Looking up at the azure moon, Wuchen was thoughtful, all the trivial matters that should be solved at the moment were completed, and Claudia also gave up participating in the Lion Heron Star Martial Art Festival. It seemed that there was nothing worth remembering.


Chapter 77 The Ending of the City of Learning and Battle (Part [-]) [Third]

After tidying up Mathias, Wuchen and the others also went back, and there was a little loli like Fan Xinglu, Wuchen felt helpless about it, after all, she promised her back then, not to mention that this little girl took the initiative to make the film. Followed, no one forced her.

"Oops...what the hell is this?"

After returning to the palace, Fan Xinglu stared wildly at the mirror and said to herself, "What kind of eyes are these? It's actually white, so strange, I want the ability to be armed and domineering."

"I told you before, drinking my blood is random to get the ability, I don't know what I will get." Wuchen put on a look of nothing to do with himself, and then looked at Looking at Fan Xinglu's eyes, he explained, "It's the white eyes of the Hyuga clan, and it's very suitable for those who use taijutsu."

"Blind eyes?"

Fan Xinglu was stunned, then looked at Wuchen blankly, and asked, "What kind of eyes are Baiyan?"

"This one is actually quite suitable for you."

Wuchen introduced the white eyes in Hokage in detail, Fan Xinglu was fascinated, and after a long time he sighed: "I didn't expect that there are such magical eyes, and they can see the acupuncture points of the body clearly. It's really as magical as you said, indeed. It is more suitable for the elderly.”

When the words fell, Fan Xinglu rushed over again, hugged Wuchen's neck tightly, and opened his mouth again.

"No, you still want to come!?"

Seeing this, Wuchen was speechless. Does this guy really think of himself as an ability extraction machine?

"Of course, you have too many secrets. I can't wait to find out." Fan Xinglu's eyes were full of fascination, and Wuchen was like a big treasure.

"I'm so sorry, it's useless for you to continue sucking blood." Wuchen pushed Fan Xinglu's mouth away and explained lightly, "Yulis has also sucked my blood, and it has been several times, but in the end there is only one domineering."

"In other words, no matter how many times you suck blood, you can only acquire one kind of ability?" Despite Fan Xinglu's young age, his comprehension ability was not bad at all, so he couldn't help being disappointed.


Wuchen lightly flicked the little loli's forehead, and scolded seriously: "Too much ability is useless, it can't be used! A skill is tempered a thousand times, and it is enough to achieve the point where practice makes perfect."

"That's right."

Fan Xinglu nodded, and then looked at Wuchen very unwillingly, "It's a pity that the cooked duck flew away."


Hearing this, Wuchen's cheeks turned black, and then he asked angrily: "Is the duck you are talking about?!"

"Boom boom boom..."

Outside the palace, a violent explosion suddenly sounded, and Wuchen, Fan Xinglu and the others all frowned.

From a distance, the night sky is full of all kinds of birds and beasts, including huge flying dragons, firebirds in myths and legends, and some legendary monsters raging.

"Did I make a mistake, I defeated the eight-disparate snake just now, and now there are so many monsters?!"

No matter how good Jobot is to rest, he is still furious at the moment. His palace has been ruined over and over again. Although this is only a small country, he is still a king anyway. Where is his face as a king?

"It's probably the [Beast Creation Magician] again, didn't Claudia get rid of him?"

Wuchen stared at all kinds of birds and beasts in the sky. There was a large area of ​​blackness, and the number was dazzling, and it was not clear how many.

"give it to me."

Wuchen gave Jobot a consoling look. After all, he is also the future brother-in-law. If he can take care of him, he will take care of him.

Wuchen walked to the balcony and looked at the countless monsters in the void with a hint of sarcasm on his face.

"No matter how exaggerated the amount is rubbish!"

Suddenly, Wuchen's hands were beating with extremely bright rays of light, and countless rays of light flew out from his hands.

"Bachi Qionggou Yu!"

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Thousands of golden light bullets cut through the void and shot straight into the sky. The light and shadow in the sky were spectacular, like a golden rainstorm.

"Bang bang bang..."

All kinds of beasts flying in the void fell badly, their bodies were beaten to pieces, and their whole bodies collapsed.

In just a short time between lightning and flint, all kinds of monsters flying in the void disappeared.

"how is this possible!?"

Gustav, who was quietly observing from afar, was stunned. He tried his best to create all kinds of monsters, and they were wiped out in the blink of an eye. What a joke, is the other party a god? !


A cold voice suddenly came from his ear, and Gustav was startled. When he looked back, he was clean and his face twitched.

Seeing that the domineering domineering covers an area of ​​dozens of kilometers, Gustav can't escape the palm of the dust-free.

"My lord, please spare your life! I am only subject to the employment of others. If I knew that my opponent was you, I would never dare to accept this task."

Gustav knelt down lowly, his face pale and admitting his mistake.

"The attitude is very sincere."

Wuchen looked at Gustav with satisfaction, and then said lightly: "I don't want to say more nonsense, but I'll go see the person who hired you, don't say you don't know, it's Nikolas Enfield Bar?"

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