Naruto: Intelligence from Uchiha

Chapter 382 Escape from Konoha

Sealed land.

Naruto, who was afraid that Sasuke would be deceived, hurriedly pulled him back, but Sasuke didn't move at all after exhausting his strength.


Naruto was anxious, took out a kunai and threw it towards Kyuubi.


As soon as Kunai jumped over the cage, he was directly thrown out by one of Nine Tails' claws.

"It must be you bastard stinky fox! Let go of Sasuke quickly! Otherwise, I will never let you out for the rest of my life!"

With two paws resting on his head, Kyuubi ignored Naruto's curse, but looked at Uchiha Sasuke with a chuckle.

At this time, Sasuke also looked at Naruto beside him.


"Huh? Sasuke, are you okay?! Great!"

"Eh? What's wrong with your eyes? They're so pretty!"

In Sasuke's pupils, a kaleidoscope of six-pointed stars appeared and slowly turned.

Instead of answering the question about his eyes, he said instead, "I paid close attention to you four years ago, in the way of a classmate."

"Being hated by everyone in the village, no one even wants to sell you anything, and even kicks you out of the house, calling you a nine-tailed demon fox..."

"All of this...haven't you hated it?"

Naruto was stunned for a moment, so nervous that he directly forgot what he had just done, and instead began to think seriously.

After a while, Naruto spread his hands: "Of course I hated it! That's why I want everyone to agree with me. If I become Hokage, I will definitely be able to do it!"

"And...not everyone hates me! Shikamaru, Choji, Hinata, Iruka-sensei, Sasuke, and Sakura! Now there is Kakashi-sensei..."

"None of you hate me because of this stinky fox, and I have always regarded you as my best friend and teacher, so I am not alone!"

Said Naruto raised his hand and clenched it into a fist: "I will definitely work hard to become Hokage, and everyone will agree with me at that time!"

"By the way, there is also Grandpa Hokage!"

"Grandpa Hokage is very kind to me. He will invite me to eat grilled fish, and he will also tell me the will of fire. He is the Hokage who protects everyone in the village, and is the Grandpa Hokage who is recognized by everyone!"

"In the future... I will definitely protect everyone like him!"

Naruto's smile was sincere, but Sasuke clearly sensed the darkness in it.

Twelve years were hated by all, and no one could really turn a blind eye and forget it all.

He cherishes all his friends, even he wants to protect him at the first moment.

But it is also because it is not easy to come by, so it will be cherished.



"If the Three Hokages and the higher-ups in this village want to kill you, will you resist?"

This sentence made Naruto stunned.

He came back to his senses and waved his hand with a smirk: "How is it possible? Grandpa Hokage is very good, why would he want to kill me?"

Sasuke said calmly: "What if? Will you stand still and let them kill you? Or resist with all your strength?"

After the words fell, Naruto fell silent, frowning and no smile.

He is not stupid, and even the more urgent he is, the more he can use his quick wits.

Grandpa Hokage... wants to kill Sasuke?

Why? How can it be?

He didn't say stupid things like taking Sasuke to find the third Hokage confrontation, because he is not stupid.

He has always known that Sasuke is very smart, the first in the grade, and even Shikamaru agrees with his speech and behavior.

So... Grandpa Hokage really wanted to kill Sasuke?

A moment later, Naruto's eyes were filled with determination.

"I will resist!"

Sasuke nodded, and was about to make a move...

"Sasuke, how can I help you?"

Such words made Sasuke stunned, and looked at Naruto with a frown: "Help me... If you want to help me, then you may die, and Konoha will be destroyed in many places."

"Three generations of Hokage may not die, but Sakura, Hinata, Shikamaru, Choji, and even Iruka and Kakashi may die."

After the words fell, Naruto hesitated.

And this kind of demeanor also made Sasuke smile disdainfully: "So you think I should stand still and be killed? Or should I try my best to use all means to resist?"

Naruto remained silent.

After a while, he raised his head and frowned at Sasuke: "You want to release it, right?"

Sasuke nodded.


Taking a deep breath, Naruto said firmly, "Don't be in Konoha, I'll help you!"

