Leohart shook his head like a rattle, as if he was sworn to death.

Just because Wuchen said a word, he was about to step down?If he really gave up the position of the demon king, Leohart would really not be able to raise his head in the future, and he would look down on himself.

And because of the relationship between Wuchen, the enemy, the Cardinal has already cooperated with him. The previous grievances and grievances have been ignored for the time being. At present, they are working together to deal with Wuchen, and their strength has soared. How could Leohart surrender to Wuchen?There are no doors.

"You're too naive, even if the strength of the two of you is strong, can you be stronger than the gods in the heavens?" Liara said with a lesson that iron is not steel. This brother is good at everything, but his head is a bit rigid and he doesn't understand. Work around.


Leohart was silent, as Liara said, what can they do when they join forces in the Demon Realm, it seems that it is not the strength of Wuchen.

The gap between the two sides is too far.

"I can tell you, don't have a fluke mentality, that guy is extremely powerful, if you get serious, even I will be killed by a face-to-face!"

Riara's expression was unusually serious, and there was no joke in her heavy tone.

"Second kill? Is he really that terrifying?" Leohart looked at Liara in amazement. He understood the strength of this sister and could fight against that "God of War" Dongcheng Xun.

"You are my brother, is it good for me to lie to you?"

Liara laughed, but it was extremely bitter, and suggested: "If you can catch the group of people from the Cardinal Academy and dedicate them to Wuchen, maybe he will look at you differently, and maybe he will not be happy with your position as the devil. "

Hearing this, Leohart couldn't help laughing and laughing. Why did it sound so childish?

"Don't rush, let me think about it, I will give you a detailed answer tomorrow."

Leohart waved his hand haggardly. Since Wuchen appeared, he has been uneasy and has no strength to do anything.


Just when Leohart was tangled, a great event happened on Wuchen's side.

Even Wuchen, who is rarely angry, was angry this time. Ramsas and others felt a big knife standing on their heads, and they were all walking on thin ice.

No wonder Wuchen was so angry that Mio disappeared from under his nose, and even the master-servant contract couldn't feel her existence.

Even Maria, who signed the master-servant contract, was confused and couldn't figure out what happened.

"It may be that the barrier was used to block my connection with Mio." Wuchen pondered, and it seemed that was the only possibility.

"Which bastard did it, I won't spare him if I catch him." The maid Luzaki gritted her silver teeth, the impact of this incident was too bad, and she quietly captured Mio, who would dare to take refuge in the future Ramsas?

"It is estimated that Leohart did it. He has many strong men, especially Leohart himself is a strong strong man." Ramthas's tone was very confident, as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

"Forget it, you all go back, Ramthas stays." Wuchen waved his hand, but Lu Qiya glared at him, which obviously meant that Ramthas was the master here.

Although everyone was strange, they didn't ask much and left one after another.

"How about we go to trouble Leohart tomorrow?" Ramsas looked at Wuchen and suggested, "That guy is too arrogant."

"Ramsas, do you think you are particularly smart, or do you think others are particularly stupid?"

Wuchen looked at Ramsay blankly, this old boy really likes to be self-righteous.

Chapter 45 Killing him is to kill the people [first more]

Ramsas was extremely depressed, and thought to himself: Is this kid too keen, and he suspects that he is coming from a slight movement.

"Your Excellency, don't talk nonsense." Ramsas refused to admit it, and argued rationally: "I am Mio's uncle... How could it be possible to kidnap her? There is no reason."

"Only you know this. Anyway, I can't find anyone other than you. As for Leohart, although I don't know that kid, but as a dignified devil, he doesn't bother to do this kind of kidnapping of hostages. The thing...and the most important point is that my arrogance and domineering have always shrouded the vicinity of this castle, and there is no trace of fighting at all, but you put the responsibility on Leohart, isn't this a guilty conscience?" Wuchen remained motionless. Looking at Ramsas, sure enough, after these words fell, his expression was not right, he turned his cheeks, and did not have the courage to look at Wuchen.

"Actually, it's not impossible to prove your innocence."

Wuchen's remarks attracted Ramsas' attention again, he turned his cheeks and asked: "Tell me, no matter what the conditions, the old man is willing to try to prove my innocence, and I hope you can apologize at that time. ."

Ramsas spoke arrogantly, very frankly, and fearless, but when Wuchen said his bad idea, Ramsas immediately vomited blood.

"Okay, I agree to your conditions, and now let me search your memory." Wuchen said with a smile, swearing, "If it's my fault, I'm willing to fulfill any of your wishes, how? ?"

"I, I, I, I..." said by Wuchen, Ramsas' face turned green, and he stammered.

"Mio's silent disappearance can only mean that he was deceived by someone close to me. It is naturally impossible for the person I brought to attack Mio. In this way, it is only you." It was as dark as a black hole, and his eyes were obviously colder.

"What about me?!"

Knowing that he couldn't go on, Ramsas simply admitted it directly, and his face suddenly became very resentful, "I'm his uncle... No, as his biological father, I don't want her to kill you. , what a bastard, am I better than you as an outsider?"

"Old man, I can understand that you hate me. After all, Dongcheng Blade is your nephew, and Dongcheng Xun is your brother-in-law. They were all killed by me. It's only right that you hate me... However, even your own daughter Start, are you a little too mad?" Wuchen released a super momentum from his body and rushed towards Ramsas.


The old man only felt that he was hit by a mountain, and immediately flew out backwards, even the wall was hit by him, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

"I thought you were good to Mio, you were sincere, but it turned out to be just for me to see." Wuchen was extremely disappointed, and originally thought that since Mio is not interested in the position of the devil, then help Ramsas to regain it. .

But this old man's performance is really disappointing.

"I originally wanted to treat Mio well, but who knew that she chose you, is it unreasonable, am I inferior to someone like you?!" Ramsas stood up from the ground swaying, his body seemed fragile Willow branches, wherever the wind blows, he will fall.

"So you imprisoned her? It's really despicable, no wonder even your wife Sheila told me to beware of you."

Wuchen couldn't help but look at Ramsas with pity. This old boy deserved to betray each other. After all, even his own daughter was thinking of using it, so it's no wonder that Shera would be disheartened.

"That slut, actually eating inside and out?!" Ramsace's eyes burst into flames and roared, "I'll kill her now!"

Unexpectedly, the moment Ramsas just turned his head, Wuchen flashed out of thin air, blocking the old boy's way, raising his leg is a kick, "The speed of light kick."

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