Naruto: Konoha Uzumaki Shirataki

Chapter 155 Tragedy and the attitude of Yunyin Village (starting point 50 collection plus update 4/5

Chapter 155 Tragedy and the attitude of Yunyin Village (starting point 50 collection plus update 45)

Two more days have passed since Bai Taki escaped from danger. At this time, there were no people in Xinwushio Village. There were only corpses all over the city and a strong smell of decay in this area.

A ragged figure slowly walked into the gate of New Uzumaki Village. He looked at the mountains of corpses and bones stacked randomly around him, and his only remaining right eye under his sunglasses unknowingly widened.

He walked tremblingly in front of a mountain of corpses filled with red-haired corpses. He bent down and roughly stretched out his hands, breaking apart the corpses as if frantically, trying to find traces of survivors in the mountain of corpses. .

Just as he was frantically digging through the mountain of corpses, the sight in front of him made him unconsciously retract his trembling hands and press them on his face, his expression faintly collapsed. Those were the young bodies that were pressed at the bottom.

He knelt and sat on the ground, staring blankly at the bloody corpses in front of him, without moving for a long time. The whole world seemed to have stopped at this moment. Only the gentle sea breeze and the figure's chest rising and falling proved that time was still passing.

After a long time, the figure kneeling on the ground looked up to the sky and roared angrily, "Kiriyin Village! Yunyin Village! I, Shirataki, are sworn in with you! As long as I am still alive, the people of your two villages will not live in peace!"

After saying that, a large amount of chakra spurted out from Shirataki's body, whipping up gusts of wind and sweeping away in all directions. Scarlet chakra shot straight into the sky like a beam of light. At this moment, Shirataki was like a rampaging tailed beast. The chakra storm instantly shattered everything within a radius of dozens of meters around him.

Even the earth could not withstand the violent chakra ravage, and cracked open one after another. The chakra beam gradually weakened and condensed into an eerie black shadow, slowly emerging behind Shirataki. But Shirataki obviously didn't understand these changes. He lost consciousness as early as the moment the chakra went berserk.

On the hillside dozens of kilometers away, after sensing the situation on Shirataki's side, Shiro opened his eyes and said to Kaguya beside him, "Shirataki is here, and for some unknown reason, he is now in a state of chakra rage. "

After hearing this, Kaguya hurriedly asked, "Uncle Shiu, what does chakra rampage mean? Does he also have a tailed beast in his body?"

Shirataki shook his head. He didn't know what was going on, but he still answered, "It shouldn't be a tailed beast. Isofu told me that the chakra fluctuations on Shirataki's body are not like any tailed beast."

Having said that, Shi stopped paying attention to Kaguya and quickly weighed the success rate of this attack in his mind. In the end, he decided to take the risk. Let’s not talk about whether there will be such a good opportunity to kill Shirataki in the future. In terms of his current situation, if he can’t achieve something as soon as possible to suppress Lianhua’s arrogance, the four generations of Shui The position of Ying is really out of his reach.

Looking at Shiro who had already made up his mind, Kaguya showed a cruel smile on his face. As early as when Shirataki and Shuoyue were fighting, he wanted to try Shirotaki himself. If he hadn't saved Shuoyue first, , Kaguya has already taken advantage of it.

Seeing the excited look on Kaguya's face, Shiro couldn't help but smile. Just when he reached out and patted Kaguya's shoulder, and was about to say some words of instruction, the movement on Shirataki's side stopped. .

The two people quickly looked in the direction of Uzumaki Village, and saw that the chakra that was still running rampant before had completely disappeared. Even the eye-catching chakra light pillar was gone, and only the chakra that was being checked was still left on the earth. Traces of the carat's ravages. Shi immediately circulated his chakra, trying to sense Shirataki's situation.

Bai Taki slowly opened his eyes and looked at the tens of meters of vacuum around him. Bai Taki didn't understand what the situation was. He only remembered seeing the corpses of those tribesmen, and then he seemed to have gone berserk and remembered that they were dead. Bai Tiao felt sad and angry again in his heart.

At this moment, a somewhat familiar chakra came towards him. Although he didn't know why his perception suddenly became stronger, this was obviously not the time to look for answers.

Bai Taki quickly opened the only remaining secondary eye, "Huh? Wasn't my other secondary eye destroyed by Shuangyue?" Bai Taki was surprised when he realized that the destroyed secondary eye had actually recovered. Before he could continue to be surprised, he saw clearly the characteristics of the chakra that was examining him.

"Mitsubi Isobutsu, huh? It's rare for me to spare your life, but you actually come back to die!" Shirataki didn't think much, quickly got up and chased towards the source of this chakra.

At the same time as Bai Taki activated, Shiro who sensed this side quickly opened his eyes and said, "Kai! Shiro Taki has discovered us! He is very fast and is ready to meet us." Before Shiro's word "enemy" could be finished, Shiro Taki's The blurry figure had already appeared in the sight of the two of them.

Shirataki had already reached a speed of Mach 5, which is five times the speed of sound. In just a few seconds, he covered a distance of several kilometers and crashed directly towards Shiro.

Poof! --- After a piercing sound was heard, Shirataki's right arm stabbed straight through Chi's heart, and the entire forearm passed out from the back of Chi's heart. Before Shiro and Kaguya had time to react, Shiro was easily killed instantly by Shiro.

