Naruto: Intelligence from Uchiha

Chapter 367: Lu Jiu's Wisdom

The huge body of the heretic golem was in the dark, all eyes were closed tightly, as if it would not wake up.

Minamibo standing on Minato's index finger is still silent. As Konoha's shadow, he has to think about many things.

I have been a filmmaker for more than ten years, and some things I once insisted on have long since given up.

Akatsuki organization...

Vortex void...

In many cases, the world is not black and white, and this truth has been understood a long time ago.

From the perspective of a former ninja, Akatsuki must be an evil organization, and Uzumaki Sora, who controls it, must also be an evil person.

But in fact?

If we put our position on the perspective of ordinary people and civilians, in the future that has already started, the Uzumaki who made this plan is their savior, right?

The document that Orochimaru took out before that is still vivid at this moment, the direction was given by Uzumaki Sora, and Orochimaru was required to produce results.

In that document, every research project showed the attitude of this evil person towards civilians.

In contrast, he, as Hokage, already knew a lot about the extravagance and lust of the nobles in the Daming Mansion after Yun Dianming wanted to cooperate.

Obito's actions were prevented through intelligence transactions, and Konoha was saved from the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

Destroy the root, behead Danzo, the hawk representative of Konoha.

Declare war to express your will, and through Akatsuki assassinate the fighting factions in various villages, assassinate the nobles of the Daming Mansion, and destroy the Daming Mansions of all major countries.

In order to prevent the high-level casualties from causing chaos at the bottom, select high-level people who can cooperate.

If you don't cooperate, kill again!

When everything was connected, Minato suddenly discovered that the opponent's and his own positions were not opposed from the beginning.

What are you afraid of?


Because of the influence brought by the Akatsuki organization one step ahead, he was preconceived and afraid that one day he would attack Konoha and the world.

At this stage, only Yun can match him, and if the opponent's strength exceeds Yun, then he can become the god of the whole world.

But... God's eyes never look at ants!

"I see."

Minato slightly raised his head to look at Uzumaki Sora's yearning wave: "We are in agreement on the issue of the future peace of ninjas and the invasion of the alien Otsutsuki clan."

"The consistency of these two aspects means that we are not enemies from the very beginning. You are the enemy of the Four Great Ninja Villages, and you are also the enemy of all high-level people in this world except Konoha, but you will never be my enemy."

Speaking of this, Minato smiled: "Because... I was also a commoner in the beginning!"

Minato's smile is very sincere, just like his nickname when he was not a filmmaker: Little Sun.

Similarly, Uzumaki also laughed.

"Actually... in the transaction when your son was born, my purpose was not just a bargaining chip. After all, you are alive, and it is much easier to communicate with that old man than Hiruzaru Sarutobi."

"Three generations... just think a little more."

"Don't you think too much? As a shadow, you have to consider a lot of things, but in the end it is a person's nature that affects his decision."

Minato was indifferent, and Uzumaki Sora did not continue whipping the corpse Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The topic also returned to Datongmu.

"Thousands of years ago, the Otsutsuki family discovered this world by absorbing the energy of the planet and planting the sacred tree to obtain the chakra fruit."

"I haven't seen the process of planting the sacred tree, but the result is that Otsutsuki Kaguya betrayed her fellow clan who descended with her, swallowed the resulting chakra fruit, and thus gained power."

"It is recorded in the literature that the goddess of Uo gave birth to an heir in the blessing of all living beings, and the myth factor occupies too much in this point."

"In my opinion, it's more likely that the chakra whose body couldn't bear the fruit for a while separated into two strands and formed an heir."

Uzumaki Sora said and looked at Minato: "By the way, in fact Otsuki Kaguya's companion is not dead."

? ? ?

Those words stunned Minato for a moment.

But Whirlpool waved his hand: "Don't look at me like that, I can't see all the future. All I know is that that guy is still alive."

In my memory, Borenzhuan has only seen more than a hundred episodes. The official plot of the manga must be much faster than that of TV. These are still seen in short videos.

