Naruto: Intelligence from Uchiha

Chapter 365 Orochimaru's report

a month later.

It has been a month since the Chunin exams were suspended. After the Daimyo Mansions of the Five Great Nations were destroyed, the upper echelon of power was only in chaos for a while because there were still candidates for stability.

Some ambitious people who wanted to take advantage of the wind to soar to 90,000 li chose to succumb to the mobility of Whirlpool and Xiao's force.

For a month, the lights of the Hokage Building in Konoha’s power center have not been turned off. As the fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze and his staff officer, Shikahisa Nara, basically seldom go home.

Hokage, Staff Officer, Ninja Squad Leader, Anbe Captain, Tsunade, Jiraiya, Intelligence Squad Yamanaka Kaiichi, Hinata Hizuru...

After meeting after meeting, even Orochimaru, who hid his identity, arrived at Konoha today.

There are too many things, and even the crisis inquiries from the future that were originally prioritized have been delayed until today.

After all, the top priority is to stabilize the current situation in order to use the technology that Orochimaru has achieved results to increase resources.

As for the crisis from the future, because Yun promised that the visitor was his future self, it was delayed again and again.

Leaf door.


The long tongue like a snake sticks out, like a cold-blooded animal scouting the surroundings, Orochimaru looks at the guy who comes to pick him up in front of him.

"Long time no see... Ziraiya. I didn't expect you to be in the village."

Izumo Kotetsu and the two door gods looked at each other.

"Is there anyone Jiraiya-sama knows?"

"The document was invited by Hokage-sama, so it seems that he is also a big shot."

Jiraiya looked at Orochimaru solemnly, and then signed the guarantee name at Izumoko Iron.

"It is indeed a R\u0026D ninja invited by Minato. The file is sent to the enchantment class as soon as possible. His chakra is temporarily classified as an invited person."

After speaking, Zilai also walked up to Orochimaru and his assistant: "Please, Minato is still waiting for you."

Orochimaru nodded and looked around: "A new perception enchantment? No, it should be the fusion of the enchantment class and the secret art of the Yamanaka family. Otherwise, even Kaiichi Yamanaka would not be able to persist in perceiving? He I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for half a day."

After thinking for a moment, Orochimaru was stunned again.

And Nine Tails Chakra?

"It's really... From the moment I entered, there were constant surprises!"

Jiraiya glanced at him: "Although I don't agree with the current situation, you'd better restrain yourself. No matter if it's Uchiha Yun or Akatsuki's Uzumaki Sora, no one is allowed to destroy the current delicate situation." cooperate."

Orochimaru smiled.

"Subtle cooperation?"

"Jiraiya, are you still so stupid?"

The serious ridicule did not make Ji Lai also angry, but he replied irrefutably: "Only a genius like you will be valued by that prophet-like existence, right? But how long can peace under such high pressure last?" ?”

Entering Konoha, Orochimaru had a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

This village gave him a weak childhood, but it also took the lives of his parents at that time.

It was also from that time that I felt the fragility of life for the first time.

If the Konoha at that time was the Konoha now, then maybe everything would not have happened, right?

"Silai also..."


"You who don't understand the nature of this world, sometimes you are really disgusting with your nonsense..."


Jilai also frowned: "You and I have both experienced wars. Do you think the current state of the Four Great Ninja Villages will continue?"

Orochimaru shook his head slightly: "Sometimes wars are decided by high-level people, but sometimes they are not."

The voice fell, and after a long time, the two passed by the lively commercial street.

After stopping to look at it for a long time, Orochimaru said, "Jiraiya...what do you think is the reason for the war?"

Without even thinking about it, Zilai also directly replied: "After the killing, the feeling of hatred has been passed down from generation to generation. The hatred of killing the father, the tragic death of the brother, the death of both parents... the accumulation of hatred from generation to generation, and the war begins. .”


After a disdainful chuckle, Orochimaru sighed: "That's why I said you are still so stupid..."

Paused: "A long time ago, when I was still in the village, I saw the Gokage meeting record of the first generation of Hokage distributing tailed beasts. There is a sentence in it that has a profound impact, and it was said by the first generation of Kazekage."

