
Ophelia's face changed uncertainly, alternating between blue and white. Indeed, as Wuchen said, this is the Star Guidance Hall, and she has no advantage at all when she starts, and she will be beaten by the group.

Even if she was unwilling, Ophelia could only withdraw her miasma at the moment, looked at Wuchen deeply, and said, "I heard that you and Julis teamed up to participate in the [Phoenix Star Martial Festival], and I will also participate in this event. At the Xingwu Festival, I will defeat you in full view of the time."

After speaking, Ophelia turned around and left, with a faint smile on her face, defeating herself?This woman is too far away.

Ophelia is only 17 years old this year, and the age of participating in the Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival is 13 to 22 years old, and there are no restrictions.

Chapter 33 Mathias Mesa [Second]

"This will completely offend the Black Academy of Leiwolf. I am afraid that the [Phoenix Star Martial Art] will be fully revenge from them in a few days."

Claudia smiled bitterly, while Wuchen, the initiator, had an indifferent expression, her expression was full of frivolity and disapproval, and she didn't take it to heart at all.

"If you offend, you're offended, what's there to be afraid of." Wuchen was careless, then turned and left.

"Wait a minute..."

Julis and Claudia spoke at the same time, and both of them couldn't help but startled.

"You talk first." Claudia shrugged, but it didn't matter, because Wuchen was already hers.

"I want to save Ophelia..." Staring at the dust-free cheeks with burning eyes, Julis's voice was full of desire.

"Then you still need to work hard. The strength gap between you is too great. The best way to defeat a person is to defeat her, understand?" Wuchen's remarks made Julis quite a blow, and she was silent. It is undeniable that the strength of the two is indeed much different.

Even with this newly made body of Wuchen, it can ignore Ophelia's miasma, but the strength is completely different. Julis is like a baby that hasn't grown up in front of Ophelia, and it is unbearable. hit.

"What's the matter with you?" Wuchen looked at Claudia again.

"It's nothing, just someone wants to see you." Claudia was also quite confused, because the identity of the person who wanted to see Wuchen was a little sensitive.

"Someone wants to see me?"

Wuchen blinked, and was also a little curious. The people he knew in this world were pitiful.

"It's the producer and chairman of the [Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival] - Mathias Mesa, do you know this person?" Claudia asked.

"I know a fart." Wuchen snorted angrily, and then sneered: "It is estimated that he is looking for trouble."

"You offended him?" Claudia looked at Wuchen in surprise.

"It's an indirect offense, I just killed him." Claudia is her own, and there is no need to hide it without dust, she said truthfully: "That [Spicy King] and Mathias Mesa cooperated If I killed his partner, wouldn't I offend Mathias?"

"So that's the case." Claudia suddenly realized, "Then you don't see it or not, it doesn't seem appropriate if you don't meet, the other party may be here to release the suspicion."

"Indeed, you arrange for me to meet him once." Wuchen nodded.


There are only two people in the student union office at the moment.

Mathias Mesa sat opposite the dust-free, the two looked at each other, and the atmosphere fell into an awkward silence.

"Your Excellency doesn't seem to be a generation of Star Vein." After a while, Mathias took the lead and said, "Having great strength, as well as good medical ability, you can even easily ignore the miasma of the [Lonely Island Witch]... It's really amazing. ."

"Each each other..." Wuchen smiled and looked at Mathias's eyes, and said meaningfully: "The mysterious character [Execution Blade] that appeared in the [Eclipse Martial Arts Festival] was amazing. He easily defeated the owner of the Black Furnace Demon Sword, Haruka Tenmiri."

"Bang, ka ka ka..."

The water glass that Mathias brought to his mouth was suddenly crushed, and his expression became gloomy. After taking a few deep breaths, he said bluntly: "Your Excellency is powerful, are you interested in working with me?"

"Work with me?"

Hearing this, Wuchen was quite surprised. For a while, he was in a daze. He thought he heard it wrong. He didn't expect that this old boy would come to win him over to cheat people together... It seems that he has abandoned the "King of Evil".

However, if you think about it carefully, Mathias is not stupid, there is no need to be an enemy of Wuchen for a dead character, so the gain outweighs the loss.

"Sorry, I'm not interested." Wuchen refused without thinking.

No matter what kind of amazing thing Mathias does, Wuchen will not be interested.

Mathias's face froze slightly, and then he showed an apologetic smile, "Suddenly remembered that some trivial matters about the [Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival] have not been dealt with, so I'm leaving."

"No." Wuchen responded calmly, looked at Mathias's back, and drank a cup of tea leisurely, which meant that the negotiation between the two broke down.

After about a few minutes, Claudia walked into her office with doubts, looked at Wuchen and asked, "What did you guys talk about? When that guy left, his face was particularly ugly."

Thinking of Mathias's terrifying face, Claudia immediately shuddered, and the other party was afraid that she was really angry.

"It's nothing, it's just dismantling his identity." Wuchen said indifferently: "Tianwu Lingdou's sister Tianwuyao, have you heard of it?"

"Tianwu Lingdou asked me, and I know very little information. I only know that she used to be a user of the Black Furnace Demon Sword." Claudia nodded, and then glanced at Wuchen resentfully.

The Black Furnace Demon Sword has been deliberately destroyed by him, and now it has become a pile of debris, and it seems that there is no possibility of repairing it.

"Tianwuyao was severely injured in the [Eclipse Martial Art Festival] competition, and the person who severely injured him is that guy." Wuchen said in a deep voice.

"That rascal?"

Claudia froze for a moment, then suddenly startled, "You mean Mathias Mesa?"

"That's right, his nickname is [Execution Blade], and he was the culprit who severely injured Tian Wuyao."

Wuchen said eloquently, this is a fact, he did not add fuel to the jealousy, that guy, in addition to Diluk, has another ally, Varda Vaos, who is a pure star weapon with self-awareness.

Chapter 34 Dancing with the Devil [Chapter Three]

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