The girl clenched her fists with resentment.

"Cough cough cough..."

Wuchen coughed twice with an unnatural look, and the person who destroyed the student union of Leiwof Black Academy was himself.

"Hug, sorry for causing you trouble."

An extremely weak voice came suddenly, Wuchen and Priscilla looked at them at the same time, and Irene had already opened her eyes.

"You seem to be the third-ranked existence in the Black Academy of Leiwolf before. Even if a group of people beat you, it wouldn't be so miserable, right?" Wuchen asked while rubbing his chin.

Just now he detected a very powerful miasma, which can corrode a person's body. Irene's internal organs were also corroded, but it was not very serious, and was restored by Wuchen.

"It's Ophelia who is number one!" Irene's voice trembled slightly, and she was always arrogant with a hint of fear.

"There is also some very bad news to tell you that when I escaped with Priscilla, that Ophelia also followed, and maybe she has infiltrated this academy!"

"It really is her."

Wuchen listened silently, but she didn't blame Elena. In fact, she was innocent in this matter, because she was the one who killed the student union, and she was wronged by helping Wuchen take the blame.

"Anyway, rest well. No matter how powerful that Ophelia is, she will be a human being for me here!"

It doesn't matter if it's dust-free, it's just right to come, then clean up her now to save trouble later!

& #160;

Chapter 31 The Great War Begins [Fifth Update]

The Lonely Island Witch, whose full name is Ophelia Randoluffen, is actually not a generation of Star Vein, but an ordinary human being, or a poor orphan. Human experiments, and later gave birth to an alien existence like her.

After all, he is a poor man.

"I'll take care of the situation outside. You can rest in peace." Wuchen stretched and was about to drink some water when Claudia's voice came from outside the room.

"Your precious apprentice has a fight with that solitary poison witch."

"If you don't hurry up and take a look, Julis is going to die. Who will flirt with you in the future?"

"Her breasts have been enlarged by you. Who do you go to see when she dies?"


Hearing such a jealous voice, countless crows flew over Wuchen's forehead instantly. Did this little girl come to rescue the soldiers, or to complain that she was messing with flowers?

Tangled and tangled, Wuchen still ran to see it as soon as possible. Although the new body made for Julis has more potential, it will take a while to control it completely. After all, it is a new body, and it is also integrated into Wuchen Cells, not so easy to control, are not yet Ophelia's opponents.

"That Ophelia just came in so openly. You, the student council president, are just eating? Don't stop it, it's too useless." As soon as the door opened, Wuchen retorted, "It's a shame, Claudia. elegant."

"You have the nerve to say it."

Claudia rushed over angrily, her beautiful eyes sullen, "Are you hidden in the golden house? Someone saw the wanted Elena Ruth running into your room."

"I'm stupid, exposed so quickly?"

Wuchen's old face turned black, and the opponent seized the handle. The enemy had the reason. Claudia really couldn't stop Ophelia, after all, the reason was the first.

"It seems that you really hid those two sisters." Seeing the change in Wuchen's expression, Claudia smiled bitterly, rolled her eyes at Wuchen, and said angrily, "What are you going to do, troublemaker?"

"What should I do? Don't you need to ask me, anyone who asks me to hand over someone will kill anyone." Wuchen's eyes shot cold light, murderous intent, what kind of lonely poison witch, in the end, it's all scum. Beaten at the foot.

Anyway, this is a world where strength is respected. Since Wuchen's fist is big enough, what if it is seen by others? What if I just don't make sense? !

"Let's go and have a look first." Wuchen took Claudia's boneless little hand and left.


On the usually blue playground, at this moment, purple smoke is flying all over the sky, gathering and not dispersing like a fog.

"Don't get close."

The other students looked at the mist from a distance, their faces terrified, they did not dare to approach even an inch, and kept them at a distance.

These purple mists are poisonous gases, and the poison is deadly, and if you get close to them, you may faint.

And the few students who entered rashly before have shed a layer of skin, which is horrible to see, and the green grass has become a Jedi.

"Boom boom boom..."

In the smoke, there was the sound of fierce fighting, and the movement was quite loud, and shock waves were emitted from the purple miasma.

"That solitary poison witch is really arrogant." Wuchen looked at the purple miasma and walked straight over, "Let's go in and have a look."

The pores of Wuchen's body were opened, and the golden materialized chakra overflowed, forming a head with an appearance close to that of a skeleton.

He can ignore this kind of miasma, but Claudia can't. Once he takes too much, the body organs of the creature will be dismembered.

"It's an ability I haven't seen before." Claudia looked at the golden light curtain, and couldn't help but be a little lost. Ophelia is one of the strongest witches in history. Poisonous miasma is her specialty, but now it has been wiped out. This layer of golden light curtain was made to block it, and it was difficult to erode at all.

"Of course, if that woman can even erode my Susanoo, this world is absolutely invincible." Wuchen took Claudia's little hand, soft, as if touching a piece of warm jade , The touch is very comfortable, and some are reluctant to let go.

Simply Claudia is also an open girl, not struggling and extremely submissive.

"Boom boom... boom boom... boom boom..."

In the depths of the purple miasma, the deafening sound of fighting came again, and the eyes of Wuchen and Claudia had already caught Julis and Ophelia.

"No, I'm dreaming?"

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