Looking over, it was her, and next to Liara was a rather sturdy man, who Wuchen recognized at a glance—Leohart, the current Demon King.

"Are you here to take advantage of the fire?" Staring at Liara, Wuchen asked with an expressionless face.

Through the perception of the domineering and domineering, Wuchen clearly noticed that there were many troops around. Strangely, most of them were hurt, including Leohart.

"If it was, I would have done it long ago." Liara winked and sneered, "I look like the kind of bad woman who takes advantage of the fire?"

Wuchen was too lazy to talk nonsense with Liara, walked away, and rushed directly to the address of the Cardinal.

"Are you looking for her?"

Riara snapped her fingers suddenly, and a few soldiers came over with a red-haired girl.


Maria was overjoyed and rushed over, Mei Mu looked at Liara gratefully.

"Should you thank me now?" Liara complained and looked at Wuchen, spit out bitter water, and said, "I finally persuaded my younger brother to surrender to you, and by the way, I caught the group of people in the Cardinal to show that I was right. Your loyalty, after a fierce battle, finally defeated those guys, and happened to see Naruse Mio again, so you brought it here, so you treat me like this?"

Liara's tone was like that of a deep widow, and Wuchen was one head and two big.

Wuchen's cold eyes softened a lot, looked at Liara for a moment, and said seriously: "Sorry, I blamed you before."

"You'll still apologize?" Liara looked at Wuchen with a hellish look. This guy belongs to the kind of extremely strong character who can't rub the sand in his eyes, so he still apologizes?Simply a miracle.

"You're underestimating me too." Wuchen rolled her eyes, she naturally understood what Liara was thinking about, was she so unreasonable?

"However, the group of people in the Cardinal still ran away a lot, and they also brought some incredible things." Liara's tone suddenly became a lot more serious.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a cat and a dog. In the end, it's just a group of old men who only fight for power and profit. They are basically rotten." Wuchen smiled flatly and didn't care.

Immediately, he glanced at Leohart. The wound on this kid is still bleeding. It is estimated that it was caused by the battle with the group of people in the Cardinal Academy. Wuchen directly threw him a medical ninjutsu. heal.

"It's amazing." Leohart's eyes widened, the group of people in the Cardinal also had strong people, and the damage they caused to themselves was naturally fatal, but I didn't expect Wuchen to be so evil, and it took a few breaths to heal. those wounds.

"No wonder the old lady told me not to be his enemy. It seems that the choice was the right one." Leohart took a deep look at Wuchen and stopped talking, and those rejections against him completely disappeared.

The fighting power is unbelievable, no one can match, and even the medical skills are amazing. After thinking about it, Leohart really thinks that he can't afford such a person, even if he is the king of the demon world.

Chapter 48 Demon God Chaos [First Update]

It's normal for Leohart to complain before. He is also the unique king of the devil world. Just because of Wuchen's words, he is going to step down and get out. This is too ridiculous.

No matter how monstrous the strength of Wuchen is, at least Leohart has never seen it with his own eyes. This time he experienced it personally, and he immediately understood the gap between them, and his complaints against Wuchen were also much smaller.

After about a few minutes, Mio also woke up. When she saw Wuchen, she immediately rushed over and couldn't help crying.Being betrayed by her relatives is indeed a heavy blow to a girl who is less than twenty years old.

After crying for half an hour, Mio fell asleep in Wuchen's arms. After this incident, Wuchen could feel that Mio trusted himself more, which just happened to answer the sentence - adversity sees the truth.

When he took Mio back to the room to rest, Wuchen turned his head and left, and met Riara and Leohart in the meantime.

Seeing the two of them, Wuchen said bluntly: "Mio said that she is not interested in the position of the Demon King, so let Leohart continue to be the Demon King, and it can be regarded as a repayment for your kindness for saving her life."


Leohart was extremely excited. Is there anyone in this world who voluntarily gave up the position of the Demon King?Miracle...

Wuchen nodded lightly, this was indeed what Mio said before.

"In this way, the world is finally at peace." Liara showed a satisfied smile on her little face. She actually didn't have the ambition to dominate the world, and everything would be fine.


Suddenly thinking of the escaped Cardinals and others, a flash of unease flashed in Liara's beautiful eyes. Those few fish that slipped through the net were all lunatics who would spare no effort to dominate the demon world. They were driven to a desperate situation and could do anything crazy .

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom..."

An unprecedented violent explosion suddenly resounded throughout the entire Demon Realm, and the shock wave of destruction spread unrestrictedly. Wherever it went, all buildings vanished.


Everyone walked out of the door for the first time, and looked up at the sky, and there were cracks in the blue enchantment.

"Something incredible has appeared, even my enchantment can be shattered." There was a little surprise on Wuchen's face, and he followed the source of the shock, and there was a huge magic circle there. .

This magic circle exudes an ancient prehistoric atmosphere, full of slaughter that wants to destroy everything. When it came to this continent, everyone shuddered and felt the breath of death.

Powerhouses of this level, including Leohart, were sweating coldly, staring at the large magic circle with fear and a few traces of fear in their eyes.

"The king of heroic spirits who command all heroic spirits, the Demon God Chaos." Leohart clenched his fists and roared angrily: "In order to defeat us, the old people of the Cardinal Academy even used this kind of trump card."

"Yalieyalie... Demon God? What a terrible name." Wuchen put his hands in his pockets lazily, looking at the behemoth slowly emerging from the magic circle, with inexplicable colors flashing in his eyes.

"You look so excited!" Liara was speechless, and explained solemnly: "The Demon God Chaos will continue to summon heroic spirits. Even if it is defeated in the end, the Demon World will eventually become a wasteland."

"He didn't have that chance."

Wuchen's body suddenly floated over, swept out of the enchantment, and flew rapidly in the direction of the Chaos of Demon God.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

A large number of beams attacked from all directions, and the destructive air waves cut through the void, and the deafening movement could tear a person's eardrums.

Wuchen did not evade, and rushed out facing the beam.

"Is that guy crazy? Aren't you afraid of being smashed to pieces?" Leohart was stunned, in his opinion, Wuchen was courting death.

"Boom boom boom..."

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