This sentence made Sasuke's heart tremble, but what followed was the responsibility left after the destruction of the whole clan and the opportunity that Izumi's sister bought in exchange for her death.

"It's impossible. If I can go out, I don't need your help."

At this time, Nine Tails, who had been watching the play in the cage, spoke.

"Twelve years, the weakening of the seal has made me see something."

"The Uchiha clan was killed, and only you and a woman were killed by the people of the same clan. It is impossible for Konoha not to notice such an action."

"So now that the matter has been exposed, do you want to cut the grass and root it out? A brat like you is also very scheming. A pair of eyes like this have been hidden all the time, are you just waiting for this day?"

Sasuke looked at Kyuubi: "You, who were sealed by Konoha, have been imprisoned in this small cage for so many years, don't you want to take revenge?"

After the voice fell, Naruto's eyes were blank for a while.

Then he slowly walked to the front of the cage and floated up.

As soon as he reached out, he tore off the sealed paper talisman.

But under the paper symbol, a seal like a whirlpool is still there. Without a key, Sasuke, who was not proficient in sealing techniques, obviously couldn't break it.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Seeing the Uchiha kid in front of him with a look of astonishment, Kyuubi in the cage burst into laughter.

"Didn't you think of it? This is the seal laid down by the fourth Hokage. If you can untie it just by tearing off the seal, that would be too simple!"

Sasuke shook his head with a wry smile, if that's the case, then the Nine-Tails card would be useless.

"Uchiha kid."

Kyuubi in the cage stood up, and strands of crimson chakra began to fill the entire space.

"You're right. Ever since that bastard in Senshou Bashirama, I have been sealed in such a small place by Konoha all the time!"

"Such hatred! Why can't I make a scene!"

Kyuubi's vertical pupils looked directly at Sasuke's kaleidoscope: "You use these eyes very immaturely, but since you have controlled this brat, it is enough."

"Let him in, and... let's make a fuss!"

"Let Konoha pay the price! Let that bastard Fourth Hokage see that the village he protected with his life will eventually be destroyed by the old man!"


In reality, Sasuke, who caught Naruto's fist, paused for a moment, and threw it away a moment later.

The kaleidoscope of the six-pointed star slowly turned, and Sakura, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, got lost in the moment when she saw it.

Picking it up, Sasuke turned his head and looked towards the woods outside the training ground.


Three figures appeared and fell from two directions, Sasuke smiled.

How arrogant!

Two roots belonging to Danzo, one Anbu who obeyed Sandai's orders, and the watchers on both sides rushed out without even leaving a single observation.

"Sasuke Uchiha! What did you do?"

"Nine-Tails Jinchuriki is in a coma, you did the burst of pupil power just now?"

"I'll give you two seconds to answer, otherwise I'll just kill you!"

Two seconds later, Sasuke put Sakura under the big tree beside him.

The three who didn't get an answer, looked at each other and reached an agreement on a surprising goal.


The three figures shot at the same time, forming a siege.


The long knife pierced Sasuke's stomach and didn't aim for the heart because in fact they needed to bring Sasuke back.

One side is brought to Danzo, and the other side is brought to Sandai Hokage.

next second...


A lot of blood spilled out from under the masks of the three at the same time. Sasuke who had been pierced had long since disappeared, and what the three of them pierced with their long knives was their abdomens.


"How could it be...? During the surveillance, you never opened your eyes!"

" really have malice towards the village!"


Three kunai shot out, hitting the throats of the three people precisely, and all the sounds disappeared.

"I just want to live. Only by living can I have a day of revenge."

Picking up the long knife, he stabbed all three of them, and then Sasuke took off the mask belonging to Anbu.

After observing for a while, he completed the seal transformation technique.

At this time after Sasuke was born, red chakra began to fill Naruto's body, and two tails waved behind him.

"You...should be able to survive."

Leaving a word, Sasuke took Sakura away and left here.

The seventh training ground is very close to the gate of Konoha, but far from the Hokage Building.

This was a specially chosen location, and Naruto was controlled by the pupil power of the kaleidoscope. The removal of the spell seal had a certain effect, and the seal was loose.