"Because they already have a tail, they don't need a tail beast, but the land of Konoha. A strategic weapon like a tail beast is not as good as a rich land for the Kingdom of Wind..."

Having said that, Orochimaru glanced at Jiraiya who was thinking, and then went to the Hokage Building.

Today's Konoha is the Konoha he agrees with, but this kind of Konoha is based on the Uchiha cloud to form a pattern.

Is the old man wrong?

Fighting openly and secretly internally, and compromise again and again externally.

is it wrong?

But if there is no Uchiha cloud, will the Uchiha clan change? Will not change the mind of still holding a coup d'etat, does Konoha dare to use Uchiha again?

Without Uchiha, Konoha's senior management is divided into three parties: the old man, the root, and the family. In this form, can we really fight according to Yun Yin?

It failed to form an overwhelming victory. If Konoha, the side that occupies the most fertile land, forms a siege again, that situation...


After exhaling, Orochimaru put his chaotic thoughts behind him.

A wind like Uchiha Yun blows through the ninja world, bringing much more than himself.

A wind like myself... why not help him and see what the world will turn into in the end.

After Jiraiya explained to the guards, he took Orochimaru into the Hokage Building.

In the office.

Minato with a pair of dark circles under his eyes was very tired, but when he saw Orochimaru, he still stood up and said, "Long time no see."

Orochimaru smiled: "If it wasn't for Sora-kun, people like Konoha and I wouldn't dare approach him now. Hokage-sama, are you right?"

After sitting down again, Minato rubbed his temples. There were too many things in his mind this month, and he was already on the verge of going down.

After thinking for a moment, Minato raised his head and said, "There is no way. Sometimes the higher-ups must be rational. Your crime is unforgivable in my opinion, but you have to cooperate for some reason."

Speaking of which, Minato smiled: "I hope that the new things you develop can make me feel valuable."

Orochimaru on the opposite side licked his lips: "Of course. As the intermediary between Uzumaki Sora and Konoha, if those things don't work, then there's no need for me to exist, right?"

After finishing speaking, Orochimaru took out a sealing scroll.

After the seal was released, the smoke dissipated, and a large pile of things appeared and almost filled the conference hall.

"That person entrusted me with many tasks, some of which have already achieved results, while others have just started."

Orochimaru then took out a document and handed it to Minato: "This is the catalog. Regarding the combination of advantages, there have been preliminary results in achieving high-yield rice through grafting technology. Apart from the initial search for this technology, it is not difficult."

"In addition... the technology of wind power generation and solar power generation has also achieved results, but if it affects the land of wind on a large scale, you need to discuss it in detail."

"There are also some achievements in the long-distance communication problem, but it still needs a lot of work to implement it. At least I still need a lot of fundamental support."


After a series of classifications and summaries, Orochimaru looked at Minato with a smile: "The specific situation is like this. The technical problem is not a big one, but the operation and application must be supported by the five major countries."

"On the bright side... Now that the Daming Mansions of the Five Great Nations are attacked and invaded by the Akatsuki organization, Konoha, as one of the five Ninja villages that can resist the Akatsuki organization, has begun to assume the responsibility of leading the ninja world."

" turn the research results into reality, a lot lies in Konoha's operation."

After the words fell, everyone in the office was dumbfounded for a moment.

The series of achievements just now are actually not impossible to study, but in the ninja world, the reverse of research always lies in the development of techniques.

Maybe at first Lu Jiu thought it was some kind of wood trap that could use natural energy to ripen food at once, but now it seems that it is totally different from what he thought.

Minato flipped through the document in his hand, and Lu Jiu took it over after reading it and read it again.

A stack of documents, most of which have nothing to do with Chakra.

There is only a small part, such as the feasibility study of turning the entire land of the wind country into an oasis by using the wood escape. After all, even the root of the technique of descending from the tree world is also chakra.

Just like Water Dungeon, after ninjutsu is over, the water formed by Chakra will dissipate, and the trees formed by Wood Dungeon are also reflected in the combination of Water Dungeon and Earth Dungeon.

