Wuchen frowned for a moment, and then he was relieved. Several colleges had sent invitation letters to him, but they were all torn apart by the mad Claudia.

Just kidding, she has always been the only one digging into other people's corners, but now that someone is arrogant on her head, it's totally unreasonable.

"Then what do you have to do with me today?" Wuchen lay lazily on the sofa mountain with a casual and leisurely attitude.

"How about making a deal?"

Fan Xinglu suddenly said: "When I saw that Julis yesterday, she used a lot of physical skills, her body is as tough as steel, I heard that [Huayan Witch] is not good at physical skills, that child It's your student again, how did you do it?"

Fan Xinglu looked at Wuchen with eyes like torches. The "Wooden School" of their Jielong Academy, that is, Fan Xinglu's school, but specialized in physique, the tricks Julis used made her very tempted.

"You mean domineering?"

Wuchen suddenly realized that it was no wonder that this little girl was willing to come to find her in person.

Frankly speaking, armed domineering is indeed a physical art, and it is still quite powerful, which can be attacked and defended, but it is a pity that people in this world cannot cultivate, and Julis who drank her own blood was unexpectedly there.

"I'm really sorry, I can teach you other things, but this one doesn't work, and I can't do it."

Wuchen shook his head, pointed to his neck and said, "You may not believe it, but Julis drank my blood... What do you want to do?!"

The voice at the corner of Wuchen's mouth stopped abruptly, and before he finished speaking, Fan Xinglu rushed over like a hungry wolf. This little girl was very fast, hugging Wuchen's neck nimbly, and her body was hanging upside down in the air.

Wuchen was petrified on the spot, I really didn't expect Fan Xinglu to play like this.

I saw this little loli looking longing, looking at Wuchen's neck, her eyes shining, and excitedly said: "That Julis can suck blood to gain your ability, there is no reason why I can't!"

Hearing this, the corners of Wuchen's mouth twitched. It turns out that this little girl has such a plan.

Without saying a word, he forcibly pushed Fan Xinglu away, thinking what he was?Food for your strength?Want to suck blood?There are no doors!

"You'd better follow me." Fan Xinglu, who was pushed away by Wuchen, looked at him extremely unhappily.

"Did you say the wrong line?"

Wuchen can't laugh or cry, isn't this what a man said?At this moment, it came out from the mouth of Fan Xinglu, a child who appeared to be less than ten years old, how awkward it was!

"Tell me, what conditions do you have, no matter what harsh conditions, the old man promises you, and if you want the moon in the sky, I will help you take it off!" Fan Xinglu stood with his hands behind his back, his words revealing domineering and arrogance.

"Why does this sound more and more strange?"

Wuchen rubbed his head with a headache, looking at the little kid in front of him, exhausted.



Chapter 48 Trading [Second Update]

"Little brat, you have a big tone." Wuchen could not help but carefully examine Fan Xinglu, although this little loli, who was not even her waist, was lawless and spoke extremely arrogant and arrogant, but overall there was no malicious intent. People can't hate it.

"Stinky boy, do you despise me?" Fan Xinglu's heart is obviously older than he looks, so he can naturally capture the contempt in Wuchen's language, "Young man, don't be too ambitious, why don't you fight Lao Shen?"

"young people?!"

Hearing this, Wuchen's forehead suddenly darkened. This little brat calls himself a young man?Did you make a mistake!

How old is she, Wuchen is not clear, at least she is a thousand years old, she calls herself a young man?

"Forget it... I'm not interested in bullying a child, and I know who wins and who loses even if I don't fight."

Wuchen waved his hand, showing no interest in this.

"Then let me suck blood!"

Fan Xinglu couldn't wait to look at Wuchen, and murmured: "No wonder so many people always want to get you, and now even the old man is tempted."

When the words fell, Fan Xinglu rushed over again, hugging Wuchen's neck tightly, showing his teeth.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Wuchen didn't resist this time, let Fan Xinglu hug his neck, and said lightly, "There is no such thing as a white lunch, do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood!" Fan Xinglu scolded, then stretched out Xiaoxiang and licked Wuchen's neck, and smiled excitedly: "I want to see what kind of monster you are."

After speaking, Fan Xinglu bit him.


A sound similar to glass breaking suddenly came, Fan Xinglu's pretty face suddenly solidified, she suddenly left Wuchen's neck, and a little residue fell from her mouth.

"Your neck...is it made of diamonds?" Fan Xinglu opened his mouth and his eyes were full of shock.

The moment he bit Wuchen's neck just now, his skin was not pierced, but his teeth were broken a lot.

"Now that I understand, I can only retreat?" Wuchen asked flatly, with a gloating smile in his eyes.

"Hmph, you underestimate me too, bang bang bang!"

The powerful Xingchen force fluctuations erupted from Fan Xinglu's body, and Wuchen's face flashed a little surprise. Fan Xinglu, who was hanging upside down on his body, seemed to be several thousand pounds heavier, and pressed himself tightly on the sofa.

"This star power is really unbelievable. You and the [Lonely Island Witch] are both on the same level, and they may even be stronger." Wuchen couldn't help but treat him differently. The outbreak of such a powerful force is expected to make everyone stunned.


"It's a pity, you still can't bite my skin." Wuchen smiled and pointed to his neck, "If you don't believe me, try again."

Fan Xinglu refused to accept it, so he just opened his mouth and bit down.

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