Where is the cafeteria, it is obviously an office, and there is a woman in a suit sitting in front of the desk, who is seriously reviewing documents at the moment.

"who are you?"

The woman raised her head to look at Wuchen, frowned, and asked, "Strange, you are a student of Po Military Academy? Why haven't I seen you, what's your name?"


Wuchen was speechless, and an army of [-] grass and mud horses flew past in his heart. He looked at the woman in front of him, and he had some impressions. After thinking about it, he immediately realized that he had been tricked.

Canteen Nimapo, the woman in front of me is called Shinoji Heno, this is obviously the chairman's office!

"Director, I thought this guy was a little suspicious, so I brought him here."

Kurotie Ikki suddenly walked in and pointed at Wuchen.

"What about the basic trust between people? Damn, everyone has no grievances in the past, but recently there is no enmity, I just want to make a meal, you are so cheating on me?!"

There were countless crows on Wuchen's head. He resisted the anger of running away and wanted to hit people, and looked at Hei Tie Yihui with a smile.

"Boy, you did a great job! Just wait, this is definitely not over!"


Chapter 2 Inherent Spiritual Equipment [First Update]

Why didn't you see it just now?This kid looks honest and honest, but he is actually an out-and-out black-bellied bastard.

"Student Hei Tie, I also think this person is very suspicious." The chairman lit a cigarette, took a sip, leaning on the table with both hands to drag his cheeks, and his big watery eyes seemed to be able to talk, she asked :"who are you?"

"Stinky boy, sooner or later, I will have a chance to settle accounts with you." Yu Guang glared fiercely at Hei Tie Yihui, and Wuchen then looked at the woman in front of her. She was the chairman of the Po Military Academy, so it was useless to pretend.

Turning his eyes lightly, Wuchen showed a simple and honest smile, "My name is Wuchen, but I actually came here because of my name. I really want to join Pojun Academy, and I hope the chairman will be successful."

Hearing this, Hei Tie Yihui's face turned pale, and he corrected: "You didn't say that just now, claiming to be a freshman of Pojun Academy."

"Is it really there, I don't even remember it! Did you hear it wrongly?" Wuchen pointed to his head and sighed: "Student Hei Tie, if your head is not good, just drop out of school and go home for treatment, sir, I can Never said that!"

Hei Tie Yihui was stunned, he looked at Wuchen in awe, how could this guy be so shameless and shameless?

Looking around, Wuchen looked at himself with bright eyes, full of momentum, and looked at him with confidence, and just responded to that sentence - you don't blush when you lie!

"Enough, none of that matters."

The chairman scolded, then his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said with a smile: "There are many people who admire Pojun Academy. After all, we are the premier academy!"

"This woman looks fair and beautiful, but her face is actually thick enough." Wu Chen secretly complained, he just said casually, this woman really pushed her nose on her face.

There is no doubt that the strength of Pojun Academy is good, and it is considered to be an outstanding existence in the whole of Japan, but in recent years, the ranking of the "Seven Star Sword Dance Festival" has not been very good, ranking at the bottom.

"If you want to join the [Poor Military Academy], you can also use your talents." The chairman smiled and looked at Wuchen, her beautiful eyes filled with anticipation, "Take out your [Inherent Spiritual Equipment] first. Let me see, if the conditions are right, I will test other talents, and if I can pass the customs, I can open a back door for you."

However, the next sentence of Wuchen made the chairman collapse instantly.

"Inherent spiritual equipment? I don't have that kind of thing." Wuchen scratched his head and looked at the chairman with great embarrassment.

"Cough cough cough..."

The eye circles that the chairman spit out were all sucked into his mouth in an instant, and he couldn't help coughing violently.

Her beautiful eyes looked at Wuchen, and her eyes instantly became unkind and full of resentment. This kid must be bored and play with himself, right?

"You don't even have your own spiritual outfit?" Heo Tie Yihui also looked at Wuchen strangely, and his tone suddenly became yin and yang, "In other words, is it an ordinary human?"

"so what."

Wuchen looked at Hei Tie Yihui lightly, and said, "If I defeat you, I will be able to prove my talent, right?"

"You are even worse than Kurotie Ikki, the weakest [Falling Knight] in the entire academy. Anyway, he has his own spiritual outfit!"

"Spiritual outfit...?"

Wuchen narrowed his eyes, then thought about it, smiled slightly, and said, "This is the spiritual outfit you are talking about, right?"

There was a golden light in Wuchen's hands, and a photon sword was condensed in an instant. This was the Tiancong Yunjian condensed with the glittering fruit.

"To be honest, this is my inherent spiritual outfit - Tiancong Yunjian!" Wuchen looked at the two of them calmly, his expression was as calm as water, calm, as if what he said was true.

The chairman looked at it for a while, then nodded lightly, nodded and said, "You have passed the test. Show me your talent in magic."

"I really don't have this." After thinking for a while, Wuchen shook his head, it's really not easy to pretend to be magic.

The power of Reiatsu is too violent, and so is Chakra. It is estimated that if you use it, it will be seen in an instant.

"It turns out that this guy is the same as me..." Ikki Kurote murmured to himself, "There will finally be someone with me in the future."

"Don't compare me to your scum."

Wuchen snorted disdainfully, pointed at Hei Tie Ikki and said to the chairman: "Since this guy is a student of Pojun Academy, if I defeat him, I can prove that I am better than this kid? I am also eligible to enter this school. school."

"Are you going to have a mock battle with classmate Heiro?" The chairman looked at Wuchen with interest. Others might not know the details of Ikki Heiro, but she knew it very well.

The actual combat effectiveness of this F-rank knight is extremely strong, but due to some special reasons, he was given the nickname of "Falling Knight".

"I promise you."

Looking at Wuchen's awe-inspiring gaze, Kurotie Ikki naturally wouldn't flinch and agreed calmly.

Wuchen is similar to himself, and he has no talent in magic. It seems that he also relies on pure swordsmanship and physical skills. For such a rare opponent, Kuro Iron Ikki is also quite looking forward to it.

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