun Academy win the championship.

"No, I will participate."

Wuchen suddenly stood up, stretched, looked at the beautiful Po Military Academy, and said lightly: "I am a person who holds revenge very much. I don't have the demeanor of a strong man.

"Who do you want to take revenge on?!"

The chairman was stunned. It seemed that Wuchen had just come to this school, and no one had offended him. Could it be...

"That's right, it's that kid Ikki Kurotetsu. I'm going to crush his dreams in the next tryouts."

Wuchen said coldly, with a cold attitude.

Although it was said that the previous mock battle had taught Ikki Kurotsu a lesson, but after all, it was a mock battle, and there was no substantial damage, and the kid was still alive and kicking.

Crushing the protagonist's dream, Wuchen said that he likes to do this kind of thing the most!

"Fortunately, I didn't kill him." The chairman heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, then lit another cigarette, looked at Wuchen and said, "I'll leave if I'm fine."

"No delivery."

Wuchen responded with an expressionless face.

"No Dust!!!"

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