It seems to be shrunk and drilled into the ear?

For a race that travels through space to and from the universe, the way of living is so... low-end.

"For such a long time, if such an existence lived, our world should have been destroyed long ago, right?" Minato asked.

Kong replied: "Kaguya betrayed him, so he was injured. Even his injury is still recovering after thousands of years."

At this time, Nagato asked: "This family... can all live forever? Such an existence can already be called a god?"

This made Minato stunned.


Uzumaki looked at the two of them: "Otsuki's lifespan is very, very long. Compared to humans, he can be regarded as immortal. Not only that, the combat power of Otsutsuki's clan is the same as that of humans, and they will not all be at the same level. Horizontal lines also have strengths and weaknesses."

"That is to say... in the Otsutsuki clan, there is also the power they call a god, the God of Otsutsuki."


Is there an existence called God by God?

For a while, Minato and Nagato fell silent.

An ordinary Otsutsuki is like a god descending to the world for human beings, and Otsutsuki Kaguya will be called the goddess of Uno.

Then what kind of power would they call the existence of God?

After a long time, Nagato asked hesitantly, "How far has his...his strength reached?"

"have no idea."

Whirlpool's answer sounded, but it caused the other two to look over in doubt.

This answer made the two of them unexpected. After all, in their original cognition, Whirlpool Kong should be omniscient.

"I told you, don't look at me like that. Don't you know it's strange? I told you that the future is always changing, and I'm not omniscient."


Minato froze.

But then Whirlpool said again: "I don't know his strength, but I know where the strength that can counter him is..."

Minato again waits for free intel.

However, Uzumaki didn't do what he wanted this time.

"This information is not urgent in the future I see, so I need you, Hokage, to fulfill your promise before I will tell you."


Konoha, Hokage Building.

Minato opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was Lu Jiu's big face.

Reaching out to push it open, Minato let out a deep breath.

Afterwards, he told Lu Jiu the whole story in detail.

The voice fell, and the office fell into silence.

After a long time, Lu Jiu, who analyzed all known information, finally raised his head.

"First: The blood of the Thousand Hands Clan is indeed a further requirement of the whirlpool fantasy."

"Second: Now the opponent has a better choice, such as the Otsuki Mokura style that hasn't appeared yet."

"Third: In the future, our cooperation with him will inevitably be deeper and closer. The main reason is the powerful foreign enemy, and the second is that the future cloud is helping him."

Is the cloud of the future helping the current vortex?

Seeing Minato's puzzled expression, Shikajiu continued: "It is true that he is helping him. From this point of view, the God of Otsutsuki may exist. Other than that, I can't think of a reason why Yun would help him get Otsutsumoji-style chips."

" least at this stage we don't need to worry about Otsuki Mokura, even though he hasn't appeared for a month."

Minato wondered: "With such a powerful existence, the aftermath of the confrontation will cause disasters nearby, don't you worry?"

Lu Jiu shook his head slightly: "The cloud from the future also didn't show up, nor did it remind me, that's the best reason."

For a while, the two fell silent again.

Although there is nothing to worry about at this stage, what about twenty years from now?

The future cloud will actually choose to help the current whirlpool to gain stronger power. Just this point seems to be more like an illustration of the strength of the future enemy.

real gods?

As time passed by, a large number of documents and work were put down by the two of them.

It wasn't until there was a knock on the door that the two woke up.

"Come in."

A Chunin who was on duty today leaned over and said, "Someone from the commercial street security force came, saying that something happened to your... your other son, and asked you to go there as soon as possible."

another son?

What kind of strange name is this?

Seeing this, Lu Jiu said, "Did you say what it is?"

Chunin replied: "It is said that a big businessman was accused by Kyuubi-sama as malicious, and he was beaten after denying it, so..."

Big businessman?

Lu Jiu thought of the businessman who was entrusted with the important task a week ago. He was big and smart enough, so he was chosen as a means to maintain stability in the future.