The crimson Chakra, full of evil aura, rioted, and at the same time, the whole Konoha also sensed this place.

Naruto Building.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi suddenly stood up and looked out the window, his eyes were more solemn than ever.

Nine tails chakra?

Something happened to Naruto? Has the seal been broken?

"Shua, Shua, Shua..."

A series of shadows appeared in the office.

"Call together all the ninjas in the ninja class, stop Kyuubi at all costs! Everyone in the enchantment class, prepare to re-seal Kyuubi!"

"Everyone in the village evacuated urgently, and all went to the shelter!"


One after another figure left in an instant, Sarutobi Hiruzen also put on his combat uniform, left directly through the window, and rushed to the place where the Kyuubi exploded.


at the same time.

Sasuke, who settled Sakura, appeared at the Konoha Gate.

"The seal of the Nine Tails is loose. Naruto-sama ordered all elite Chunin and above to go to support."

As soon as the voice fell, the Jonin team on duty in the dark left instantly.

Gang Zitie and Shenyue Izumo looked at Sasuke: "Should we go too? Then there will be no one on duty here."

Sasuke, disguised as Anbe, replied: "A team of Chunin will be arranged to be on duty..."

Before he finished speaking, a cold light came directly to his face.


After being unstoppable, he jumped up and retreated. Sasuke looked at the two people who were scattered and encircled him: "There should be no problem with the tone and speaking skills. How did you find out?"

The expressions of the two people on the opposite side showed a bit of sarcasm, but they were both stunned for the next moment.


As soon as the emotion of shock rose, the two fell directly to the ground.

There is no need to ask why it was discovered. If it has been discovered, it can only be killed before leaving.

Asking... is just to make them look at me.

The long knife raised his hand and slashed down with all his strength.


A kunai stopped the blade.

Then a voice appeared behind Sasuke.

"Fortunately, I arrived. If my father hadn't told me about Naruto's special nature, I might not have thought of you so quickly given the lack of information."

Sasuke turned his head to look at Shikamaru, but the other party lowered his head to avoid the stare.

"So you're here to stop me?"

Shikamaru shook his head: "I can understand that you want to leave, but you shouldn't use Naruto as your bargaining chip. He can't bear such an evil and powerful Chakra."

Realizing that someone has come behind him, Shikamaru breathed a sigh of relief: "If it's just you leaving, I won't care, after all, so many things have happened. But I can't forgive you for taking Naruto's life!"

"He regards you as a friend, but you can kill him without hesitation. With such a mentality, you have already fallen into darkness!"

The voice fell, and two figures appeared beside him.

Kakashi looked at Anbu's disguised disciple ahead, thought for a while and raised his forehead, and Sangodama Shulunyan looked at Sasuke.

"It seems that you also have the same memory that you experienced? Or did Izumi Uchiha tell you?"

Seeing this, Asma was a little puzzled: "It's just a ninja who has just graduated, isn't it too careful?"

No one paid him any attention.

Sasuke sighed, and clenched the long knife in his hand: "It's true that I was not the one who experienced that day, but the memory remained. That was really like hell, Kakashi."

Hearing this, Kakashi sighed: "At first I thought you would be the most worry-free disciple, but obviously I didn't find the darkness you hide."

"Using Sharingan to release the Nine Tails from Naruto's body is a felony. Sasuke, let's get caught."

dark? Just get caught?

Sasuke lifted the transformation technique and laughed softly.

"You who also experienced that day, how could you say such a thing? Didn't you see the darkness of Konoha?"

"Working together with Itachi Uchiha to destroy Uchiha, Danzo got Sharingan! Hiruzaru Sarutobi turned a blind eye! Isn't Konoha dark?"

Asma frowned tightly: "He's already in trouble, let's do it, Kakashi."


A contemptuous laugh sounded, Sasuke raised his head for a moment, and the six-pointed star was reflected in Kakashi's sight.

With the Sharingan of Three Gouyu, it is obvious that he thinks he can look directly into these eyes.


Hitomi burst out, and Kakashi froze in place for an instant.


Just as Asma was about to reach out, a black flame appeared out of thin air.

"He helped me, but you didn't!"


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