Is it stable and maintained?

Lu Jiu flipped through the documents in his hand, already thinking of many things in his heart.

"With your obsession with ninjutsu, these research reports should not be your original intention."

Orochimaru looked at Lujiu and licked his lips: "You guessed it right, Lujiu, these things are indeed tasks assigned by Uzumaki Sora. I completed the first batch of results in my spare time while studying some of my hobbies."

"But it was this batch of achievements that made me understand that man's understanding of the world, and also his understanding of true peace."

For a while, the other three people in the conference hall fell silent.

Originally they thought...

Gather the hatred of the entire ninja world in one's body, and then eradicate the noble class that is the biggest obstacle to unification, and then use the Konoha on the bright side to represent the front, this is the ultimate goal.

But obviously, Uzumaki Sora has a different view on why there are wars in the ninja world.


In the initial war, all problems came from the lack of resources.

During the Warring States period, families would fight, and after the Ninja Village system was formed, they would fight collectively.

Because those who don't fight or can't win the fight have already perished.

But now the documents with results appearing in front of them, including food, manpower, communication, transportation, etc., seem to have something different.


This kind of power that can be formed by Thunder Escape Chakra seems to be the starting point of change.

Minato's hands trembled a little.

In fact, he is dissatisfied with Konoha and Akatsuki's preliminary establishment of cooperation, but Yun is tempted by the true peace of the future, and with the power of the strongest, he is pressing against the identity of the fifth generation...

Ambiguously, he agreed to the so-called cooperation.

But now it seems that this decision is very correct.

Jiraiya on the side also read the file catalog of Orochimaru at this time. Although he is a bit ignorant, judging from the resulting data, he can also know what it does.

After frowning and thinking for a moment, Zilai also shook his head and said: "Although he is not in his position, I don't think it is necessary for Whirlpool to cause such a big killing..."

"Basically all the Daming Mansions of the Five Great Nations were slaughtered. With countless dead lives, not everyone needs to die to atone for their sins."

"Using these things to strengthen the resources of the entire ninja world, maybe peace can be achieved without killing so many people. The production of food alone has tripled. In this case, there is no need to fight anymore, right?"

As soon as Jiraiya's voice fell, Orochimaru's mocking laughter sounded here.

Disdain, ridicule, contempt...

A series of gazes from Fetters made Jiraiya rub his nose but didn't feel that he was wrong.


Orochimaru smiled and sighed: "You guys are really naive... No wonder the old man is so relieved of you. After all, a guy like you is Hokage, he will be very relieved."

He was about to refute, but Lu Jiu blocked Jiraiya's words directly. After all, he belonged to his own village, so he couldn't watch being slapped in the face.

"Increasing production will lead to increasing tax revenue. In addition, increasing food production will cause its prices to fall again and again. As a result, the prices of vegetables, meat and clothing will make the poor who cannot afford them even more unaffordable."

"Master Ziraiya, don't overestimate the character of that group of people. When the upper class doesn't take care of the lower class, sometimes increasing production is not necessarily a good thing."

"In addition, if unification is not formed, the hostile relationship between the five major countries will also make it difficult for commerce, an industry that promotes circulation."

After speaking, Lu Jiu sighed.

In fact, he is thinking about another thing now.

When his son Shikamaru graduated this semester, Uchiha Yun played a movie with Shikamaru through Uchiha Izumi's assessment.

The content of that movie, the things implied in it, have now been roughly seen.


At that time, Yun had already established a preliminary cooperation with Whirlpool? Didn't they coincide?

Such a concept is already difficult to explain by coincidence.


The armchair was pushed away, and Mizumon stood up again.

I saw him looking at Orochimaru: "I hope you can rejoin Konoha with another identity, the scientific research department. For this world, you should be in this position."

Hearing this, Orochimaru licked his lips: "The secret of immortality has already promised me, now I want to see where this wind will blow the ninja world."

"And cooperating with Konoha is also the task that the one entrusted to me."


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