Naruto: Konoha Uzumaki Shirataki

Chapter 160 Early Graduation and Six Little Ones

In the Hokage's office at this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen rubbed his head. He really had a headache at this moment.

He had already confirmed the identity of the ANBU sent by Takuya. From the Tongue Bane Jutsu Seal on the opponent's tongue, he could easily identify the opponent's identity. He was a subordinate of Danzo and a ninja of the root.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's head only hurt after he learned the other party's identity. Danzo is currently stationed at the northern border of the Land of Fire, and the other party will definitely not leave him any clues. What happened today, if this ninja did anything wrong, it was to pretend to be an ANBU directly under the Hokage. , just unleashing illusions on children.

The other party's fault was not enough for Sarutobi Hiruzen to attack. The most he could do was execute the root ninja, not to mention that this person was a root ninja. In theory, Danzo could only handle it by himself. But the impact of something like this happening in school was bad enough, and the Third Hokage had to take a stand, otherwise his majesty would be fatally hit in the future, which was also a headache for him. He wanted to deal with it harshly, but he had no choice, and handling it gently was no deterrent.

"It's difficult. Takuya, did you just say that the person who subdued this ninja was Uzumaki Kushina?" The Third Hokage was still thinking about how to deal with this person, but suddenly he remembered that the student who subdued this person was actually the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki Kushina. Nai, immediately spoke to confirm.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that kid Kushina to be so strong. He subdued this ANBU in two rounds. There is no doubt that he is a real genius. Is it too wasteful for such a genius to study in a ninja school?" Takuya just sighed, but the Third Hokage heard his words.

"You are right. It is a waste of time and talent for such a genius to be in the Ninja School. We are going to transfer Kushina Uzumaki's information to the Ninja Archives so that he can graduate early."

"You go back and tell the students the identity of this ninja. This ninja is a spy sent by Iwa Ninja Village, and the Ninja School assessment will be announced tomorrow."

"In addition, inform Uzumaki Kushina's parent, Uzumaki Shirataki, and ask him to come to my place." After the third generation finished speaking, he waved his hand to signal Takuya to leave. After Takuya left, the third generation called an ANBU directly under his own and sent the root The ninja pressed on.

After arranging all this, the Third Hokage walked to the window, looked at the scenery of Konoha Village and fell into deep thought. "Geniuses must be cultivated in a genius way. And Shirataki, you can become my sharp blade."

In the blink of an eye, the sun has set to the west, and the class at Ninja School has come to an end.

"Everyone go back and review today's lesson carefully. If you have any questions, come to the office and ask the teacher."

"Don't run around after school and go home early."

"And Kushina, after school, tell your parents, Lord Uzumaki Shirataki, to go to the Hokage's office to find the Sandaime."

"get out of class is over."

As Ohno Takuya's voice fell, the children in the classroom were like birds that had escaped from their cages, running quickly towards the classroom door. Some children even jumped out of the window without even opening the door.

"Hey! Don't do such a dangerous thing!" Ohno Takuya's words obviously had no effect, and several naughty boys had already left through the window.

"Kushina, let's go play together after school? After you tell Shirataki-sama what happened, how about coming to the back mountain?" Nara Yoshino sat on the seat and asked Uzumaki Kushina next to him, but when he turned around When I arrived, I found that Kushina's position was already empty.

"When did you leave? So fast!" Nara Yoshino was speechless for a moment when he saw the empty seats.

In the Hokage's office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was standing by the window at this time, holding a cigarette, looking at the harmonious scene in the village. This is his favorite relaxing activity after work. Seeing the tranquility in the village will increase his motivation for work.

Although Konoha has been mired in war in the past few years, the war has not spread to the mainland. Apart from the civil strife before leaving, the village is relatively peaceful. But Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that this stability might not last long.

"Ka." While Sarutobi Hiruzen was thinking, the door of the office was opened, and Shirataki, who had short white hair and a strong build, walked in.

"Hokage-sama, are you looking for me?" Shirataki walked into the Hokage's office without seeing him salute. After saying hello, he looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with a strange look on his face.

There are two piles of documents on the desk, which should be documents that Hiruzen Sarutobi has not yet processed. On the side of the documents, there is a slightly eye-catching crystal ball. This is the only decoration on the desk.

"Speaking of which, you haven't been back to the village for a long time, right? How about it, have you noticed any changes in the village?" The Third Hokage didn't look back and just started chatting with Shirataki.

Although he didn't understand what Sarutobi Hiruzen meant, Shirataki still answered, "Except that the number of ninjas has decreased, I don't see any difference."

"Haha, this is the point. The Second Ninja War has lasted for so many years, and even we in Konoha are gradually unable to bear it." Sarutobi Hiruzen turned around, returned to his seat and sat down.

"I want students from the Ninja School to graduate early and share the frontline logistics tasks. What do you think about this?" Sarutobi Hiruzen looked calm and asked slowly towards Shirataki.