With that person's brains and enough benefits, it is impossible for him to harbor malice towards Konoha.


After calling the guards to retreat, Lujiu reminded: "It should be Naruto's son. After a long period of peace, the village may be a little keen on the secrets of Hokage, and even the security forces did not think of looking for Uchiha but came to the Hokage Building. hehe……"

Minato was embarrassed for a moment, and then sighed: "That kid's way of speaking is quite familiar now that I think about it, it seems that it's because I'm following the right teacher... It's exactly the same as Xiao Jiuwei."

After speaking, Minato stood up and prepared to go.

Lu Jiu, who was behind him, said at this time: "We should change our attitude towards Uzumaki Sora. Just like Hokage-sama thinks, we have no choice between them and us in the face of such enemies."

"First of all, we have to keep this world, and then we can think about other things. If we choose to fight against the outside world, we must first settle down at home, and we will repeat the mistakes of the three generations."

Minato nodded: "I understand. Don't worry, we still have clouds, don't we?"

After the words fell, Minato, who left directly with the Flying Thunder God technique, disappeared in place.

And Lu Jiu frowned and rubbed his temples.

Once again...

There are more and more such actions, and each time there seems to be a reasonable explanation, and the other answer is also very unreasonable.

But down again and again...

Even if the result of the guess is unbelievable, there is a high probability that it is correct.

But... even if it is correct, so what?

Who could have imagined it?

Who dares to think?

Who can believe it?

Who dares to believe it?

Even if it is the other Four Great Ninja Villages, even if there are one or two smart people who doubt it, I am afraid they will bury this doubt in the deepest part of their hearts...


The land of the Uchiha tribe.

As the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, Shisui, except for some necessary meetings, is clearly in a state of retirement.

At his invitation, Uchiha Yun is sitting in his study at the moment, drinking tea with a tea set in front of him.

"At your level, you are still training gymnastics in the morning. Does Kai's training method still work for you?"

Shisui said and gave him a cup of tea.

On the other hand, Yun drank it all in one gulp and replied: "Adding weight doesn't help much. After all, no matter how heavy the iron block is, you can't add much, so it doesn't have much effect."

Zhishui poured tea again.

"Your purpose has been achieved, and many people died."


"The Four Great Ninja Villages have also succumbed, and they are in fear."


"But you should be very clear that fear cannot bring peace. They are forbearing, until you die, and this kind of forbearance may continue from generation to generation."

This time, Yun asked: "Your news seems to have been blocked. Not long ago, Lu Jiu analyzed a piece of information, Uzumaki Uzumaki wants to move towards the immortal level of Otsutsuki Kaguya."

Zhishui was stunned: "Do you want the sharp blade hanging above your head to hang on it forever? This will only accumulate and deepen!"

Yun chuckled: "It will never be possible. When the world is on the right track, the Akatsuki organization can be disbanded."

"At that time, after experiencing real peace, most people would not think about war. Individuals who still hold hatred have no meaning."

"Otsutsuki is not a person, but a group, a group that can destroy the world with just one person."

After the words fell, Zhishui was silent for a long time.

He didn't recover until Yun poured tea into the two cups by himself.

After another half-tone, he heard him say: "If Whirlpool asks me to make a deal again, I will agree to him."


Yun was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Didn't you be a bitch in the beginning?"

Shisui shook his head slightly: "If you want to be Hokage now, no one will object, and I am afraid that the fourth generation will be happy to retire. In this case, it is meaningless."

"Instead of vacillating left and right, trusting you may be the best choice. The Otsutsuki clan, this clan is so terrifying..."

Yun smiled and replied: "I don't need it now, but if it's an introduction, maybe I can try it later."

The heavenly imperial center of the space, the co-killing ashes of the corpse veins, and the Yashigami sky strike...

If there is a correspondence, although Bietianshen comes from the pupil technique of kaleidoscope, in the final analysis, his blood and chakra still come from the sacred tree.

If you have a primer, you can give it a try.


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