Naruto: Konoha Uzumaki Shirataki

Chapter 241 The meeting of two eras (starting point 100 collection plus update 8/10)

Chapter 241 The meeting of two eras (starting point 100 collection plus update 810)

Ever since Shirataki received information about the outbreak of the Battle of Mount Kikyo more than half a month ago, he left the third battlefield east of the Country of Fire. Kirigakure is no longer in danger now. Even if the Third Mizukage suddenly becomes violent, Jiraiya, who has mastered the sage mode, can handle it.

Although Shirataki could also kill Shigetsu, or seal the newly resurrected Sanbi Isobutsu, after careful consideration, Shirataki decided not to interfere too much. Now Uchiha Madara is definitely relying on Shiroze to monitor the entire Sanbi. war. Although he was confident that he could defeat all dangers, the inexplicable power of fate had caused him to suffer many losses, so he needed to make some preparations.

The first is Uchiha Madara and Black Zetsu who are hiding somewhere. As long as these two people die, Obito will not turn black, and Shinai and Minato will not die. As long as Kushina's safety can be ensured, the rest will be the Otsutsuki clan outside the sky.

But if he fails to kill Madara and Black Zetsu, Shirataki can still make a fuss about Nagato's two reincarnation eyes. As long as Madara loses the power of the reincarnation eyes, his unlimited Tsukuyomi plan will be impossible to realize. As for Black Zetsu, Shirataki didn't specifically think of any backup plan for him. After all, Black Zetsu's strength was not strong. In his perception, Black Zetsu couldn't even compare to the Jonin of the Great Ninja Village.

After thinking about it, Shirataki has entered the territory of the Rain Country. Since the large forces of Iwagakure, Sunagakure and Konoha have all moved to the battlefield, there are not too many ninjas in the Rain Country at this time, whether they are foreigners or not. There are very few ninjas or native ninjas from the Land of Rain. Regarding this phenomenon, Shirataki didn't know that it was because the Land of Rain had changed hands. He simply thought that the Amegakure ninjas were still shrinking and did not dare to go out and walk before the end of the third war.

Shirataki didn't care so much and rushed straight towards the Kingdom of Grass. According to the intelligence of the original plot, Madara should be hiding somewhere underground in the Kingdom of Grass.

A few days later, Konoha Hospital.

After a fight, Iwa Ninja rescued Loess, and Asuma successfully escorted Ebizou and others back to Sunagakure Village. The alliance letter has also been handed over to the other party. Now they are waiting for Sunagakure's response. responded. After returning directly to the village, Asuma first informed his father, Sarutobi Hiruzen, of the situation, and then came to Konoha Hospital.

After a lot of trouble, Asuma's injured left hand was wrapped with a bandage. Just as he was about to leave the hospital, he saw a tattered Kakashi walking in and wiping the stains from the corners of his eyes. At this moment, the two looked at each other.

"Kakashi?" Asuma was stunned for a moment, looking at Kakashi's bloody right hand and the black marks on it.

"Asuma?" Kakashi was also stunned, looking at Asuma's bandaged right hand.

"What's wrong with your hand?" The two of them said "Uh" almost in unison. Maybe it was because the synchronization rate was too high, so both of them were a little surprised.

In the end, Asma spoke first and said, "I came back from the mission and my hand was injured. How about you?"

"Absolutely." Kakashi understood and nodded.

"Oh." Asuma nodded, not intending to ask Kakashi about the details, and Kakashi didn't ask about Asuma's mission. When ninjas perform missions among themselves, they basically do not discuss the content of the mission under any circumstances. Nor will they ask about other people's tasks.

Asking about other people's tasks is considered a taboo, or something that is customary. This information has been instilled in the minds of ninjas since they were in ninja school. Unless there are some special circumstances that require knowing the other party's mission content, the ninja will never ask about the other party's mission content.

But here, it is enough to know that the other party was injured because of the mission. It is not necessary and impossible to go into details, and there is no reason to go into it. Although Asuma and Kakashi have a good relationship, there is no need to mention the mission to each other.

However, looking at the injury on Kakashi's hand, Asuma didn't think it was caused by the mission. Although Kakashi's clothes were in tatters and his body was stained with a lot of dust, except for the injuries on his hands, which were black burns and bloody wounds from his palms to his forearms, there were actually no injuries at all elsewhere. There weren't even any traces of a fight.

I'm afraid Kakashi was injured during training. Asuma felt that Kakashi was probably developing some ninjutsu, and it was a thunderbolt ninjutsu. At this time, Kakashi had already sat on another bed in the ward, looking at his right hand in a daze. Not long after, a doctor and a nurse pushed open the door.

Asuma, who was about to leave, stopped, as if he was still wondering what ninjutsu Kakashi was developing. Asuma, Kakashi and Obito, as the inheritors of Shirataki's ninjutsu, all Having learned one or two moves of Shirataki's Ninja swordsmanship, the three of them were also in a state of competition, often comparing themselves to each other overtly or covertly. At this time, Kakashi has actually reached the stage of developing his own ninjutsu, and Asuma naturally wants to find out Kakashi's progress.