But not everyone can't react. At least the three-tailed zodiac in Chi's body reacted. Just when Chi was about to live or die, it quickly took over Chi's body and immediately began to transform into a tailed beast. Seeing this, Kaguya Skull on the side quickly pulled out his bones and prepared to attack Shirataki.

Boom - bang bang bang - - bursts of noises sounded one after another, and the huge wind pressure carried the branches and leaves of the trees along the way towards this area. A storm caused by Shirataki's wild running swept across the area in an instant. A whole area.

Even the three-tailed Isobutsu, who had just started to transform into a tailed beast, was blown back dozens of meters, not to mention Kaguya, the sick boy, who was blown away to who knows where, and Shirataki was the only one in the field. Still standing there, motionless.

Seeing the two enemies being blown away, Shirataki secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although he seemed to kill Shichi easily, in fact, his condition at this time was not very good, and he did not expect that he could reach Mach 5 at full speed. speed, so he accidentally failed to control his speed and did not use chakra to protect his body, resulting in bruises all over his body.

This advance of five times the speed of sound caused his body to face strong air friction, but this was not the main reason for his injury. The main thing was the impact of his attack on Shi, which went from extremely dynamic to extremely quiet. The transformation allowed all the power of inertia to be released on his flesh and bones. If it weren't for the super strong skeletal support, just that one blow would have been enough to make Shirataki's body fall apart.

After the strong wind passed, Shirataki stretched his sore body and stared up at the three-tailed Isobutsu a hundred meters away. Shirataki didn't take this one-eyed beast seriously, and Shirataki didn't take him seriously. Shirai's heart had been completely destroyed by him, and not even the dregs were left. Shirataki didn't need to take action against Isofu at all. As long as he waited for Shifu to die, Isofu's body of chakra consciousness would naturally die. It should be said that he was reborn.

Thinking of this, Shirataki looked up at Isofu and said loudly, "Sanwei Isofu, you old turtle! If you don't want to be tortured by me, just get out of here and don't force me to kill you!"

Isofu glared at its one eye angrily and looked at Shirataki with an annoyed expression, but in the end it didn't say anything and turned around and left. Seeing Isofu's willingness to cooperate, Shirataki did not try to embarrass it, but looked for traces of Kaguya's body through his secondary eyes.

Three days later, Isobutsu's huge body gradually shrank until only a corpse with a big hole in the chest was left. Shirataki stood on the hillside in the distance and watched Isobutsu dissipate.

The black robe that he originally wore had disappeared, and the shirt and vest that he wore inside also had several holes of different sizes. He was holding the body of Kaguya who didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

Kaguya's body looked in tatters, like a rag doll, with a large amount of blood stained on his clothes. His hands and feet were severely twisted, and it was obvious that many joints were twisted under the influence of external forces. Broken bones.

Shirataki walked leisurely to Shichi's body, looked down at Shichi at his feet, and murmured, "It's time to go back. I wonder if Danzo Shimura will be killed after the civil strife in Konoha is calmed down."

Cloud Hidden Village, Raikage Building.

The Third Raikage Ai was sitting behind the desk, frowning as he stared at the intelligence document that had just been sent to him. Veins appeared on the back of his hand holding the paper, and he was obviously very uneasy inside.

Noticing the change in the Third Raikage's demeanor at this moment, Dodai, a young member of the Shadow Guard who was standing by, subconsciously glanced at the information in the former's hand and asked in a low voice, "Lord Raikage, what happened?"

Dodai's question immediately attracted the attention of the other two people present. One of them had the same strong muscles as the Third Raikage, but was several sizes smaller. He was the Third Raikage who was just over fifteen years old this year. Son of Shadow·Ai.

The other person is a middle-aged man with distinct black and white hair, a black stripe tattooed on his right cheek, and a slightly haggard look, the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki Bi.

The son of the Third Raikage, Ai, here referred to as Xiao Ai, he and Bi sat on the sofas on opposite sides of the Third Raikage. They both looked at the Third Raikage and listened with their ears pricked up.

"The Third Mizukage, Shigetsuki, that guy might be about to burp."

"Although the war between Kirigakure and Uzushio Village was won, the losses were very heavy. It can even be said that Kirigakure was defeated."

When saying these words, the Third Raikage spoke very slowly and his face was very calm. At first glance, he seemed calm, as if this matter was no big deal.

However, Dodai, who knew the Third Raikage well, after a brief observation, he could see the wonder in the former's eyes at a glance.

In fact, it was not only the Third Raikage who was shocked, but also Ai and Bei who were sitting aside, as well as Dodai, who was half focused on observing the Third Raikage's expression, also felt that the news was too shocking.

After all, the Second Ninja World War had only been fought for a few years, and already two great ninja villages had been injured in the war.

"Are the remnants of Uzumaki Village so powerful? Even Mizukage..." Xiao Ai looked solemn and murmured subconsciously while savoring the cruelty of this battle in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the Third Raikage took a deep breath, put down the information in his hand, unconsciously stretched out his palm to touch his right shoulder, and said in a deep voice

"No, the Mizukage's defeat was not just due to Uzushio Village, but also to Konoha. It was the good deeds of Uzumaki Shirataki." The appearance of Shirataki's name suddenly made the atmosphere in the field become solemn, and the expressions of the three people present were all confused. He was unconsciously sluggish for a few seconds.

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