Tian Wuyao took a few deep breaths and asked in a low voice, "I'm giving you one last chance, apologize or not?"

"Just kill me!" Wuchen was crisp and decisive.


As soon as the voice fell, a purple light swept across the ground. Wuchen thought that the purple chain was coming again, and immediately the spiritual pressure erupted, crushing all around.


The purple luster did not disappear, it was still flickering like a dream, Wuchen looked down and said in amazement, "Is this a magic circle?"

Under his feet, it was a grotesque pattern that was somewhat similar to a magic circle.


Tian Wuyao said lightly, the hatred in his eyes disappeared, there is no need for hatred for a dying person, no need.

"It's just you?" Wuchen grinned and said arrogantly: "I'm immortal, I can't die even if I stab you [-] times!"

"When did I say I was going to kill you?" Tian Wuyao gave Wuchen a meaningful glance, pointed to the magic circle under his feet, and explained, "I am a witch who can seal everything."

"In other words, are you planning to seal me?" After living for countless years, Wuchen's understanding ability is naturally not bad.


Immediately afterwards, the magic circle on the ground collapsed and opened, and an incomparably pitch-black hole appeared, penetrating the infinite gravitational force, and wanted to suck dust-free into it.

"Are you planning to seal me in another dimension?"

Wuchen's body was dazzling and smooth, and he turned into a photon, trying to escape the shackles of this magic circle.

However, that pitch-black hole is like a black hole in the universe. The gravitational force coming out of it is hard to resist, and the density is too huge. Even light cannot escape its capture, and it swallows the dust-free in an instant.

After Wuchen disappeared, the purple light all over the ground disappeared, and the terrifying black hole also disappeared.


This move obviously consumes a lot of money. Tian Wuyao is sweating profusely, his face is pale, and his legs are soft and he falls directly to the ground.

At this moment, she didn't even have the strength to stand up!

"Dust free!"

Several voices came from afar, and then I saw Claudia and the others rushing from all directions.

This decisive battle greatly exceeded their expectations.

"Where did you banish him?"

Claudia's eyes were as stern as she looked at the dead, and Julis and the others were a little uncomfortable. At this moment, Claudia was permeated with an evil spirit, as if she was bent over by some monster.

"I don't know, that kind of power is not under my control. You all saw it just now, because I also ran out of fuel for this trick, so you can kill if you want, please feel free."

After finishing speaking, Tian Wuyao closed his eyes, looking down on life and death.

"If you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

Claudia's murderous intent was awe-inspiring, one hand grabbed Tian Wuyao's neck, and when she was about to break it, an ethereal voice resounded in everyone's ears.

"Don't be impatient, even if I really want to kill her, I will come."

This steady voice made everyone stunned, and Claudia and the others, who looked sad, burst into tears of joy.

"Damn, isn't it sealed?!" Tian Wuyao opened his eyes in disbelief, full of shock.


The space beside Julis suddenly burst, and a long and narrow crack flashed out of thin air, revealing the power to destroy the natural enemy.

"Little girl, you really surprised me."

The face of Wuchen who came out of the different space still has a few traces of fright on his face. If it is not prepared in advance, he may not be able to come back. Although it is impossible to kill him, Wuchen may be lost in the universe forever. among.

"How did you get back?" Tian Wuyao asked in disbelief.

"It's all thanks to Julis."

Wuchen smiled slightly, and suddenly grabbed her snow-white wrist. There was a special symbol on her skin. It was the space warlock of "Flying Thunder God", which was left a long time ago.

Without this, the dust-free almost never came back.

"I killed her, and there will be no future troubles!"

Claudia's eyes were full of chills, because of Tian Wuyao, she almost became a widow! ! ! !

"I told you to stay safe and don't be impatient, this woman still has value." Wuchen waved his hand gently, walked to Tian Wuyao, and grabbed her head with one hand.

"What do you want?!"

Tian Wuyao asked badly, and at the same time began to struggle violently.

"I advise you not to move around. It's quite troublesome to use the eye of reincarnation to extract your memory. You will easily be mentally traumatized by acting like this, and you may become a vegetative person."

Searching Tian Wuyao's memories, you might be able to find Mathias' whereabouts.

"For you, that Mathias is also a big threat??"

Wuchen took a deep look at Tian Wuyao, her face suddenly stiffened, she subconsciously clenched her fists, and clenched her silver teeth. Mathias.

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