At this moment, the door was gently pushed open again, and Asuma and Kakashi looked at the door at the same time. Obito was seen stained with some blood and bandaged in many places. He slowly opened the door, and behind him was Lin who looked worried.

"What's going on?" Asuma frowned. Although Obito was bandaged in many places, he was not seriously injured. The blood stains were probably not his, but his expression showed a strong Lost.

Kakashi also noticed something, sat up slowly, and said almost at the same time as Asuma, "What's wrong? Obito (Rin)?"

"Asma, you're back!" Faced with Asma's question, Obito did not answer directly, but said hello to Asma.

"Kakashi, why are you..." Lin walked to Kakashi's side and saw the bandage and mallet in Kakashi's right hand. She concealed the worry in her eyes, and there was no lack of complaint in her tone.

Seeing Obito and Rin's reactions, Asuma and Kakashi had different reactions. Kakashi frowned slightly when he saw Lin's expression and words, but didn't say anything. Asuma walked up to Obito at the door and whispered, "What's wrong?"

"Asuma" Kakashi said at this time, "Obito just came back, let him rest first."

Asuma was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then immediately reacted and said, "It's true. Obito, please sit down first and take a rest."

The deep underground space of the Country of Grass is surrounded by hard rock walls and is slightly damp. This underground cave is so huge that it is hard to tell whether it is a natural formation or a man-made place.

The next moment, at the end of the cave, the rock wall exploded, and a figure covered in pure blue chakra suddenly rushed into the cave.

Buzz! ! ! The chakra on Shirataki's body slowly disappeared. He traveled an unknown distance underground, and not a trace of soil could touch his body. Everything was isolated by that layer of chakra coat and infinity. Bai Taki glanced around calmly, scanning all of this rather spectacular underground cave, and he could clearly perceive everything here.

After taking a deep breath, Bai Taki's eyes showed a trace of depth, and he walked forward slowly for a while, and came to a larger cave. A rickety figure had been staying in this cave for an unknown amount of time. He was sitting there looking at Shirataki leisurely. Behind this figure is a huge weird statue. There are several tube-like things extending out of the statue, inserted into the back of this figure, and connected with this figure.

Shirataki walked step by step in front of Uchiha Madara, and looked at Uchiha Madara quietly in front of him, without speaking, but there was a faint aura surging around him, and his golden eyes were as deep as the abyss.

Uchiha Madara sat there, quietly watching Shirataki walk over. His body was extremely old, and he seemed to be unable to sense any life, just like a rotten tree. But Uchiha Madara's eyes seem to contain the sharpest edge, which can pierce people's hearts!

The meeting of two people, the collision of two eras! The previous era belonged to Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, but this era belongs to him, Uzumaki Shirataki!

Buzz! ! Shirataki and Uchiha Madara didn't speak, but the invisible momentum suddenly collided, causing endless dust to rise from the ground around them, rolling away in all directions with the two people at the center. At this moment, the air seemed to be stagnant. Although there was almost no light here, it seemed that everything in the whole world was focused here!

Behind Uchiha Madara, Bai Zetsu was standing there, looking at the aura between Shirataki and Uchiha Madara, showing a hint of awe. Just the confrontation between the two momentums gives people a feeling that the sky is falling and the earth is falling! The air was buzzing continuously, as if some invisible ripples were rippling, and even at the next moment, a crack suddenly appeared on the ground between Shirataki and Uchiha Madara!

With the reincarnation eye and the black hole, Shirataki's strength has already reached the ultimate super shadow level. Even with the power of six paths, it is difficult to directly crush the current Shirataki. Moreover, Shirataki's soul is also extremely powerful, and the pupil power of his two eyes is also extremely powerful. The feeling of shock in Shirataki's eyes is also extremely strong.

Although Uchiha Madara's body is almost decayed and he needs the vitality of the heretic demon to barely survive, he was once a figure who competed with Senju Hashirama, and he was also arrogant and stood at the top of the ninja world. Moreover, the current Uchiha Madara has also obtained Senju Hashirama's cells, thereby opening the Samsara Eye. Even though the Samsara Eye has been transplanted to Nagato, Uchiha Madara still has part of the Samsara Eye power in his body.

In the original work, he has just been resurrected by the heretic reincarnation technique, and he can use Susanoo without eyes. It can only be said that his eye power is too strong. At this time, Uchiha Madara's eyes seemed to be just a pair of ordinary three magatama sharingan eyes, but even a pair of ordinary eyes was anything but ordinary in Uchiha Madara's eyes!

The scarlet eyes are like hell, with a depressing aura, and the three black magatama are even more frightening. Uchiha Madara tried to suppress Shirataki with his aura and eye power, but he soon discovered that he couldn't do it, or that he couldn't do it in this state.

In terms of momentum, Shirataki is not inferior to Uchiha Madara at all, and is even faintly stronger than Uchiha Madara! In terms of eye power, even if Uchiha Madara gets the Rinnegan and becomes the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki and enters the Six Paths mode, he is unlikely to be able to match Shirataki.

Gradually, the momentum between the two slowly dissipated. Looking at Uchiha Madara in front of him, Shirataki did not take action directly, but quietly waited for the other party to speak. This was the respect Shirataki gave to a strong man like Uchiha Madara.

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