Shirataki had already received this news during today's stroll, so he was not surprised at this moment. He said calmly, "You are Hokage-sama. You can make your own decision. I have no objection."

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded with satisfaction, and slowly continued, "What if these students include Kushina?" After that, Sarutobi Hiruzen stared at Shirataki, observing his expression.

Although he knew that this was a test from Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shirataki couldn't help but release the chakra in his body after hearing it, and looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with a cold face, as if saying, "This kind of joke is not funny." After a long time, Sarutobi Hiruzen took the lead in breaking the deadlock and said, "I called you here this time because I have something to tell you." "I have received a report from her teacher about Kushina's performance in the ninja school." "Whether it is cultural courses, physical skills, or ninjutsu, she easily got full marks," "And her foundation in sealing techniques is very good. With her talent, it is not suitable for her to continue studying in the ninja school." "I asked her teacher to apply for early graduation for Kushina, and I have approved it. From today on, she is no longer a student of the ninja school, but a Genin of Konoha Ninja Village." As Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke, he opened the drawer on the side of his desk, pulled out a Konoha metal forehead protector from it, and placed it on the table. "So, you are here to inform me to hand this forehead protector to her personally?" Shirataki's tone was extremely cold, and he might explode at any time and attack Sarutobi Hiruzen. Sarutobi Hiruzen asked him to hand the forehead protector to Kushina, which was equivalent to asking him to send Kushina to the battlefield personally?

"With her ability, it is indeed not suitable for her to stay in the Ninja School." While speaking, Sarutobi Hiruzen pushed the forehead protector in front of him forward, motioning Shirataki to take the forehead protector, and then continued, "I won't let her go to the battlefield. After all, she is an important Jinchūriki in our village."

After hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, Shirataki's momentum slowly calmed down, walked to the front of the desk, reached out to pick up the forehead protector, and asked, "Hokage, you called me here, it's not just for this little thing, right?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but smile, and said teasingly, "I really can't hide anything from you." After that, Sarutobi Hiruzen told Shirataki about the Root Ninja going to the Ninja School today.

Then, before Shirataki could speak, he continued, "Shirataki, there are several good students among this group of students. I hope you can help me train them well."

"In the chaotic battlefield, I really can't think of anyone else who can take on such an important responsibility except you."

Shirataki looked deeply at Sarutobi Hiruzen. He didn't expect that the other party would actually hand over this group of important students to him. Isn't he afraid that he would brainwash these students? But think about it, it's right. Compared with Danzo, Shirataki is much more reliable. At least Shirataki won't use the Tongue Eradication Seal on the children.

Without thinking any more, Shirataki nodded and said, "If you are only leading a few students, I can guarantee their safety on the battlefield, provided that they can obey my orders." Seeing Shirataki agreed, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't wait to continue, "But this time it is not a regular four-person team, which means that your students are not just three, but six." "These six people are Nara Shikaku of the Nara clan, Akimichi Choza of the Akimichi clan, Yamanaka Inoichi of the Yamanaka clan, Inuzuka Tsume of the Inuzuka clan, Aburame Shiki of the Aburame clan, and the civilian ninja Namikaze Minato." "In addition to the five children from the major ninja clans, this Namikaze Minato is not an ordinary child. He is extremely talented and graduated early a year ago and was accepted as a disciple by Jiraiya." "And these children are all good friends of Kushina in the ninja school. I believe you will take good care of them, so I am particularly relieved to hand them over to you." Sarutobi Hiruzen patiently explained to Shirataki the origins of these children and the relationship between them. Shirataki was a little surprised that Sarutobi Hiruzen would let him bring so many burdens at once, and these burdens were not ordinary people. Needless to say, the fourth generation Hokage Namikaze Minato in the future, and the other five ninja children are also the parents of the Twelve Ninjas in the main plot, and can be said to be important characters in the plot. Although he is very powerful, it is precisely because of this that he is easily targeted by strong people from all sides. Isn't Sarutobi Hiruzen afraid of any accidents?

Sarutobi Hiruzen is really not afraid of any accidents, but expects them to happen. These children are not simple. They are all geniuses of various tribes and even strong candidates for the next tribe leader. The civilian genius Namikaze Minato represents the hope of all civilian ninjas in Konoha. If there is any problem with these children, Shirataki, as a temporary guiding ninja, will definitely not escape responsibility. Although the loss of these children was a big blow to Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen was confident that Konoha could still wait until the children of his youngest son's generation showed up.

"Haha, your students have all arrived." As the Third Hokage spoke, someone knocked on the door of the office. "Knock knock knock," the Third Hokage shouted, "Come in!"

Then a group of children of different appearances pushed the door open and rushed in. The three leading boys had black pineapple hair, red hedgehog hair, and brown long hair, and wore T-shirts with their respective family crests.

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